1) The Neolithic Period was also called the New Stone Age. It was the final stage of technological development or cultural evolution among prehistoric humans. It was characterized dependence on domesticated plants or animals, stone tools shaped by polishing or grinding, appearance of such crafts as pottery and weaving and the settlements in permanent villages.
2) Mesopotamia was bounded in the northeast by the zagros Mountains and in the southeast by the Arabian Plateau,it was an ancient region in the eastern Mediterranean. Their culture varied upontheir scripts, gods and attitude toward women. They also had a custom set of laws and language. The invention of the wheel was credited in the Mesopotamians.
3) Hammurabi was a very important
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The Archaic Period is when Athens begin to roughly had painfully development its democratic system. The Classical Period was when the Athens rise in supremacy cause fear in its navy. The Hellenistic period was when Alexander the great conquered the known world.
5) The Lycurgus system was a militaristic system that the Spartans put into place. However because of the size of their army, they feared that losses would weaken them to the point of not being able to defend themselves.
6) Athenian democracy compromised the city of Athens and the surrounding territory of Attica. It was one of the first known democracies and had a system in which participating citizens voted directly on legislation and executive bills.
7) The Delian League purpose was to continue fighting the Persian Empire after the Greek victory. A ancient war fought by Athens and its empire against the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta was known as the Peloponnesian War. The war was divided into three phases. The Fifty-Year Peace also known as the peace of Nicias was a peace treaty signed between the Greek city-states of Sparta and Athens. Alcibiades was a prominent Athenian statesman, orator and
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2) The Sailian Frankish dynasty ruled the Franks for nearly 300 years in a region known as Francia. It also constitutes the setting for the romances of the Holy Grail and ascendancy coincides with the period of King Arthur leading to what is called now the Dark Ages.
3) Charlemagne was the King of the Franks and from 800 the first emperor in western Europe since the collapse of the Western Roman Empire three centuries earlier.
4) Feudalism was a dominant social system in medieval Europe which flourished between the 9th and 15th centuries.
5) The nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants were obligated to live on their lord’s land and give him homage, labor and a share of the produce, for military protection in exchange.
6) The origins of feudalism came from medieval Europe which flourished between the 9th and 15th centuries.
7) An essential element of feudal society was known as Manorialism. The status of peasants under feudalism specifically relating to Manorialism is known as
Document 1) A: The Feudalism provided protection and military services for their families. Nobles agreed to give their loyalty to the king. As the peasants worked the land for the knights and nobles and which they gave to them was protection and a portion of the harvest to feed their families. Document 2)
Athenians knew that they could always speak up and make Athens a better place. People were able to make laws and vote to make decisions. It made people love the government. Democracy made Athens golden because it allowed multiple opinions to
In conclusion, the lives of the people living in the Paleolithic and the Neolithic time period were different in many ways and a like also. Through the improvements in technology, education, and culture they were able to enhance the quality of life throughout these two periods. As man's mind increased, it led into the new age, and the start of what may be civilization, as we know
“Pericles expanded the Athenians’ involvement in democracy which was what Athenians had come to call their form of government” (Spielvogel 57). Power was now in the hands of the people, not just one person. Aristocrats held the most important offices but the people of Athens got say in the affairs of the state. Although Athens was growing, so was Sparta. Sparta and Athens had built two very different societies and neither state like the other state’s form of government. This lead to many difficulties and fights between the two city-states which eventually had lead to the Peloponnesian War. Disputes weren't the only cause, “...the great Greek historian Thucydides pointed out that the fundamental, long range because of that war began in 231 B.C.E. was the fear that Athens and its empire inspired in Sparta” (Spielvogel 57). In the war, both sides believed that they were going to win. The Spartans eventually defeated the Athenians after twenty-seven years, destroying the Athenian empire. The Athenian empire might have been destroyed a lot earlier if the Persians defeated
The first scholars that existed named the whole period of human devolvement the “Stone Age.” The stone age is divided into three periods which are Paleolithic which means the old Greek age, Mesolithic and Neolithic which is the new Greek age. The Paleolithic and Neolithic stone ages have many great differences and has changed greatly between the two periods.
In chapter 8, Window on Humanity, the term Neolithic Revolution is also “called the Agricultural Revolution, refers to the widespread transition, beginning about 12,000 years ago, of human societies from lifestyles based on foraging to lifestyles based on food production---farming and herding. The Neolithic is considered revolutionary because, in just a few thousand years, after millions of years of foraging as the sole human subsistence strategy, it would transform small, mobile groups into larger societies living in permanent settlements---villages, towns, and eventually cities.” (pg. 175) It is no wonder why Neolithic is considered revolutionary since slowly with long progress, humans started civilization and state formation. Civilization
The long anticipated war between Athens and its allies and Sparta and its allies has begun. The Delian League of democratic Athens has started as a naval alliance to protect Greece from Persia, but with the outbreak of war it more closely resembles an empire with subject states. Athens opponent, Sparta, is the greatest land power of Greece, a strict military oligarchy that has brutally conquered neighboring states.
During the Archaic Age of Greece, civilization started to spread tremendously which would start the era of Greek City-States. Among the nearly 130 city-states that appeared throughout the era, two would stand out above them all, Athens and Sparta. These city-states were both successful in many ways, but still had their sum disadvantages, and became bitter rivals with each other. Many historians have called these civilizations two of the best of all time and have argued with one another which one was superior. The Greek City-State Athens was much superior to Sparta.
The most serious was that she still had not the means of defeating her enemies, other than holding on and hoping for a settlement. She also now lacked a great leader such as Pericles or even Alcibiades. And, finally, politics kept interfering with the war—the ancient conflict between the aristocrats and the democrats (Knox). Since the Spartans realized that the Athenians had been defeated by the Sicilians, they used this opportunity to make the Athenian Empire finally surrender, they joined forces with the Persian army. Sparta, now receiving support from Persia, supported rebellions in Athens' subject states in the Aegean Sea and Ionia, undermining Athens' empire, and, eventually, depriving the city of naval supremacy.
Neolithic: The Neolithic period lasted from about 9000 b.c. to about 8000 b.c. It was the last phase of the Stone Age; and encompassed the domestication of animals, the development of agriculture, and the manufacturing of pottery and textiles. During this period people were beginning to settle and develop a more sedentary way of life. With this type of life style came territorial issues, meaning that because of the idea of settling and claiming land people would be more likely to protect it or fight for it.
The Neolithic Revolution began in Southwest Asia and other areas during 10,000 B.C.E to 3, 000 B.C.E (Council for Economic Education, 2012). The Neolithic Revolution also known as the Agricultural Revolution was a new way of life. Our society is constantly changing and moving forward. As a part of human culture, humans strive to learn, discover, create and evolve (Barber, n.d.). As a society, we have made many technological and social advancements, but have we ever taken the time to appreciate the past? The Neolithic Revolution is where it all began. Prior to the Neolithic Revolution, the early humans lived in the Paleolithic Age. This presentation will display life before the Neolithic Revolution and the shift that lead to some of the first social and technological advancements in history.
The Neolithic Period extended from 10,000 B.C to 3,000 BC. It is also called the New Stone Age, and many new advances and changes took place in this time. Unlike the nomadic life of the Old Stone Age, the New Stone Age was the dawning of settled life. People lived more towards lakes and rivers instead of caves, and tree trunks. This led to the change of the jobs of the society.
The last Olympic swimmer just touched the wall and the race has ended. Cameras are replaying every single movement from the race and a winner has been clearly decided. Just as these Olympic swimmers will gain a medal for placing, ancient Athens had numerous accomplishments of its own. Athens “prosperity … was due in large part to its stable and effective government” (SOURCE 1). When analyzing the history of ancient Athens, is easy to see how the accomplishments of a democracy, Greek philosophy, and Greek literature all shape Athens.
One of the agreements that was passed during ancient Athenian times was the reconciliation agreement. In the game I was in favor of the reconciliation agreement and wanted it to be passed. It is a law that will provide forgiveness for any and all supporters of the Thirty Tyrants. The law states that, “No Athenian shall remember the past wrongs of those who supported the Thirty, or initiate any lawsuits against them.”
In Medieval times during the 10th and 13th centuries, a form of political and social organization called feudalism was a way of life that had great effect on people of the time and on the modern world. Feudalism was developed because of the weakness of Europe and it's kings. The word feudalism comes from the word fief, which was the land held on condition of feudal service, similar to an estate (English). The fiefs bound together lords and vassals. Feudalism was a structure in which a lord divided his land into smaller parts to give to lesser lords (“Feudalism”).