
The National Trust For Historic Preservation Essay

Decent Essays

Mini Case Study #2

Question 1
“How does the case of the National Trust for Historic Preservation reflect the concept of resource dependence discussed in this chapter? How does it reflect the interaction between sources of revenue and priorities?”
In the case of the National Trust for Historical Preservation (this will be referred to in the future as NTHP in this paper), the concept is reflected in their decision to break away from government funding. Because Congress had designated them as a trust, they had a large portion of their budget in their hands, about a fifth. When budgeting constraints began to be too close for comfort, the NTHP was done dealing with Congress. They were done being “lobbyists on our own behalf” (Adelman, 2005) and wanted to do more with what resources they had from other grants and memberships. This interaction of revenue stream and priorities came to a confluence and then a compromise. This compromise helped the NTHP establish what they felt was important, and put their priorities first. Because they now were leaning away from government support, their true priorities could be established without the lobbying and bias of the Congress of the United States.

Question 2
“Think back on (or read again) the discussion in Chapter 2 about the functions that nonprofit organizations perform with regard to government. How does the case of the National Trust for Historic Preservation reflect those various roles?”’
Upon re-reading Chapter 2, many ideas

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