
The Negro Artist And The Racial Mountain, By Langston Hughes

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Self-Awareness When researching the phrase “self-awareness”, one definition seems to be very common. That is, “an awareness of one's own personality or individuality”(Merriam Webster). One day the class was put to the task of coming up with our own definition of self-awareness, and I had completely drawn a blank, and could not seem to come up with anything. After class, that assignment really intrigued me, and I wanted to think what self-awareness meant to me. Some time had passed but it finally came to me; to me, self awareness is when someone knows their worth as a person, as well as knowing where they stand in society. It is when they realize who they are, how they got to be where they are, where they belong, and they are conscious of their feelings. All throughout multiple works by Langston Hughes, multiple characters’ success at achieving self-awareness is evident through different quotations. In From The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain, Hughes states, “Most of my own poems are racial in theme and treatment, derived from the life I know”(807). Hughes is aware of the fact that because he is a Negro he is different, and is treated differently. He bases most of his poetry off of that fact. In the rest of the paragraph he goes on to discuss the fact that even though he knows he is different, he does not let that stop him from accomplishing his goals, and writing what he wants to write. Hughes continues to be questioned by his “own people” because of the content in

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