Natural disasters are a major adverse event resulting from natural processes of the Earth, and man-made disasters are influenced by humans and they are often as a result of negligence and human error among the factors. There is long-term physical and psychological reaction of people from both disasters. Tsunamis, Hurricanes, and Landslides are some examples of natural disasters. On the other hand, Gas leaks, fire accidents, and oil spills are some examples for man-made disaster. They both have a bad effect on humans. There are many people died after both disasters.
As we all know natural disasters are a major adverse event resulting from natural processes of the Earth. A natural disaster is defined by the UN as: “the consequences of events triggered by natural hazards that overwhelm local response capacity and seriously affect the social and economic development of a region." Tsunamis are a long high sea wave caused by an earthquake, submarine landslide, or other disturbance. The tsunami accrued in Japan on 11 March 2011 is one of the biggest Tsunamis happened in the world. "The study by 150 experts from 48 research organizations across the country determined that the wave that roared out of the Pacific on March 11 was the largest to ever hit Japan when it struck the Omoeaneyoshi district of Miyako City, in Iwate Prefecture." Hurricanes are also accruing by natural disasters, a hurricane is a storm with a violent wind, in particular, a tropical cyclone in the Caribbean.
Natural disaster currently has become a large part of US economy, from tornadoes, fire, floods and hurricanes. These natural disasters have lead to death of people but also a billion dollar damage to several cities or states. According to National center of Environmental Information, in 2015 there were at least ten weather disasters that lead to property damages exceeding one billion dollar across United States. The natural disasters are found in many ways, the one most famous is Hurricane Katrina and another Hurricane Sandy. These two hurricanes are Atlantic hurricanes, Hurricane Katrina hit the Southern States and Hurricane Sandy hit near Atlantic City affecting many eastern States. Although the two hurricanes have occurred in separate years, yet they have caused a lot of damage in large cities leaving thousands of people without home. Furthermore due to these natural disasters has questioned the government how to prepare for natural disaster in near future. The hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Sandy are both consider Natural disaster that has lead to heavy damages but one has more devastating effect than the other.
A disaster is natural or man-made. Disaster such, as flood has been catastrophic across the United Sates, as they are occurring at unusual time. Therefore, local, states and federal government should begin preparing, planning and create a policy for such times as these, because it is becoming more and more normal for cities to flood. According to Flood Facts, in terms of lives lost and property damaged, floods are just behind tornadoes as the top natural disaster. In the United States, flood damages totaled $8.41 billion in 2011. There were 113 flood-related deaths. Floods can affect any area to some degree; wherever rain falls, flooding can occur.
Natural disasters are a huge challenge for the planet because of the adverse effects that are associated with them. One of the major earthquakes to have shaken the earth is the Great Sendai Earthquake or Great Tōhoku Earthquake that occurred in 2011. The event started when a powerful earthquake hit the northeastern Japan on March 11, 2011, and resulted in a widespread damage on land. A series of massive tsunamis later devastated many parts of the coastal regions of the country with the worst affected being the Tohoku region. The tsunami further resulted in a major nuclear accident that damaged distant regions on a power station located along the coast. The economic effects of the tsunami qualify it as one of the major natural disasters because it affected Japan’s economic stability as the country ended up resorting to importing as an alternative to cover the loss.
Natural Hazards and the Interaction of Physical and Human Processes The earth has been producing hazards for millennia these include earthquakes and volcanoes caused by the movement of tectonic plates, and also wind and water elated disasters such as tornadoes and tsunamis, these can be varied by a countries location such as suffering drought due to be land locked or an island, also the relief on the land can contribute greatly to the hazards it faces.. All of these cause great destruction and can involves lots of energy, these events do not become disasters unless there are human factors involved, when people live on a fault line they are risking suffering from an earthquake, this combination of
Imagine living your life on a regular day for you and BOOM! Your life is now suddenly completely changed, everything you thought was normal or part of you has changed. This is what natural disasters tend to make happen in your life, they affect us in many ways. In this essay i will discuss the various elements each author uses to express the causes and effects of disasters. The author Jacqueline Adam clearly expresses the causes and effects of disasters through the use of text structure, choice of vocabulary and use of data and details.
Human nature’s biggest battle can often be associated with Charles Darwin’s evolutionary theory known as “Survival of the Fittest”. In depth , the theory means that only the strongest humans will survive. While, on the other hand, the weak will not survive. This can also mean physically,mentally, and emotionally. Those who work to be the fittest or successful, can be characterized as ambitious people.
Natural disasters mark a history where they happen, many are the cities and towns that have been affected by one of these feared phenomena; a hurricane, a tornado or an earthquake destroy everything in its step, often razing with material things and unfortunately sometimes destroying the lives of millions of people.
Natural Disasters happen all around the world. They are not limited to one specific country or climate. There are many types of Natural Hazards/Disasters and the world has seen on many occasions just how devastating and powerful they can be. With each natural disaster it doesn’t only affect the planet and environment but the people. We lose lives, homes, animals, even everything sometimes. Earthquakes happens when the earth releases energy and the tectonic plates rub against each other and shift. Hurricanes , typhoons, occur when a really large storm swirls in circles. “You'll see the cloud of the storm turning in a spiral, touch down on the ground, and then reach toward the sky. When the storm reaches a wind speed of over 74 miles per hour, it gets classified as a hurricane, typhoon, or cyclone depending on where the storm is located.” This is how hurricanes and typhoon disasters occur. There is many other forms of coaster but these are
While natural disasters such as floods, drought and hurricanes are commonly thought to occur due to environmental forces such as weather, climate and tectonic movements; a deeper investigation into the ‘disaster’ displays other contributing forces. Human factors have a large, if not equal, contribution to the occurrance and outcome of such disasters (Pelling, 2001). As Pelling (2001) argues, there is both a physical and human dimension to ‘natural disasters’. The extent to which the natural occurrence of a physical process, such as a flood or earthquake, impacts on society is constructed by that society, creating a ‘disaster’ as measured by a
Both excerpts provide thorough descriptions on the causes and effects of disasters. The excerpt from “Super Natural Disasters of the 21st Century” demonstrates three massive natural disasters that recently occurred and the devastation that developed as a result. Similarly, the excerpt from “The Perfect Storm” combines factual information with a personal anecdote on the experience of an intensive storm. Although both authors provide causes and effects on natural disasters, they use juxtaposed strategies and techniques in order to support their claim.
Hurricanes, a well known natural disaster, can be very devastating depending on what happens during its formation. Hurricanes in the eastern pacific or atlantic, typhoons in the western pacific ocean, or cyclones around coastal regions of Mexico, south-east Asia, Australia and south Pacific islands. Hurricanes form when energy from warm parts of the ocean is collected and it creates a tropical storm. Surface winds can come together and strengthen the storm making it a hurricane. The speed the hurricane winds are going, the more destructive it is.
Natural hazards — are different natural phenomena that disrupt the usual live of a population, destroy and demolish objects of material value. They often have a negative effect on nature, and can happen anywhere in the world. Many different types of natural hazards exist; for example, earth quakes, landslides, floods, snow drifts, hurricanes, droughts, volcano eruptions, storms, etc. Natural hazards can happen independently or can be related to each other. If there is an earthquake, it can lead to a tsunami or massive fires. Some of them happen as a result of mankind’s doings; construction work, depending on the location, can cause snow drifts, or massive fires.
Natural disasters are adverse events caused from Earth’s processes such as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, and tornadoes that cause catastrophic damage, loss of life, and devastating economic conditions. One such terrible event will forever be sketched into the United States (U.S.) history, known as Hurricane Katrina. This category 5 hurricane made its way through the Gulf of Mexico and eventually made landfall in the U.S. in late August, of 2005. Hurricane Katrina claimed over 1800 lives, caused Billions of dollars of damage, and is currently the worst natural disaster in U.S. history. This storm was unprecedented in its impact on our nation, the city of New Orleans, and exposed many opportunities in our
While I have listed many natural disasters that one would need to prepare for, what about the government failing. Many citizens feel that the government is encroaching on our fundamental rights as Americans. Take for example Jade Helm 15, a military training exercise. While the government is telling us it’s just an exercise so that the everyday citizen can get used to the presence of military in their neighborhoods and in their towns, is that really what’s going on? Or is this just another ploy to have the government take over the American citizens and it turn into another Hitler debacle? Some groups suggest that this is a ruse to implement Martial Law on the citizens. On the other hand though there has been a lot of small terrorist attacks on military bases lately so having the presence of military in the communities might just be a preemptive measure of what’s to come. “The cause of the underlying concerns is that we see instances, like a shooting in Fort Hood by a terrorist, that the President labels workplace violence. We see the President come to the border in Texas and say it’s safer than it’s ever been,” Abbott told Austin-based NBC affiliate KXAN-TV. “And so I think it was a misplaced perception by people in Texas who have problems with the Obama administration and connected that trust with the Obama administration to the military” (Viser). This should be a concern of American. We should be preparing for government fall out, or even something that is happening
Natural disasters are anything from floods, earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, or anything else nature could develop that causes massive amounts of damage, or cause a large losses of life. Such events are not anything caused because of human beings, but only by the actions of atmospheric conditions, or due to the changes of continental drifts that these disasters occur. Technology has come a long way since the early days before the industrial revolution where predictions can be made and warnings can be issued. This helps reduce the amount of possible loss of lives that would occur in 21st century. However, that is not what happened during Hurricane Katrina, a category 5 Hurricane.