
The New World

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Europeans are known for trekking into western civilization or as they refer to as the “New World”, and take the land as their own. In some scenarios it is evident that the Europeans have proved to be beneficial to the inhabitants of the area, and help them economically. Venezuela, however can be regarded as the complete opposite. Spain saw Venezuela as an opportunity to make quick money due to the prominent pearl beds that lay off the coast of Venezuela and the myth of el dorado which ostensibly yields infinite riches. Nonetheless, the Spaniards took no consideration into the exploitation they caused when searching for riches and settling. This can be classified as quite the tragic story, but a select few individuals were able to muster enough courage to fight for their country.
Venezuela yields a rich history in culture and the fight for independence that dates back to nearly 15,000 years ago when the first indigenous people crossed the Bering Strait from Siberia into what is formerly known as present day Venezuela. During this millennium, formerly itinerant groups developed into three main linguistic groups that had begun to proliferate quite substantially due to their extensive knowledge of agriculture: Arawak, Carib, and Chibcha. The Carib tribe resided predominantly in the central and eastern coast of Venezuela living off fishing and constant movement of agriculture in order to maintain the integrity of the land whilst not depriving it of its natural resources. Arawak

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