
The Negative Effects Of Cannabis

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Cannabis has been studied by many scientists to find the medicinal value, and to decide whether the negative effects were too damaging to ignore. Many patients use cannabis to ease pain and to help relieve symptoms from illnesses. Cannabis, wheather used for medicinal purposes or not, is damaging to the brain, damages the lungs and is not only harmful to the user, but to others around the user. In recent studies, the findings suggest that long-term cannabis use is associated with brain morphing alterations in regions linked to memory and executive and affective processing. A decrease in hippocampal volume in regular cannabis smokers has been correlated with lifetime consumption and psychotic symptoms. When comparing gray matter volume between groups, they found that significant clusters showing a lower gray matter volume in regular cannabis users compared with occasional ones are located bilaterally in the temporal pole. Regular users exhibit a decrease in gray matter (GM) volume in the medial temporal cortex, temporal pole, parahippocampal gyrus, left insula, and orbitofrontal cortex (Battistella et al). It has been demonstrated that the main psychoactive component of cannabis (Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol,THC) induces dose-dependent toxicity and structural changes in brain regions rich in cannabinoid CB1 receptors. Not only does cannabis affect adult brains, it affects underdeveloped brains as well. Specifically, significant gray matter atrophy can occur either with a heavy cannabis consumption independent of the age of first use or with recreational consumption that started during adolescence (before the age of 18). The duration of exposure to cannabis is indeed associated with localized volume reduction in regions rich in CB1 receptors, correlating with the amount of cannabis used. The progression of a long-term exposure to drugs toward the development of substance use disorders and addictive behaviors is often associated with deficits in decision making. FMRI demonstrates altered brain activity in core regions linked to the motivational and affective aspects of decision making, mainly in the ventromedial prefrontal (VMPFC) and orbitofrontal cortices and insula. In this regard, it has been demonstrated that

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