
The Narral Of Men In Beowulf's Journey

Decent Essays

As I was reading about our valiant Beowulf this week, one aspect that I noticed is the accompaniment of men that he had with him on his journeys. When Beowulf had set out to defeat Grendel, his small band of soldiers were loyally there by his side, ready to lay down their own lives in honor of the heroic code each of them had sworn by. “None of them expected he would ever see/ his homeland again or get back/ to his native place and the people who reared him” (47). They knew going into the battle that it was very real that they might not come out and that idea was alright with them. They believed in that code and their leader so much that it super-ceded their fear of running away. “Through the strength of one they all prevailed” (47).

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