
The Murder Of Odysseus In Homer's Odyssey

Decent Essays

Odysseus had been gone for 20 years, and he wanted his family to be one again, so to do this he had to act in a violent way. When Odysseus had finished testing all the suitors and everyone else, it left one final step so that he could become a family again, he had to kill the suitors. The prince was first to cast himself in bronze and his servants followed suit-- both harnessed up and all three flanked Odysseus, mastermind of war, and he, as long as he’d arrows left to defend himself, kept picking suitors off in the palace, one by one and down the went, corpse on corpse in droves. (22:121-126)
When Odysseus had gone to kill the suitors he had no intentions in doing it for fun, he believed that he had a reason. He was ‘left to defend himself’ and not only himself but he also was fighting for his family and home. To the suitors Penelope was their ticket to riches, they didn’t care for he and they only wanted what Odysseus had. “Even now her …show more content…

This caused Odysseus to come up with this plan to help both his crew and himself get home safely. Choosing between who dies and who lives is a big decision for one person, and for Odysseus it may be the biggest decision he would make on his whole journey. “But now, fearing death, all eyes fixed on Charybdis--/ now Scylla snatched six men from our hollow ship,/ the toughest, strongest hands I had, and glancing/ backward over the decks, searching for my crew [...]” (12:265- 268). Odysseus had to make the decision of risking his whole ship or, losing six of his strongest men. Odysseus didn’t risk all of his shipmates, for he cared for them and didn’t want to loose them all, but rather kill only six of his men. Odysseus could have risked it and killed his whole crew, but when he didn’t it shows how inside he is a good man, who wants to get to his

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