Our counselors need to attend the program because this is part of their profession to work with clients and focus in depth on their unique needs. The Myers-Briggs assessment helps our clients gain self-understanding and a healthy psychological development (MBTI Training Institute, 2016). According to the MBTI Training Institute 2016, this program can enrich the work life as a counselor, career counselor, guidance counselor, therapist, or psychologist: improve the communication style in order to clarify the recommendations to clients, enhance your versatility and effectiveness with clients and coworkers, recognize individual communication preferences in order to help clients and families focus on positive steps for improvement, and resolves
As I reviewed my MBTI results, most of my percentages have not drastically changed over time. This gives me continued confidence in the following MBTI results which indicate I am an ?ISTJ?: introvert (16%), sensing (9%), thinking (31%) and judging (53%) (Jung Typology Test, 1998-2017).
The Myers-Briggs type indicator is a test that is designed to look for a psychological preference on how are seen in the world and how they make a decision. In essence allows on to see what kind of leader they are. The MBTI was created by Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers. The way the test works is are you have answered the questions you will receive a 4 letter personality type. This will then correspond with a full breakdown of your personality type. Providing a very useful information. I conducted a version of this test online, in which my results came up to be an INTP. INTP stands for Introverts, intuitive, thinking, and perceiving.
Why do NFL teams conduct training camps annually? Fundamentally, they are testing each player’s level of knowledge of the team’s playbook. This assists the coaches in deciding who to keep or cut, but more importantly, it allows the executives to assess each athlete’s character. Likewise, the Myers-Briggs Test has everyone answer a myriad of questions to figure out their specific personality. I received the designation of introverted, sensing, feeling, and judging or “ISFJ.” Simply, I am someone who avoids receiving attention, builds deep, personal friendships, and judges people harshly for their mistakes. Additionally, this test was extremely informative because it helped me identify possible future jobs and explained how I can further excel within social relationships.
A career as a mental health counselor will still give me the ability to care and help others for a long time to come. I began the decision making process and planning for a fresh career years before the actual decision. To be a professional counselor further education is required. Once graduate school started last July I have enjoyed the process, have remained determined to stay balanced and have not allowed myself to feel an overload of stress. A career change at this phase of life, middle age, has been a positive experience as well as confidence building. It is a challenge I am willing to undertake. For the Master of Arts Degree In Professional Counseling program a practicum and two internships are required. This takes planning related to demographics, finding a site that accepts students, and for myself making the decision to leave NC and move to Panama City Florida. One
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) “is an introspective self-report questionnaire designed to indicate psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions” (13). It is one of several personality assessments that is popular among modern mental health experts throughout the world. Currently, it is estimated that the MBTI is “taken by more than two million people per year and is translated into 16 languages (10). “The purpose of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality inventory is to make the theory of psychological types described by C. G. Jung understandable and useful in people 's lives” (4).
Learning how to socialize in big groups and thinking before acting can take you further in life rather than the other way around.The purpose of the Myers-Briggs test is to indicate your personality type by using four scales. The four scales are 1. extroversion/introversion 2.sensate/intuitive, 3. thinking/feeling 4. judging/ perceiving. According to the test, I scored higher of extroversion like than introversion. I also I scored higher in thinking rather than feeling. In other words, using my head other than my heart. Being an extrovert comes with having high energy and the love of being around large crowds. Which I can say fits my personality perfectly. Also, I think about situations in the long run before automatically acting off my immediate
Who are you? Many fortune cookies, horoscopes, and other whimsical devices attempt to tell us our personalities, or our combination of traits and behaviors that make up who we are. However, psychologists today deviate from those unsubstantiated methods and have concocted various personality tests that give us a better understanding of who we are. One such test is called the Myers-Briggs personality test. Based on theories by Carl Jung, but primarily created by Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother, Katharine Cook Briggs, the test gives people a standardized survey of questions to answer. Standardized, meaning the test is given and scored in the exact same way every time to give unbiased and accurate results. It scores people in four pairs of characteristics, so there is a total of 16 possible personality types. Each pair of characteristics are opposites and a person can fall anywhere between the extreme end of one opposite to the extreme end of the other. The pairs are extroverted and introverted, sensing and intuition, thinking and feeling, finally judging and perceiving. A person can have strong, moderate or weak tendencies towards a preference. (Rathus, 2010, p. 420) There is some criticism of the Myers-Briggs test however, not everyone fits into the categories. People may answer according to socially acceptable norms instead of their honest answers. Not all of the theories were proven, Carl Jung made many observations and deductions but they weren’t formally
The result of my personality assessment indicates that I am an ESFJ. This code is characterized as “The Guardian,” Extroverted –Sensing - Feeling– Judging. According to the assessment, my primary mode of living is focused on providing care for those in need. My primary mood is focused externally; this is where I deal with situations according to my feelings or my feelings toward them. It also explains that I decide things on the premises of how they fit in with my personal value system. I interpret this as I make decisions on the premises on how it fits with my morals and values. The ESFJ's value system is defined externally, according to the personality test. This means that I
The Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator test gave me the personality type “ENFJ.” ENFJ stands for “Extraverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, and Judging. While reading the information about my personality type, I understood a lot of what it was saying to me. Basically, I was being told that I am someone who cares deeply for other people. I have always been like that. I think it has something to do with how I was raised. Like some people, I was raised in the church, meaning I went to church, often, as a child. Every Sunday, my dad would drag me to church and make me sit and listen to the preacher preach. Even though I despised it, I feel like it has helped me to become the person I am today.
This past Friday the Myers-Briggs test determined my personality to be within the INFJ category. The character description helped me to identify different aspects of my personality, and I have reviewed the major ways I communicate with others and progress through various emotions. The career page encouraged me to consider possible careers matching the conditions under which I best thrive. The review also pinpointed my God-given gifts, showing my role in His will.
John Adams once said, “Thanks be to God that he gave me stubbornness when I know I am right”. John Adams, like myself was introverted, intellectual, thinking, and judging, or an INTJ on the Myers Briggs personality test. Like all INTJs, Adams was stubborn and flouted the ideas of others that he did not agree with. By using my results from the Meyers Briggs personality test, I can examine how I react to certain things and use this to improve my Spirituality, my relationship with God, and ultimately my relationship with others through Christ.
The world would be a lot better of a place if everyone got along and knew how to communicate effectively with one another. There are several different personalities at any given workplace. “According to typological theory, each of us is born with a predisposition for certain personality preferences” (Kroeger pg11 para4). The Myers-Briggs Personality assessment is the most effective way to determine one’s personality type. The test uses different markers to determine how one is stimulated and exerts energy, gather information, make decisions, and living structure. At the completion of the test one will get personality type that is comprised of four letters. The test was developed based off of Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs-Myers’ psychological research on personalities and later dissected into Otto Kroeger’s book, “Type Talk at Work.” This book gives one the tools to determine what one’s personality is and then goes into great detail about one’s strengths and weaknesses and how it applies to to real life situations. My personality description is ENFP; Extravert, iNtuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving. The following are details regarding and ENFP personality type examining a holistic view including personal and work place interactions. Everything is based on insights gained from real world experiences and interactions.
The Myers and Briggs Analysis is a series of questions that when answered are examined and grouped together in order to determine the personalities of those taking this test. This particular test can result in sixteen different outcomes or types of personalities, which is determined by four different categories that judge if you are introverted or extroverted, use your senses or your intuition, your choice to think or use your feelings, and finally if you are judgmental or perceptive. These series of questions are designed to judge our personalities and help us to determine which career pathways we will be most suited for based on our personality traits and abilities to work well with others, which is important
According to my results of the Myers Briggs analysis and collectivism survey I am very loyal to a group. This could be considered a weakness in the sense that I do not think of myself first. This could allow me to do harm to myself to help others which in a sense could nativity affect my development as a leader and allow others to walk over me. Another weakness presented by the VIA was my humility and arrogance. The article “When Followers Become Toxic”(2004) presented in week 3’s readings states that “Those who already think highly of themselves are most susceptible to flattery’s charms. In particular, leaders predisposed toward narcissism may find their narcissistic tendencies pushed to unhealthy levels when they are given heavy doses of follower ingratiation.” (Offermann, 2004, Page 57) We also discussed this idea of follower influence in the final week of the course, according to the presentation from class some essential qualities of good followers are that they posses courage, honesty, and credibility. These good followers would help this weakness not be such an issue.
The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) enables an individual to gain a deeper insight into their inherent personality traits. For some people, they have had prior knowledge or underlying assumptions about their personality, but this test provides clearer information about each of their identifiable traits. According to the MBTI in Human-metric personality test, my scores were 22% (E) extroverted thinking more than introverted, 9% (N) intuitive as oppose to sensing, 16% (T) thinking more than feeling, and 12% (J) judging as compared to perceiving. Thus, my personality type is ENFJ. The ENFJ personality group is described as a minority group that consists of natural-born leaders, and people filled with passion, and charisma for example, Barack Obama and Oprah Winfrey; they are notable members of this group, also known as the protagonists (16personalities, 2016). The protagonists apprehend pride in providing guidance for others to improve individually and to improve the community at large (16personalities, 2016). The protagonists find it naturally easy to communicate with others and excel at communicating with other people in person (16personalities, 2016).