
The National Drinking Age Research Paper

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The National Drinking Age Research Paper In the United States of America, there is a minimum drinking age of 21. The legal drinking age legally specifies the youngest age in which a person is allowed to consume and purchase alcoholic beverages. From country to country, there are varying ages of legal drinking ages. There is much debate in the United States on whether the legal drinking age should be lowered to eighteen from twenty one, or should remain the same. People in favor of lowering the drinking age propose that since eighteen is characterized as being an adult (legally and socially), one of the rights that should come along with that is drinking alcohol. Also, that if we were to lower the drinking age, less young adults would be …show more content…

The temperance societies were religious groups whose main focus was ridding American society from alcohol, because they believed it was the cause of all their misfortunes. Soon enough, this group became a powerful political force, campaigning on the state level for prohibition (prohibiting all sale, manufacture and transportation of intoxicating liquors for the use as beverages).4 In December 1917, Congress passed the 18th Amendment of prohibition and was sent to states for ratification.4 Two years later on January 29, 1919, the 18th Amendment receives the three-fourths majority of state ratification.4 Prohibition took effect in January 1920. Following the passage of the 18th Amendment, crime began to sprung about in large scale.4 Illegal sale and production of alcohol began to occur all across the United States. This action was called bootlegging.4 As the manufacturing and sale of the illegal alcohol went further into the underground, shady area, it began to be managed by gangs and the Mafia.4 They became skilled at bribing politicians and the police force to turn their face away from their illegal activities, and they renamed and transformed themselves into cultivated criminal businesses that obtained immense profits from their bootleg alcohol trade.4 In addition to bootlegging, prostitution and gambling also arrived at new heights. Because of the colossal increase in criminal activity due to prohibition, Congress passed the 21st

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