In the film Unzipped, the process Isaac Mizrahi goes through to put together a collection, from the creation of the garments to the presentation of the collection is documented. The first thing I learned about the industry that stood out to me was that designers can be inspired by anything. In this case, Isaac Mizrahi mentions that he derives a lot of his inspiration from a ballet, dance, films, film stars, and various famous people such as Jacqueline Kennedy. The collection Mizrahi was currently working on was inspired by garments worn by the people in the film Nanook of the North. Another thing I learned about the industry is it can be chaotic at times, but it’s worth it if you really love what you are doing and you are good at it. Mizrahi
The event of Bacon’s Rebellion told by Schweikart showed that the success in colonization was the underlying cause of the rebellion. To start, in Jamestown, there were members elected for the legislative assembly that was divided into an upper house consisting of the governor and council with a lower house made up of burgesses. This participation in politics portrayed the theme of Politics and Power while Schweikart described the background of Bacon’s Rebellion with the white frontiersmen fearing the Indian’s attacks. Nathaniel Bacon Jr. became the governor of Virginia to be involved in the politics by leading the Virginian commoners to rebel for protection against the Indians. Moreover, the Virginians were angered by the fact that Berkeley
The definition of courage according to the Canadian Dictionary is “the strength of mind to control fear and act firmly in the face of danger or difficulties. In the book To Kill A Mockingbird written by Harper Lee, courage represents a different definition. It is said by the character Atticus Finch that courage is “when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what” (ch. 11 pg. 128). Courage shines throughout the character's Aunt Alexandra, Arthur (Boo) Radley, and Atticus Finch. These three characters show the most courage because even through hard times they keep their ground and do not show any source of anger or fear.
Fashion is everything to society and the media. The fashion industry has transformed into a necessity in the life of people. Everyone wants to look good, feel fabulous and feel as if we belong with everyone else. The envy and desire to wear certain things and look a certain way all come, from wearing the latest fashion handbags, accessories, dresses, shoes, and the list goes on. But, when is considering fashion into an individual’s life going too far to the extreme? Many do not consider the whereabouts of fashion materials and how the environment is affected by the mere existence of certain garments. Some may believe these objects grow on trees. But that is clearly not the case. Even though it would be nice. The fashion industry as a
In her 2010 TED talk, titled “Lessons from fashion’s free culture”, Johanna Blakely describes how the fashion industry’s lack of copyright and patent protection has allowed it to thrive in the economic market. This is mainly because designers have been able to recycle the same building blocks of fashion to create innovate, utilitarian designs into what we regard as art to adorn ourselves. In this talk, she urges other creative industries to adopt this concept.
The film itself is a documentary, meaning every moment has historically happened. The film is full of facts and elements that touches the heart. A reliable christian company has produced the movie, and has won many awards making it trustworthy. Though there are some facts there are also drama and opinions. Glady the movie uses facts to prove their opinions. The design of the movie feels very organized and formal. The film is a reliable source for the movie itself is just a visual record of historical events.
Fashion has been around ever since ancient times, since the time of the Romans, it survived the world wars and is yet today a business with rapid changes. Fashion started off as an art form, a way for the riches to show their social status with unique and innovative designs that only they could afford. It was a way to separate the social classes of the society. In this paper I will include the creator of haute couture, and how the following designers developed couture, as well as having leading names in today’s ready-to-wear industry. The list is long, but I chose to focus on the three most important designers of the modern fashion industry.
As a child, I have always been a visually observatory person. Patterns, textiles, and fashion have always been high interests of mine. My childhood consisted of many Barbie dolls as toys, and it wasn't the Barbie dolls that I wanted to play with, but the clothes that I loved to collect and interchange between the dolls. Creating different outfits for the dolls made me feel as if I was making my own mark in fashion. As I grew older, begging my mother to purchase fashion magazines like Vogue, Elle, and Harpers Bazaar were typical and became expected. While flipping through the pages of fashion magazines, I was enthralled while examining the latest trends from celebrities and models. This is what influenced me to want to work in the fashion industry.
‘Fashion industry is characterised by short product life cycles, volatile and unpredictable demand, tremendous product variety, long and inflexible supply processes and a complex supply chain.’
“In 2015, more than 6.5 million Americans ages 12 and over used prescription drugs for non-medical purposes in a single month.” (National Survey on Drug Use and Health)
Elie Saab developed an interest on fashion starting from early ages. Built his first atelier only at the age of 18. His passion for fashion and haute couture grew in the following years and has dedicated himself to his brand from design to brand and customer communications .According to him :“Couture was a creative engine for the entire brand, a marketing tool for foundation of an image on a profound long term level.”
Ever since I was little my dream was to own a fashion brand. I have always been fascinated by fabrics, designs and outfits. As soon as I left high school I interned at a fashion house for three months and then my fashion dreams skyrocketed into something most times I cannot even fathom. For me, fashion and styling has been something I have always done with so much passion and happiness for the past four years. I have styled so many people for red carpet events and created outfits for them as well. Also writing reviews for online magazines. Styling and constructing my designs into wearable pieces for me, is fun. I see an outfit or a fabric and in my subconscious mind I am already thinking of what to create out of it. This came naturally for
The love story between two different teenagers that come from completely different worlds is the most remarkable. The Notebook is about two young teenagers who fell head over heels with each other. They got separated by Allie’s upper-class parents who insist that Noah isn’t right for her. But that obstacle didn’t stop these two young lovers from being together even if it took years. This beautiful tale has a special meaning to an older gentleman who regularly reads the timeless love story to his aging wife to help her remember what they went through and that the story that he’s reading to her was their love story. The story he reads follows two young
Imagine knowing the top designers on a first name basis, seeing their newest creations up close and personal before anyone has even staggered a glance, traveling the world and leading a successful life slaving over beautiful colors, fabrics, art, and people.
The box itself paints itself as the front of a horror book from the 80s or 90s, with a low angle shot of an old house that is backlit by creepy green fog, and a full moon peers through the clouds. This game is meant to be horror, and the players are supposed to know exactly that going in.
The fashion design career, has recently emerged as one of the most popular and competitive among young people. Those who actually succeed in design have a very individualistic personal style and don’t follow trends set by others. Having fashion design as your profession sometimes allows you to meet glamorous people. It can also put you in charge of what is in and out when it comes to clothing through ramp shows and fashion write-ups. Most designers have a great social status, and are accepted by everyone. However, There are many aspects which may or may not help you choose it as your career.