“More than 26 million, or two thirds of America’s youth, play a team sport in America” (Cary et. al). Sports for children and teenagers is something that is becoming more popular to be involved in. Children have the ability to begin playing sports at a very young age, and even some can be involved in multiple sports at the same time. For some children, their lives revolve around the sport they play. Some people say that youth sports have too much of an intensity level that is put on the children. Others say that the intensity level is not too excessive for children and can even be beneficial. The sports programs children are involved in are at too high of an intensity level because children invest an unhealthy amount of time into sports. Also, parents and coaches get too involved in the sport, which ends up harming the child. Lastly, the cost to be involved in sports programs can be extremely expensive. For all these reasons, sports programs for children and teenagers are too intense. Children spend dangerous amounts of their time focusing on the sport they are involved in. Pediatric sports medicine specialist, Paul Stricker, states that, “I’ve had at least a 30 to 40 percent increase in overuse injuries like stress fractures and tendinitis … These only come from forces that are repetitive” (qtd. in Cary et. al). As shown by Stricker’s research, an increase of children over use their bodies to play sports, which causes a larger amount of them to face injuries physically.
Competitive sports in some cases are becoming very unhealthy for children. Most children would rather play on a losing team than sit on the bench of a winning team. Youth sports are a great idea to get children up and active, as well as improve their social skills. Just like every other thing in life it is important to practice and work hard to achieve success. However it is unhealthy to push for results over the needs or wants of the child. Aside from the mental stress that young athletes may experience from intense training and physical play long lasting injures is now a growing concern. Fact is competitive sports is a double edge sword if done right it is the greatest thing world, but if done wrong it can be very unhealthy for a child.
Youth sports are continuing to be shifted into adult standards, by promoting victory while risking injury. Kids do not have the same physical capabilities of professional athletes on television, yet some parents insist that their kids continue playing extremely harmful sports at a violent level of play. Young athletes should not put constant strain on developing bones and muscles. For example, in baseball, a twelve-year-old trying to throw a curveball puts constant strain on the elbow’s ligaments, and may cause
In the sermon “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” by Jonathan Edwards, Edwards delivers an intense six hour speech in a very calm demeanor. The message he gives is so powerful that he is able to capture his audience's attention without showing any enthusiasm. Edwards uses powerful diction and pathos to scare his audience into becoming faithful puritans.
An innocent, caring miner whose death changed lives. Killed and known to be murdered by a man named James Bentley in 1854. This is the story of James Scobie. If he had not been murdered he would not be as famous as today.
The impact of preserving sports in high schools has been surrounded by much controversy as people suspect that it is the reason behind the poor academic achievement of students. Opponents to high school sports feel that allowing athletics to be a part of schools sidetracks the focus of the student body, which goes completely against the main purpose of schools. Indeed, this assertion is completely true and based upon plentiful evidence. High school sports undoubtedly come at the expense of student academic achievement since they divert the attention of students away from academics and they come with far too many financial costs, both of which incur negative impacts on the academics within a school. The bottomline is that sports are harming the education of students, so a school must make the decision between composing quality sports teams or providing high level academics; both of these choices simply cannot occur simultaneously.
“Are Competitive Sports Bad for Kids?” Mar 31, 2011 | By Rachel Nelson, Web, 20
The purpose of this paper is to argue the fact that youth sports are not becoming too intense. After reading the New York Times article I decided to pick this topic and argue against this theory because as a division one athlete I have my own opinions. I picked three sources which can back up and prove that sports being too intense is very much your own opinion.
Development of children who are in their early stages of life is critical not only for themselves, but the future roles they play later in their lives. In fact, one of the most crucial parts of a child’s growth can stem from youth sports. Taking a look at youth sports as a whole it has become nearly encoded within our modern society to have our kids participate in some sort of recreational or club type atmosphere. Alison Prichard a top physical educator stated that “There is little doubt that the world is infatuated by sports. People watch them, analyze them, argue about them, spend money on them, and encourage their children to play them. Not surprisingly, youth sport is the most popular structured activity in the United States, with an estimated 45 million American children enrolled in an organized program or team in 2005” (Prichard, 2015).
America’s baseball diamonds, soccer fields, hockey rinks, and basketball courts have never been so busy with children. The number of kids involved in an organized sport is not what is so groundbreaking. It’s the way in which children are playing or how their parents are arranging for them to play that may be cause for concern (Ferguson). Much controversy surrounds youth sports with the biggest disagreements coming over parental involvement and the intensity of play. Although there are many benefits for team participation, there is a growing fear that the negatives are starting to outweigh the positives.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Sports Medicine and Fitness, the goal of youth sports "should be to promote lifelong physical activity, recreation and skills of healthy competition”(Source A). The American Academy of Pediatrics on Sports
Sports are a popular pastime among all ages and types of people. People not only participate in them for fun, but also for money, physical fitness, rush of competition, and for many other personal reasons. Playing sports is especially common among young people in schools. Athletics are great and enjoyable for many reasons, but there can be a point where sports participation can go too far and become negative for children and adults. Sports specialization for young people is an increasing trend that results in sports having a negative impact on individuals and society.
Each year in the United States, more than 36 million school-aged children participate in an “organized sport” (“Youth Sports Statistics”). Especially over the past few years, many studies have proved or disproved the idea that sports are beneficial for young kids. Those studies have found that youth sports have both positive and negative effects on young children, and research shows parents and coaches have the greatest effect on a child’s experience.
Youth sports is well know if you got a younger kid or teenager that like sports or trying to be in good shape it is god for them to play sports at a younger age. Youth sports is really dangerous but most kids like to play it all over the world. Youth sports is young teenagers or younger kids that play sports for a youth. Yuth sports are very dangerous many kids and teeagers get injured by playing sports. Kid and teenagers get injured because they play sports all year around. But it’s good that younger people play sports at a young age because it will help them be more active in the long run. Proponents believe youth sports have benefits such as help kids be in shape teaches them how to be a leader and let them have fun playing a sport that they love. while opponents say they are dangerous because there are over millions of kids who get hurt by play contact youth sports.
Youth sports are an incredibly healthy way for kids to grow and release energy. Children in preschool can begin to take part in sports like dance and soccer, and as they grow older, the lists of sports gets longer. However, there are negatives of sports that are often not talked about by parents, coaches, schools, or the media. As a result, stigmatization occurs, leaving children struggling with sports to suffer alone. With youth sports, elevated levels of stress occur, and as a consequence, mental health can decline. Youth sports can have an adverse psychological effect on young athletes and it is an effect that can be damaging for children for their entire lives.
Many youth sports are part of community organized after-school programs. There are many different types of these programs such as T-Ball, Little League Baseball, Pop Warner Football, soccer, martial arts, cheerleading, and so forth. “There are over 40 million youth participating in organized sports, and both girls and boys have a dazzling array of choices and can play a sport year round” (Le Menestrel and Perkins 13). Communities use youth sport as an outlet to encourage social activity, a healthy lifestyle, and skill development for that particular sport. For example, “Participation in organized sports can provide opportunities for youth to learn more about specific skills and exercises associated with a particular sport” (Perkins and Noam 76). These programs offer opportunities to boost skills and connect positively with others. Without these activities, parents will have to find another developmental setting that may not give similar or beneficial outcomes as those of organized youth sport. Studies found that, “Sports