
The Negative Effects Of The Internet Making People Smarters

Decent Essays

Although many people believe that the internet is making people smarter, better workers, and more focused, is a major misconception. Nicholas Carr, a writer about technology and culture, proves this wrong in his book The Shallows. Where he explains the negative effects of the internet, and how it is changing the way people think and process information. He explains this information by interviewing people who study in neuroscience, and by getting the opinion of other people such as bloggers who blog about technology and how it is affecting them. The internet is making people dumber, less focused, and rerouting people’s brains to think in another way. The internet is making people dumber. People believe that when they use their phone or laptop in the classroom that they are learning better, and studies show that using a phone or laptop in the classroom decreases students test scores and their intelligence. In the newspaper article How smartphones hijack our minds by Nicholas Carr, a group of researchers conducted an experiment involving 520 undergraduate students and the placement of their phones. The undergraduate students took two test. Some with their phones in plain view, some with their phones in their pockets, and some with their phones in a different room. The results show that the students’ with their phone in plain sight did the worst, the students’ with their phones in their pocket did mediocre, and the students’ who left their phone in another room did the best.

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