
The Muscular System Of The Human

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Introduction The muscular system of the human is a vital part in one’s everyday life. There are three types of muscles. Skeletal muscles help people carry out locomotor skills like walking and skipping as well as skills related to sports like kicking a soccer ball. Smooth muscles are located in the digestive, excretory, respiratory, reproductive, and other body systems. The purpose of smooth muscles is to contract and move food or carry blood through the body. The cardiac muscle is responsible for pumping the heart so blood can circulate throughout the body (Allen and Harper 2013). Skeletal muscles are composed of sarcomeres. Sarcomeres are made from filaments that are think and thin. Actin is molecules that make the thin filament. Intertwined in the thin filament, is a strand called tropomyosin. In between the tropomyosin is troponin, molecules that are placed within the tropomyosin at specific points of the strand. The think filaments are made of molecules of myosin. At the ends of the filament strands, there are teardrop-shaped ends known as myosin heads. With the help of ATP, the myosin heads attach to the thin filament’s binding sites and form crossbridges. The attachment aids in the contraction of human muscles (Allen and Harper 2013). There are instances when human muscles do not function properly and limit human motion. For instance, Ataxia is a disease that affects one’s movement and coordination. Cerebellar ataxia is when the part of the brain that controls

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