
The New Nation

Good Essays

“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts,” Aristotle. The world is better together, as a whole, than it is made up by each country individually, separated and fending for themselves, with no one support from one another. We are currently living in a divided world. Either divided over power, race, religion, and so much more. We read the news daily, wondering why we cannot accept each other and move forward. We wonder why we are all trying to win the “war of division” separately, not relying on other people that believe in the same thing we do. This “war of division,” despite the contrary, is one we have been facing since the start of our country. From the day we won our war of independence to today, we fight issues on our own, but what …show more content…

Who we vote for is based off what they will do to benefit us, and more often than not, what they will do to benefit both our country’s economy and our individual pay. Not only who we vote for, but what we buy, the jobs we take, and more. There is more to a country or to a person than the money they have but it also plays a huge role on the decisions we make. And our decisions are what help us move forward in life, or in some cases, backwards. The New Nation, just as the name says, was very new in a sense. Gaining independence was only one part in creating a successful nation. Being a new founded country, we now had to deal with the economy, other countries, etc. Thomas Jefferson, at the time, had just been re elected president. As the war between Britain and France continued, it was a goal of Jefferson’s to keep the newly founded country neutral. As we traded with France and countries around that area, Britain became more competitive in making sure France did not acquire an extra advantage over them regarding the war. Due to their uprising fear, the British began seizing American ships, using the men on board to grow their military force to help win against France. Jefferson, faced with the option of declaring war against England, but decided against it for he thought the military was not strong enough and ready for a war against the great military power of England. Instead, Congress, under Jefferson’s order, passed The Embargo Act. An act which stopped U.S. ships to enter foreign trade ports. This act, even though applied to all foreign ports, was mainly to stop trading with both France and England. Despite all plans, The Embargo Act actually hurt our economy much more than it did either England or France’s. On top of that, it DID NOT encourage them to stop fighting, but merely gave them one less thing to worry about. In March of 1809, The Embargo Act was repealed due

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