
The Motives Of European Imperialism In Africa

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For the start of the Imperialism in Africa there could be several different reasonings of why it began. Anything from the improvement of technology, to trading goods. “By the 1800’s Africa was under full assault as European nations competed with one another for the control of the continent.” What was the motive for extending Europe's power into Africa along with wars? The main motives were morals, economic reasonings, and also technological improvements. Europe is striving to take over Africa by battling in wars and sending in their best people to take over. “Send forth the best ye breed- go bind your sons to exile to serve your captives’ need; to wait in heavy harness, on fluttered folk and wild- your new-caught, sullen peoples, half-devil and half-child…” Kings and rulers are sending in their best troops to take over the country and people. “Youths of England, make your country again a royal throne of kings;... first aim is to be to advance the power of England by land and by sea… Germans would learn about colonial skills and would begin- in a friendly competition- to strive after …show more content…

“The Industrial Revolution led to many discoveries and inventions that helped Europeans to take over Africa, such as, a more constant and forceful source of power than sails on ships or horse-drawn carriages, faster way of transportation, treatment for the disease malaria, communication over long distances, quicker and cheaper method of manufacturing steel, first machine gun, and a faster loading gun that was able to fire multiple shots more accurate than older muskets. With the others exceeding with their powers and work, it pushed them to do more and become better than the rest.” Technology rapidly became better and more efficient for workers, people, and soldiers. Soldiers benefited the most because of the more efficient battle weapons that were

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