Needs Assessment
Low socioeconomic status and lack of support are the major factors which effects students school performance as well as graduation rates. About 78% of minority high school students graduate from high school and about 25% of high school freshman fail to graduate from high school on time. Some of the needs that low socioeconomic high school students need in order to succeed include: Long-term Mentoring Programs, Parental Involvement and, more outdoor resources. The first solution for the proposed program is to get permission from the school board. Secondly, hire mentors who can relate with the student's situation. Third, find a high school to partnership with and lastly get materials that are needed for weekly activities.
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The facility also offers multiple sports for both genders such as basketball and bowling. The rest of the sports are divided by gender such as the wrestling team which is for male students and the volleyball team for the female students.
Program Description
The four-year mentoring program is purposely designed for low socioeconomics students at the Oswego high school in Oswego, NY. The program intends to encourage and help the students graduate high school on time. The aims to hire mentors who can prepare the students with lifelong skills that can help them with jobs or college. Before implementation of the program, approval from the school board is needed. There will be professionals from the education department such as professors and counselors, hiring mentors as well as someone to train the mentors, and a program coordinator to run the program. Students who exhibit poor grades and academic disadvantage, will be selected to participate in the program. Parental/guardian permission will be necessary for child participation in the mentoring program. Mentors and the program coordinator will create a paper document for the parents to sign allowing the students to participate in the program. In the form, there will be a section asking the parents if they would like to be a part of the student activities with their child. In order for the program to be successful, some materials will be needed to keep all the student’s information, records, and
A mentoring program has been coordinated by Millie DiStefano and high school students to mentor elementary school students each day for 30
This is why parental involvement is important. Teens need someone to show them the societal benefits of education rather than the pointless math equations that teens typically associate with education. Teenagers in low socioeconomic areas are more subjective to academic failure. In some situations, parents cannot help the fact that they are undersupplying their children with the necessary tools to be successful students. In many instances, parents from low socioeconomic areas are less likely to purchase reading and learning materials for their children
A high school diploma should be a very important accomplishment to our life. More of the poorest neighborhood have the lowest amount of graduation from high school and the majority is African American and Latinos young men that likely drop out school when they are struggling with the lowest grade and feel that they couldn't make it and the result of this is no getting a diploma. In the article “Stop Holding Us Back” by Robert Balfanz. He refers how like more of one-third of African American and Latinos don’t graduate. These problems must have to be fixed creating programs that capture their attention, assigning mentors to help student with his personal problems and creating special tutoring for the students.
The Lincoln County Needs Assessment quoted a recently released national research report that indicated mentoring is one of the keys to academic achievement and keeping students in school and on track. This new research reinforced the growing body of evidence that mentoring is also a critical asset in helping America’s disconnected young people to persevere and find pathways to meaningful and productive lives. (America’s Promise Alliance, Civic Enterprises and Peter D. Hart Research Associates, 2012). In the Executive Director’s View section (#3) of the 2014 Lincoln County Needs Assessment, when asked the question “Is there another provider or program you can think of that would enhance the effectiveness of our local system of the care?”, the reply was “Expanding the therapeutic mentoring program based on its effectiveness in reaching kids with varying degrees of mental health needs and the ability for mentors to get
“In urban areas, dropout rates among minority and low-income students can reach 50 percent, with rates being highest for African-American and Latino males” (Bernstein-Yamashiro and Noam, 18). In a survey by the Civic Enterprises, 41 percent of dropouts reported that he or she had an adult to talk to about personal problems, 62 percent said they want to see schools do more to help, and 47 percent said schools contacted them after dropping out (Bernstein-Yamashiro and Noam, 18). The academic outcomes from student/teacher
Tim saw this and became inspired to become a mentor with the Helping Services For Northeast Iowa. In order to be a mentor “The ability and willingness to value the mentee as a person; Develop mutual trust and respect; Maintain confidentiality; Listen both to what is being said and how it is being said; Help the mentee solve his or her problems, rather than give directions; Focus on the mentee’s development and resist the urge to produce a clone.” (University of Washington). Since the start of the Youth Mentoring Services in Northeast Iowa, 1,137 youth have been connected to a role model (“Youth Mentoring Services”). Kids who are mentored have ”significantly more confident in their academic abilities and considerably less likely to display behavioral problems.”(Centre for Addiction and Mental Health). Through the mentoring experience, Tim has learned that the best part is guiding some fun into a child's life while educating them (Egemo). Tim has helped a few children become better human beings through this mentoring
For low-income students and minorities, their upbringing and their current socioeconomic status can and will factor into their perseverance and motivation due to the structural barriers they possess. Students’ of low-income families often come from working class homes who help their child to understand what their unavailability to balance work and go to school might be. Often times for minority and low-income students’ they reach an age (often times being the age of 18) in which they have to decide which path they will decide to take, take on work and go to school often times to support the family, or work full-time with the possibility of “growing within their work” with the basic knowledge they acquire once they graduate high school (assuming they do). The Los Angeles Youth is subdivided between the rich and the
Persuasive essay: Female athletes should be permitted play with males or on a male's sport team. Female students being able to take part in playing a sport with males is important because equality is becoming more prominent in today's society. My contention is that coed sports promote a kind environment where everyone has a chance to participate and teaches children and young adults about gender equality. According to Laura Pappano coauthor of “Playing with Boys: Why Separate is not Equal.” She says that “Constructing a team based on skill level will show the misbelief in male athletes and teams being superior.”
1. Growing up I experience, and saw the struggle that my siblings and classmates faced in our community. In a community where resources were scarce and inadequate guidance was provided, pursuing higher education became a challenge. Four out of eight children in my family, including myself, were able to earn a high school diploma. The other four dropped out of high school due to a combination of language barrier and gang affiliation. My research papers sought to examine the reason why so many at risk youth end up dropping out of high school.
Washington Irving existed in a historical of revolution; which he stimulated; everyone was trusting on him to take their views off the regular life and send it into the creative world of Irving’s creative stories. His capability to maneuver a reader's mind sawed through his explained use of imagination in “Rip Van.”
While studies have shown there’s a correlation between socioeconomic status and low achievement for African American Teens. There are valuable resources that can be used to help improve Urban Education including mentoring programs, after school programs, peer-to-peer activities, skill building & career development, and cultural activities.
In urban priority school districts, educators emphasize the importance of graduation. The expectation of all educators should be that every child can learn and will graduate. It is through graduation that society begins to combat poverty. In New Haven Public Schools, where graduation rates are higher than comparable districts in the state of Connecticut, they are not inclusive of all public school students. It is through collaboration with the University of Chicago and the Consortium on School Research that freshman on-track indicators have been defined and implemented in one high school in the city. It is the purpose of this study to determine the effectiveness of the use of early warning indicators to increase the high school graduation
Research suggests that mentoring has the potential to be a powerful and effective mechanism for success within African American males (Woodland, 2008; Bandy & Moore, 2011). Supportive adult-child relationships are critical to the social and emotional development of children. Children who have these relationships tend to demonstrate more confidence, experience a greater sense of security, have higher grades, and for African American youth in particular, mentoring has also been associated with higher rates of college attendance (Suarez-Orozco, Pimentel, & Martin, 2009; Woodland, 2008). Additionally, research also supports fostering partnerships between the communities and schools, and connections between youth programs and families as promising practices for serving African American males (Bandy & Moore,
The development of the airplane began in the late 1800's by American pioneers, Wilbur and Orville who were the first innovators to accomplish a manned powered flight. The Wright Brothers integrated the techniques from their observation of birds during flight and how they change their wings shape to glide into the design of their own gliders. Along with designing and testing their own engines and prototypes. The Wright’s encountered tremendous problems during the first testing phase of their innovation which prove to be unsuccessful. These problems did not stop the Wright Brothers from accomplishing their goal. Once they found a solution to fix their problems, that's when they came to the decision that they needed a pilot to navigate the plane
In The Republic, Plato attempts to define the ideal state as it relates to the tripartite division of the soul. In this division, wisdom, the rational characteristic of the soul, is the most valuable and important. In the ideal state the ruling class would be the guardians, those who maintain rationality and will operate according to wisdom. Each individual "should be put to use for which nature intended them, one to one work, and then every man would do his business" (276d). This conception of the ideal state is exemplified in Jonathon Swift's Gulliver's Travels, within the society of the Houyhnhnms. Each member of the society maintains a role which he or she was born into, and according