
The Napoleonic Er The Causes Of The Napoleonic Era

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The Napoleonic Era can be said to have begun with the Coup of 18 Brumaire, which overthrew the Directory (and is often believed to have brought the French Revolution to a close), and established the French Consulate, along with the appointment of Napoleon as First Consul in the winter of 1779. Preceding this time, the French were fighting a loosing battle against the Ottomans throughout Egypt, Greater Syria, and the Levant. Once Napoleon became the de facto ruler of France, he began massive reforms. The spread of citizens’ rights into law began, representative assembly took hold, religious toleration became the norm, the country was re-organized into departments, and the metric system was invented. Upon becoming First Consul, Napoleon established …show more content…

At this time, France also sold their North American continental holdings to the Americans in the “Louisiana Purchase”. Britain cancelled the treaty in May 1803, and war resumed. Europeans formed seven coalitions between 1792-1815 to defeat French forces. In May of 1804, Bonaparte had himself declared Emperor, and crowns himself in the company of a (bribed) pope. The Code Civil became Code Napoleon and Napoleon codified French law into statutes. In 1805, the bulk of the most noteworthy Napoleonic victories of the Era begin to occur, such as those of Ulm, Trafalgar (including the death of Lord Nelson), and Austerlitz, resulting in the defeat of the Holy Roman and the Russian Empire. The Confederation of the Rhine was created at this time and initially included 16 member states, with Saxony and Westphalia joining later. In 1806, British marines (temporarily) seize Buenos Aires from Spain, and are expelled by local militias in 1807. Napoleon also begins naming family member to various governmental posts in earnest, including Joseph to the post of King of Naples. During this time, Prussia joins Britain and Russia, and the Battle of Jena is fought and lost by the

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