When focusing on the needs and interests for my program I have to consider adolescents and adults. I am expecting to have sessions with the adolescents and a subsequent session involving their caregivers. These two groups are going to have more differences than similarities when it comes to what they expect out of a program and incentives to participate or even show up. I expect that all needs will not be met, but I plan on addressing most of them.
Because of their age group, the adolescents might not yet be able to drive, can drive but do not have access to a vehicle, share a vehicle with another family member, or their means of transportation may be unreliable. This would probably require picking them up in a carpool fashion (by the
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Two hours in the evening allows for minimal interruption for Saturday night plans (Cooney, Small, & O 'Connor, 2007). The time is going to be around dinner for many individuals. It is proven that when hungry, people are less likely to be receptive to new information. According to Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, the first of five levels of motivation is “the desire to satisfy physiological needs” (Goodman, 1968). Being comfortable physically as well physiologically creates a good learning environment for the individual.
Having a program on the weekends will require incentives since this is a major time for leisure and relaxation for adolescents and adults alike. One incentive I would like to implement is point reduction on a license or having this in lieu of a fine. I would need to work with the local DMV, but I believe that targeting those teens who are already expressing driving malpractices will be most effective. If they have had one run in with the law, they are more than likely to repeat in a similar way. The point reduction is something that will be pushed greatly by the caregivers because they are more than likely paying the insurance bill. Adolescents already increase the price of insurance because of their age, adding points will increase that even more. Using it as a fine substitution will be beneficial for the teens. Most of them do not work while going to school,
Issue that in my opinion would affect the evaluation of a domestic violence program would be lack of information on the victim and abuser. Another affect on evaluation would be is there a data base on domestic violence crime. Is the data assessable, is there a statistic rate what is the ratio of women, men, and children been victim of domestic violence. Other issue that could affect the planning of domestic violence is the long term affect of being a victim of domestic violence. According to (N.D), "[The long term effects of domestic violence have not begun to be fully documented. Battered women suffer physical and mental problems as a result of domestic violence. Battering is the single major cause of injury to women, more significant that auto accidents, rapes, or muggings. In fact, the emotional and psychological abuse inflicted by batterers may be more costly to treat in the short-run than physical injury. Many of the physical injuries sustained by women seem to cause medical difficulties as women grow older. Arthritis, hypertension and heart disease have been identified by battered women as directly caused or aggravated by domestic violence suffered early in their adult lives.
Maturity and rationalization is not yet achieved or experienced by teenagers. In the era of technology there are several distractions for drivers of any age to maneuver. Parents can play an educational role by enrolling their teen into a driver’s educational program. Some states require students to complete a comprehensive graduated drivers licensing (GDL) program prior to receiving their license. The brain function is still developing in teenagers and may impede the quick thinking process necessary to become a responsible driver. For the safety and welfare of teenagers the age requirement in Arizona for a driver’s license should be increased from 16 to 18 years of age.
This would lead to a large amount of traffic in the area. The danger would be increased because of the fact that these are largely inexperienced, teen drivers. You would also risk the teens who don’t have transportation, and decide to walk somewhere for lunch, being hit or injured by these cars”.(crystal lamborado) in a school district of 11,000 students in suffolk county they stopped allowing students to go off campus because of a lunch time car that killed 2 seniors and another
My program is geared toward preschool aged children, typically 3-6 years old. We believe we can provide safe, secure, affordable, quality care for our families. We also strive to create a positive atmosphere so the chilidren can interact with their peers, teachers and families. All children in attendance have the right to a wholesome, healthy and happy educational experience. We see to it that everyone is treated equally regardless of their ethnic and religious backgrounds.
Teenagers in America have lots of responsibilities and places to be like their jobs and school. In July of 2015 over 20.3 million 16-24 year olds were employed. If those teens below age 18 or 21 weren’t allowed to drive, that makes their job even harder than they already are.
program is and some of the issues they may encounter in their community. This will prepare the
All genders all welcome along with all races, ethnicities, cultures, and religions. I want my program to be culturally competent and very inclusive for the underserved kids in my local town of Thomasville.
The question of enforcing graduated licensing still remains but fewer people to enforce it with the job becomes easier. An answer for the "enforcement challenge''couldbe to have teenagers put a sticker on their car naming the date of when they can drive with friends. If the car is a parent's car police officers can simply ignore the sticker when the parent is driving. A simple solution but
While researching what effective programs for children, youth, and families look like I came across several interesting concepts. Many of the program's main goal was to empower their participants and make sure that they came out of the program with more knowledge. There were also programs that wanted to teach their participants about safety as well as how to improve their attitudes. There seems to be such a variety in programs but from what I could tell each program really wanted to improve the lives of children and families. All the programs that I looked at had a goal of providing people with helpful information that could further improve their lives.
Identify a need or opportunity for program development or a new area in which to practice:
As scholars are constantly reminded to eat a healthy portion of breakfast before testing, most scholars find themselves wondering, “Would eating breakfast really improve my performance?” According to many psychologists, consuming breakfast may have benefits in performance, but to an extent. However, some have also deduced that breakfasts may also harm the performance of scholars. Nonetheless, scholars who eat a healthy breakfast seem to have higher energy levels and ability than those who did not because of the nutrients consumed and absorbed by the body and mind. Consuming breakfasts would have beneficial effects on learning, to an extent; however, the different types of breakfasts could also have detrimental effects as well. The goal of this research is to determine not if breakfasts improve academic performance, but by how much? In addition, to the fact that there are possible “side effects” to this method of improvement, which leads to ask, are all breakfasts healthy? Scholars eating breakfast in order to improve performance may be possible for academic performance. However, if scholars believe and reason over the fact that eating breakfast does improve academic performance, then the effects of school behavior would be tested. Consuming a breakfast does provide nutrients for the body and mind. However, the nutrients provided could only benefit the body and mind to such a limit. Then, there is also the
Teens should not be permitted to drive until they are 18 years old. They should be able to drive on a temporary permit when they are 16 years old and use it until they turn 18 years old. This permit would allow them to drive only during daylight hours and with a parent/guardian. This would enable the young drivers to become more experienced. The eight hours of drivers training with your instructor is not enough. These teens need to get a feel for the road and learn to drive defensively. If you do not know how to operate a vehicle responsibly, it could be used as a deadly weapon. These young drivers are hurting themselves and other innocent people, because of their lack of experience and their irresponsibility.
Teenagers today-In some households- help play bigger parts in their family,to help relieve stress for their guardians.Most students have siblings that are younger and might attend school down the street from them,having the student being able to drive to pick their siblings up would relieve their parents or guardians from one less point on the check-list. Me being in highschool I personally know teens who have bigger
In the area of youth and family programs the agency has developed programs that are designed to provide a supportive environment to promote healthy development. At the same time, the agency’s
My target area began as a focus on eating more in general. The food available at PSP was not always ideal, many times the food was either unhealthy or there simply weren’t enough options that I enjoyed. As a result, I noticed that my weight began to significantly decline and I desperately wanted to allay this problem. After completing my log sheets over three weeks, I came to the realization that the bulk of my missed meals came in the morning. I would sleep until eight to make sure that I received adequate sleep, however, I realized that in doing this; I was forgoing breakfast which was negatively affecting my health and my performance at Cornell. In fact, “research involving adults and children has indicated that breakfast might enhance memory, attention, the speed of processing information, reasoning, creativity, learning, and verbal abilities” (Consumer Reports). No matter a person’s age, breakfast is a vital part of their life.