The Newest Kid Wonder by R.J Palacio, is about a boy with a birth defect that made his face look melted. The Boy’s name is Auggie, Auggie has never attended a single day of regular school, he was homeschooled and protected from the outside world by his parents, they feared the name calling and the looks that he would receive with his dysfunction. On a quiet ride back home, Auggie's parents was slapped by reality, they won't be able to protect him for the rest of his life, they introduce the idea of public school to him and decided to go ahead and have Auggie tested, furthermore, auggie was accepted with flying colors, he was doubtful about the idea for school at first but as he went along the year he has many different changes of perspective. This book shows that life can be full of twist and turns. Auggie for the first time in his life is attending a public school with kids that have never seen him and his face disorder, Auggie was not excited for the surprising looks he would receive. Life for Auggie has never been easy for him, he has had to keep going and fighting for himself because he knew that one day he will succeed, even though there are moments where it was perfectly fine to give up. At first Auggie didn't recognize any of the testing and Interviews to test his smarts for entry into beecher …show more content…
Auggie's debated “We can't protect him for the rest of his life, well how do you expect me to send him to school being a goat to slaughter at the school, you know that kids are hateful and will make him the laughing stock of the school”(10) Auggie's parents go back and forth between letting him go to school after hearing what happened on the first, they just want the best for him and nothing else but they don't know that the best is, they are
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to go to a new school with no friends and a different face? To have everyone look at you and make a repelling face? That’s what it was like for August Pullman in the 5th grade. Auggie is different that everybody else in 5th grade. Auggie was born with a facial deformity so he looks different that other people he has had 27 so far in his life. Auggie goes to a school called Beecher Prep. In my opinion Beecher Prep has had a positive effect on Auggie’s life because now he has made more friends like Summer, Jack Will, Max G, Max W, and Reid. Sometimes it is hard for auggie to fit in when people like julian step into the picture, but overall Beecher Prep has made Auggie’s life a little easier.
August Pullman is a 5th grader that has Treacher Collins syndrome. It’s a disease that causes someone’s face to be deformed. This prevents Auggie from going to school. But his family wants him to try it out. He has some good times but most of the time, he doesn’t enjoy it. In this essay, i will be talking about the times that he wasn’t enjoying it. And for these reasons, that’s why i choose for him not to go to school .
“‘The main thing I have is this thing called man-di-bu-lo-facial dys-os-tosis-which took me forever to learn how to pronounce, by the way.’” Because he has a face that not many think of as comforting, he has lived most of his life ashamed of the way he looks. As the book progresses, however, Auggie learns that looks aren’t as important as they seem. He learns this with the help of his friends and family. Auggie’s friends have helped him have a better experience at Beecher Prep by sitting with him at lunch and talking to him.
What do you mean? 5. Oh the places Auggie goes Auggie Pullman was born with a facial difference that prevented him from going to school… until now. He’s about to enter 5th grade at Beecher Prep, and if you’ve ever been the new kid, then you know how hard it can be for Auggie. The thing is Auggie's just like any other kid in the world, but with a different face.
This quote highlights Auggie's desire to be known for something other than the way he looks. He is not so different from other kids on the inside, and when people get to know him, they find a funny, likable person worth befriending. The problem is that few people take the opportunity get to know him, since many people are put off by the way he looks. Auggie wants everyone to realize that it matters more what is on the inside than on the
August Pullman, may be teased and bullied but he tackles year five with a great amount of self esteem. Year five can be hard for children, however Auggie has no choice but to confront continuous bullying and judgment from his peers due to his face, although these circumstances happen to him, he doesn’t lose hope and keeps believing that he can do it. “this year I am proud to award the Henry Ward Beecher medal to the student whose quiet strength has carried up the most hearts.So will
Auggie is a loser at school since kids talk behind his back. Julian from Wonder said “You remind me of Darth Sidious from Stars Wars.” He said this since Darth Sidious's face melted and became deformed in Star Wars episode 3. Additionally, there are some kids who play a game where you can’t touch him. He is being outcasted since he has no friends because he is a loser.
His loving parents and sister have shielded him from many outside influences. For example, Auggie has been homeschooled up to fifth-grade. In the beginning of the novel, his mother has decided that it was time for Auggie to have a real school experience. Some of the students that Auggie encounters are accepting and kind, others are a bit put off by him, and still others are complete cruel. The novel follows Auggie’s first year of middle school from the beginning to end.
2 The characterisation of Auggie is he is funny, he may have a deformed face but that does not stop him from being a normal kid, he has a lot of scars because he had surgeries over the past 10 years. I felt that Auggie has a rough time. 3 I like how r.j palacio has written this book because I can relate to this book a quote from r.j palacio “it’s well written engaging and so much fun to read that the pages will almost turn themselves more than that Wonder touches the hart in the most life affirming, unexpected ways, delivering in august Pullman a character whom readers will remember yourself a favourer and read this book your life will be better for it” The book is styled with the 6 diary’s
Summary- Wonder is a heartwarming and down-to-earth story about a ten year old boy named August Pullman, and his first year experience at Beechler Prep. Auggie, however, isn’t like any other newcomer to middle school: he was born with an acute facial deformity called Treacher Collins syndrome. This deformation in his face has caused Auggie to become a social outcast among his peers, and subsequently lead to him being homeschooled all the way up to grade 5. Auggie’s life hasn’t been an easy one, but watch as Auggie and the people around leap through life’s hurdles through this light, witty, and heavily Star Wars
When is Auggie starting school? How does this relate to the grade we discussed with bullying. In the beginning, Auggie’s dad said “it is like leading a lamb to the slaughter”. What do you think he meant by this? (2 pts)
Not only does August have to deal with bullies because of his facial abnormalities, but he also has to adjust to a “real” school. August was always homeschooled due to his 27 surgeries. No one sees August as ordinary, well, except himself. Everyone else is blinded by Auggie’s looks and for awhile they can’t seem to look past them. But when
Wonder by R.J. Palacio is a story about a ten year old fifth grader, August Pullman, who is born with a facial deformity. August starts school at Beecher Prep, a private school in upper Manhattan, after being homeschooled for the last five years. He struggles to make friends at first, but meets Summer Dawson and Jack Will, who become his friends. On Halloween, August dresses up in a “Bleeding Scream” costume when everybody at school is expecting him to dress up as Boba Fett. Not realizing it’s August, Jack says, “I’ve thought about this a lot, and I really think...if I looked liked him, seriously I think that I’d kill myself” (Palacio 77). Although August is initially hurt by Jack’s words, surprisingly they make up. At the annual fifth grade field trip, August and Jack seek a place to go the bathroom in the woods when they are maliciously made fun of by some seventh graders from another school. They get out of the situation when some students who had made fun of August before come to his defense. At the fifth grade graduation, August does the unthinkable: He wins the Henry Ward Beecher award for a student whose “quiet strength has carried them up to the most hearts” (Palacio 304).
His facial difference was his main struggle in life. An example of Auggie demonstrating the May precept from Mr.Browne was when he chose not to report the 7th graders who were using firecrackers, bullied Auggie physically and verbally, and took his hearing aids (even though the teachers found out anyway). In the same situation, Auggie wanted to run away from the 7th grade bullies, but he stayed, because he didn’t want to leave Jack behind. More than enough times, Auggie always put up with Julian’s bullying and mean notes, and he never told a teacher. He was never rude when he noticed people staring at him excessively, or looking away when they saw him. Auggie was always very good at being good to everyone he
Children need strong, resilient role models to learn from and many of these characters are just that. Although Auggie is only 10 years old, he captures the mind of the reader and you find yourself asking “Could I be that strong?” or “Would I be able to rise above the bullying?” The characters are self-reflective in age-appropriate