
The Necklace

Satisfactory Essays

Interpreting “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant The value of interpretive fiction lies in the ability of the story to convey some sort of principle that is translatable to everyday life, illustrating practical truths and the demonstrating moral ethics. Guy de Mauppasant’s short story “The Necklace” is full of interpretive and thematic significance. This significance lies in the ability of the story to convey the idea that it is important to recognize the worth in oneself and not to attach meaning to material possessions. Another important point that resonates after reading this story is that happiness does not come in the form of material wealth and that greed for material wealth can ultimately function to diminish all that one has. …show more content…

. . . Well, it's paid for at last, and I'm glad indeed." Mme Forestier responds with surprise “Oh, my poor Mathilde! But mine was imitation. It was worth at the very most five hundred francs! . . . " After reading this short story by Maupassant it is almost inevitable that the reader will feel frustrated with Mathilde’s stupidity. It seems so ludicrous that someone’s pride could cost them so much; that her life could be so devastated for a piece of jewellery. Furthermore, a piece of fake jewellery! What a scandal! The truth is however that these types of scenarios play out on a day to day basis, although perhaps not as exaggerated as the scenario in this story. Maupassant wanted the reader to comprehend the arbitrary nature of the necklace, the necklace being symbolic of material possession and social status. What is also important to recognize is that the necklace itself, even when it possessed the power to transform Mathilde into a magnificent, upper class bourgeoisie, talk of the town woman; was a fake. Maupassant is clearly mocking society’s trivial preoccupation with insignificant objects and false appearances. Mathilde Loisel is the vessel that Mauppasant uses to convey some very important messages and criticisms about how we should live our lives. It is clear to see that Mathilde wasted ten years of her and her husband’s life in drudgery because their pride did not allow them to be honest. What is more tragic is that her vanity

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