
The Negative Effects Of Technology

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Technology: the best thing to happen to humanity or the worst? Technology has revolutionized our generations and many to come: Over 90% of adults have their mobile device with reach of them at all times, 4 of the 7 billion people in the world has a mobile device, eBay makes on average 700$ per second, google receives over a billion searches on average per day (The Future of Technology and its Effects). Technology has helped save many people in fields like medicine and health care and in cancer alone has saved an estimated 14.5 million lives(News.” HealthCare Institute of New Jersey), but is indirectly responsible for nearly all deaths in our world. Although the negatives of all the deaths and social skills lost to technology, the good out ways the bad with advancements in medications, education, and communication. One controversial field of technology is weaponization. Technology has been responsible for millions upon millions of deaths in wars. From nuclear bombs, small explosives, and machine guns. In 1945 the United States dropped two bombs on Japan's, totaling up to 200,000 deaths (Hiroshima and Nagasaki Death Toll). Technology has led us into the terrorized world we live in. People are often scared in the cities just to leave their house due to all the bombing from groups such as ISIS, who is responsible for at least 35,000 confirmed deaths (“How Many

People Has ISIS Killed? Terrorist Attacks Linked To Islamic State Have Caused 33,000 Deaths: Reportz.).

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