The Nanking, or known as Nanking Massacre or Rape of Nanking, started on December 13, 1937 and lasted for about six weeks. It all started out during the Sino-Japanese War when the Japanese won a gory victory in Shanghai in the summer of 1937. Their next stop was towards Nanking and General Matsui Iwane commanded his troop, made of 50,000 soldiers, to invade and destroy the city. Words were spreading around that the Japanese had committed numerous brutal actions on their way though China. The Chinese soldiers in Nanking outnumbered the Japanese and had a lot of ammunition but they were very unorganized and poorly led. After four days of fighting, 90,000 Chinese soldiers surrendered and the Japanese thought of this as an act of cowardice and
In December of 1937, the Japanese Imperial Army invaded Nanking, China. They killed 300,00 out of the 600,000 people in China’s capital city. The six-week rampage by the Japanese is now known as the Rape of Nanking and the single worst atrocity during WWII era in either the European or Pacific theaters of the war.
In China, they had to survive, even though the Japanese Army sent out
Despite the Chinese’s best efforts, in the end, the Japanese Army was able to successfully invade and take control of Shanghai. This battle is the prequel to the Rape of Nanjing. After the battle of Shanghai ended on November 11, 1937, the Japanese troops started their journey to China's then capital, Nanjing. The army marched approximately 190 miles down the Yangtze River before reaching Nanjing. Prior to the attack, the Japanese demanded the surrender of the Chinese troops in Nanjing on December 9,
The Japanese soldiers had no sense of remorse or sorrow for the prisoners instead they pushed them to their breaking point. Many prisoners collapsed which proved fatal because if you fell behind you became a practice dummy for the Japanese to sharpen their bayonet skills and techniques of killing on you. On one occasion, a prisoner was falling behind in the rear so tanks that followed lined themselves up to run over the victim and squish him into the pavement to make it look as if he were from a cartoon. Since the Japanese could
Throughout The Rape of Nanking, the brutal massacre of thousands of innocent Chinese citizens is brought forth through the invasion of this ancient city taken over by the Imperial Japanese army. Iris Chang illustrates the graphic details of the murder and rape of these victims through the perspectives of different sides of the attack. Chang; furthermore, ties in the mass genocide and destruction displayed throughout the book with the example of the Japanese government’s desperate attempt to cover up the incident and the reluctance of the survivors to discuss it. In addition, the horrifying events of The Rape of Nanking only further motivated an uncontrollable desire for aggression, violence, and imperialism in the Asian community evidently
European settlers had arrived on the shores of Port Phillip Bay in 1835 and preceded to settle in Melbourne. Many massacres occurred in the Kulin nation periodically after the settler’s arrival ( forcing many of the Kulin clans to flee their land as an act of survival. There was also no spare land that was available for them that wasn’t occupied by settlers or squatters, Aboriginals only took up 1% of the land they once fully inhabited(video) Furthermore, the lieutenant-governor Charles La Trobe issued a ban on the Aboriginal people in 1840 from living in Melbourne ( These ancestors who were separated from their land which had begun to replicate a European city must have suffered from terrible effects on their identity and their spirituality, understanding the
In 1984 the Sino-Japanese war happened. This war has significant influence for Chinese government, because this is the first time China were defeated by a non-western power, and Japan was consider as a weak “tiny” neighbor of China. China and the entire world was shocked by losing Sino-Japanese War. Losing Sino-Japanese War is a symbol that Qing Dynasty is going to perished, and the way that China lose is worth to study. Even though the westernization movement did not operated so well, but it still modernize and improve the Chinese military power. Especially Chinese marine has lots of modern warship and weapon, and China has more soldier than Japan. It is fair to say that China has enough army to fight with Japan. But, why Japanese win the Sino-Japanese War? Firstly, Chinese government did not realized that Japan dare to fight with China, so they did not prepare well. Secondly, Chinese government try to stop the war by diplomacy, they trying ask western countries for help, but, at the moment the western countries were stand for Japan. Last and most importantly, the old feudalism and bureaucracy made Chinese army lose the war. The commander of Chinese marine Li Hongzhang, who is also the leader of “westernization” party in the government. Because he is the commander of the marine, so he has authority in Qing government. He does not wants to fight with Japanese army, because if he lose his marine, he will also lose the
World War II was a devastating war, whether you were directly in the war zone, or away from the battlefield, you were impacted greatly. Flyboys is a book written by James Bradley, in this book Bradley tells stories of World War II using first-hand accounts. In chapter five, Bradley discusses “The Rape of China” which was a battle that took place in 1937 during the beginning of World War II. In this battle, the Japanese fight the Chinese and destroy China. Both Japan and China had very different moral beliefs on fighting in the war. China believed that the soldiers needed to “be courteous,” and to also be “neither selfish nor unjust” to civilians (Bradley 54). Meanwhile, the Japanese had totally opposite policies known as the “Three Alls” meaning
Although the Japanese believed it was dishonarable to surrender and probably thought they made the best decision, I am sure they didnt think about the lives they were putting in danger. The civilians that died were not to blame, and shouldnt have had to endure the devastions of the war but sadly they did live on a military port.
The most gruesome tales have come to light by the people who survived the merciless actions of the Japanese soldiers. For instance, Tang Shunsan who witnessed and survived the mass murder of Nanking when he left the safety of his hideout behind due to his simple curiosity. Tang and his fellow shoemaker apprentices hid in their house where they converted the doorway so it looked like “...from the outside, a smooth, unbroken wall”(nanking 2). The Japanese soldiers never would have known he was there had he not ventured out into the open to satiate his curiosities of what a Japanese man looked like. Once discovered, he was taken to a large grave for the Chinese people they had killed, and, “ Tang’s horror, a competition began among the soldiers-a competition to determine who could kill the fastest”(nanking 3 pg. 85). With luck on his side, Tang survived the competition when “ the soldier decapitated the man directly in front of Tang”(nanking 4) and instead of moving out of the way, “Tang also toppled backwards and dropped, together with the body, into the pit”(nanking
The Japanese didn't understand how the allies could so easily surrender with no shame or dishonour as they believed that you were either to be killed in the war or commit suicide if captured. This is why they were overwhelmed by the amount of prisoners they had to put in camps. In February 1942 there was 15,000 ‘Australian’ POW, and by mid-1943 only 2,500 remained. In May 1444 Changi had a total of 5,000 Australian POWs of the 11,100 prisoners; who were all crammed into less than a quarter of a square kilometre. In Selarang Barracks, the POW’s camps, unlike others, resorted to commanding officers of the allies (who were also prisoners) to taking care and controlling what happens in the camp.The POWs were given supplies and food and left till
But one time, a Calvary of Mongolians crossed the border of Manchuria to find some grass to feed their horses. The Japanese attacked the small unit, and drove the Mongols out. Then the Mongolian unit brought an army into Manchuria, but this time Japan was not able to defend against them. The Mongolians, with the Soviets, were too strong for the Japanese to defeat them and the Japanese got surrounded. Eight officers were killed along with ninety-seven soldiers, and one officer was wounded along with thirty-three soldiers on May 28. (Young) The Japanese were miserably defeated by the Soviet Union, but that did not convince the Japanese to stop attacking.
Monica Sone, her family, and the whole Japanese community faced a significant amount of stereotyping and prejudice during this time. This prejudice all began in 1937 when the Japan attacked Shanghai in China. This battle was part of a larger war between Japan and Chinese, which is known as the Second Sino-Japanese War. This battle was one of the bloodiest and harshest of the entire war, “It was also the first urban conflict during which massive destruction, especially aerial bombing, ensued with utmost disregard for the consequences to civilians…the result was a catastrophic amount of casualties” (Henriot). Nearly 300,000 soldiers died on both sides over a span of three months. The Chinese community continuously despised the Japanese community since this war; they even wore symbols to distinguish themselves from the Japanese. Monica began realizing that the Chinese in her community would act hostile towards her, “The Chinese consul announced that all
Most people in the world never seem to realize the mass number of raping or killings that are going on around them. Meanwhile, during the holocaust, no one understood how much it was happening around them then either, except for the people it was happening to. Most people are aware of the savagery that occurred during the holocaust in Germany, but few have ever even heard of Nanjing, much less the rape of Nanjing. Both genocides share very close similarities, and they both also share their differences.
In the past 2 decades the us has become tolerant with matters regarding Marijuana. In fact between 2001 and 2003 the number of adults using marijuana has not only increased but doubled. State medical boards are now required to regulate physicians who recommend Marijuana related treatments to their patients.