Is your pain in the neck turning you into a real pain? Are you fearful of the heavily reported complications of NSAID's? Have you considered trying natural pain relief? An estimated 16,500 people die every year in the United States as a result of NSAID's. Read this article and ensure you are not one of them. Tendinitis, neuralgia, arthritis, muscle pain, low back pain, neck pain, sprains, and shingles all cause suffering. Long term pain can be very debilitating, causing depression, sleepless nights and anguish. Chronic pain affects the sufferer's quality of life. Activities that were taken for granted are now seemingly impossible to achieve. Chronic pain increases stress levels and anxiety. Do you really want to have to worry about the side effects of the NSAID's you are taking as well? Well documented research states that NSAID's can cause gastro intestinal bleeding and liver problems. There have been widely reported deaths involving NSAID's, which have since been taken off the market. …show more content…
Natural pain relief could be the solution for you. Eazol is a totally natural product with no known side effects. It is non addictive and non sedating. It should not give you a pain in the stomach or send you to the hospital with a bleeding
The main issue presented in this article is that current painkillers are highly addictive, and all have extremely risky side effects. This is leading an increasing amount of people each year to form a dependency for these drugs. Ultimately, resulting in more people dying every year from causes that include painkiller addiction also known as opioid addiction.
Pain medications result in complicated side effects beyond addiction and tolerance which is Opioid-Induced Hyperalgesia (OIH). “There’s an unfortunate irony for people who rely on morphine, oxycodone, and other opioid painkillers: The drug that’s supposed to offer you relief can actually make you more sensitive to pain over time” (“Why Taking Morphine Makes Pain Worse”, 2016). This effect of the drug is known as hyperalgesia but in the presence of opioids; this is known as Opioid-induced hyperalgesia. Opioid is a well know drug originated from the opium poppy plant and it has been around for thousands of years for both recreational and medicinal purposes. The most active purpose for this drug is to relieve pain which is also known as a painkiller. There is a law stating that all contents must be labeled on all medicines containing opioid; “Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) welcomed today’s announcement by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that it would begin requiring warnings for medications that contain opioids” (“FDA Policy to Require Labeling of Prescription Medications Containing Opioids”, 2016). This drug should not be taken without direct orders from a doctor nor should it be misused. Scientists have observed that the more an individual consumes, the less effective the drug becomes. This leads to a viscous cycle of people relying on higher doses. Opioid sets off a chain of signals in the spinal cord that heightens pain rather than reducing it, even after the
It is important for physicians to take into account the various outcomes that happen when prescribing pain medications. Aside from having the burdensome responsibility of relieving a patient’s pain, a physician could also be responsible for the possibility of negative outcomes like sickness and even death as a result of pain medications often prescribed. Because of the risks
Chronic pain is often defined as pain lasting more than 12 weeks. It may arise from initial injury, such as a back sprain, or there may be an ongoing issue such as illness. The assignment given consisted of finding a person who suffers from chronic pain to explore the ideas of illness classification, the experience of pain and explanatory models. The interview process was executed on September 17, 2016 via face time lasting approximately 45 minutes in length. She gave me her oral consent for this interview. I explained that this information would be used for a chronic pain paper. (American Chronic Pain Association) The subject is a 53 year old, Caucasian, upper middle class female currently in treatment for melanoma cancer. Currently, no disease
There are many various kinds of prescription of pain relievers, which include: opioids, corticosteroids, antidepressants and anticonvulsants (anti-seizure medications). Among them I would like to focus on opioid medications and its side effects. Opioid medications are narcotic pain medications that contain natural poppy plant, synthetic opiates such as; methadone, fentanyl, tapentadol and tramadol, as well as the semi- synthetic opioids such as; oxycodone, hydrocodone, oxymorphone, hydromorphone and heroin. Opioid prescriptions are morphine (C17H19NO3), heroin (C21H23NO5), codeine (C18H21NO3) and thebaine (C19H21NO3). They are highly addictive substances are called opiates. Opioid medications have been used for hundreds and thousands of years to treat both pain and mental health problems. It is also use in a short-term pain after surgery. According to the survey in the past two decades, the prescription of opioid in the United States has been increased to the higher levels that is more than 600% (Paulozzi & Baldwin, 2012). However, that opioid medications are very dangerous to the patients’ respiratory system, other parts of the internal body and even can cause death. It should be only being use after wise discernment and with a great care.
Just a few days ago the FDA issued a Drug Safety Communication containing stronger warnings about the increased risks of heart attack and stroke associated with NSAIDs. NSAIDs include ibuprofen and naproxen and are found in many over-the counter pain medications, including Advil, Motrin and Aleve. Despite warning labels stating that that the drugs should not be used longer than 10
Chronic pain describes pain that persists over long periods of time. It handicaps the normal lifestyle and quality of one’s life (
It’s a societal norm to seek out a physician when you are in pain, and society’s expectation is that the physician will do something about it. Sadly there will always be those who abuse the systems in place. The National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2011, found that approximately 52 million people have used prescription drugs for non medical reasons. Statistics show that roughly 80% of heroin addicts initially misused prescription opiods (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2015). There is always potential that taking prescription opiods can lead to patient abuse. “Unintentional overdose deaths involving opioid pain relievers have quadrupled since 1999” (U.S Department of Health and Human Services, 2011).
“From 1999 to 2014, more than 165,000 persons died from overdose related to opioid pain medication in the United States” (CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain ¶5). Overprescription of pain medication is when clinicians prescribe pain medication to patients and they misuse or abuse it. Common pain medication include Codeine, Vicodin, Percocet, Hydrocodone, and Oxycontin. These prescription medications and many more like them, have been found to be effective pain relievers for treating short term pain. However, they have also been found to be highly addictive. Addictions are expensive, harmful, and can quickly spiral out of control destroying the lives of those it consumes. Ending
In today’s society, one takes their childhood journey towards where they stand today. Amazing Grace demonstrates this to examine a child’s perspective living in the neighborhoods of New York City that exist around them. Although, these families try to support their children, some families are in distress, since they have a low income status. However, they still can attain the important life skills, which will enhance and benefit them as they later develop. As a result, these apparent life skills may lead them in the right direction, despite how these difficult circumstances that truly affect them. Thus Kozol creates the overall image of children as innocent. Amazing Grace explores the innocence of children who are born in a society of
Also pain may start with a disease or injury that persists due to stress emotional problems, improper treatment, or persistent abdominal pain signals in the body. It is possible for chronic pain to occur any previous injury illness or known cause. Therefore, patients suffering with chronic pain significantly benefit from a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach to treatment. Often you achieve optimal care several different health professionals may be involved in patient care alternative care to the traditional medical phonological could include but is not limited to traditional chiropractic care nutritional diet yoga exercise acupuncture meditation support groups soft tissue therapies and network chiropractic. Often, they cannot be cured, that it can be managed well enough through these alternative disciplines of care to improve the quality of life.
George Orwell is the author of Animal Farm, which was published on August 17, 1945. Even though Animal Farm was based on the Russian Revolution, the events in the book can be related to today. Just as back during this time there are still traitors, something else, and even rebellions. In the book, Mollie, Snowball, and some of the other animals were consider traitors. Also the main thing in the book is that the animals lead a rebellion, and people lead a riot in 2011 in London. In the book, the animals build a windmill but it gets destroyed,this relates to how in Syria many historical monuments were destroyed by ISIS.
It’s only natural to head straight for your medicine cabinet when you feel a headache coming on, but did you know that you’re actually putting yourself in danger by relying on painkillers every time you have a migraine or eye fatigue? Overconsumption of painkillers can - and almost always does - lead to the body developing a tolerance to them, which makes your regular dosage ineffective, meaning you have to increase the number of painkillers you take to get rid of your headache. This, in turn, can cause you to develop an addiction to painkillers, something that about 10% of Americans are believed to suffer from.
The International Association for the Study of Pain defines pain as “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage” (1979). Pain is actually the culprit behind warranting a visit to a physician office for many people (Besson, 1999). Notoriously unpleasant, pain could also pose a threat as both a psychological and economic burden (Phillips, 2006). Sometimes pain does happen without any damage of tissue or any likely diseased state. The reasons for such pain are poorly understood and the term used to describe such type of pain is “psychogenic pain”. Also, the loss of productivity and daily activity due to pain is also significant. Pain engulfs a trillion dollars of GDP for lost work time and disability payments (Melnikova, 2010). Untreated pain not only impacts a person suffering from pain but also impacts their whole family. A person’s quality of life is negatively impacted by pain and it diminishes their ability to concentrate, work, exercise, socialize, perform daily routines, and sleep. All of these negative impacts ultimately lead to much more severe behavioral effects such as depression, aggression, mood alterations, isolation, and loss of self-esteem, which pose a great threat to human society.
An insecure attachment, simply put, is when the child does not feel emotionally connected or bonded with their caregiver. Various studies of abused children have reflected the fact that neglected children are more likely to have an insecure attachment to their parent/caregiver because they lack “an organized attachment strategy, also referred to as disorganized attachment” (Hildyard & Wolfe, 2002). Theorists have proposed that infants and toddlers with disorganized attachment are conflicted with wanting protection from their caregiver but also viewing them as the source of fear or harm (Hildyard & Wolfe, 2002).