
The Negative Effects Of Child Marriage

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If I have the power to change the world, I would stop child marriage. Child marriage is the big issue in India near Rajasthan and some poor villages. Their belief is to choose their life partner at the early age. Because of their families poor level, and less education. Child marriage ruins many children's life and future. Child marriage has to stop, otherwise, it will get negative effects on the financial status of children, as well as their freedom and education.

First of all, child marriage can negatively impact the children's financial status. Most children that are married young are more likely to end up stay in poverty. At young as the age of five, they are forced to get married and stay with their life partner, but they won't have …show more content…

They might have a restriction for their parents and adult. In addition, children might not get the chance to express their ideas and rules and regulation. Sometimes children did not get to choose their religion, even though if they don't like. They have to follow families belief and religion no matter what. For example, parents forced to make children follow all rules and regulations. Taking a strict action toward freedom and will get equal freedom to everyone.

Finally, the most important thing is education, which will more impact on future. Parents won't let children go to school, because of money problem, they think that 'instead of going to school make our family poor because a family has to pay all the expense and tuition fees". This makes children uneducated. Without having an education makes children feel bad when children go to find work. After child marriage, children won't get much opportunity to go school or college because they don't have a chance to go to school, they are always busy with a family order. Especially, girls won't get a chance to go school after married because they are going to live with their husband. What husband family chooses for girls, girls have to follow that. Which makes children disappointed and they get nervous. Giving education support, make people brilliant, so people won’t think about child marriage.

In fact, there are many people who think that child marriage is good, but we have to think about the children's

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