
The Nima Sensor

Decent Essays

Scientific Invention

1 out of every 133 people in the general population is glutton intolerant. Meaning that in a school of 1,330 students, you might expect around 10 people to require gluten-free diets (Michealis, 2016). For thousands of Canadians with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, going out to eat is sometimes difficult and with anxiety because any item on the menu could have the possibility of giving you bad symptoms if it contains gluten. However, the Nima Sensor, which was created in late 2015, would work to put their minds more at ease by helping detect 20ppm or more of gluten in a drink or food in exactly two minutes (Park, 2015). All it takes is inserting a sample into the well of the device, and an antibody that is loaded with a disposable cartridge scans it to find traces of gluten inside of it. If there is trace of gluten, a frowning face lights up. If it is safe and does not contain gluten, a light with a smile appears. The light is located on the bottom left corner of the product. (, …show more content…

The Nima was designed to be easy to use and to carry around. Its looks more like a make-up kit than a scientific tool that detects gluten. (Park, 2015). Many bad symptoms of celiac disease (a form of gluten intolerance) can happen when gluten-intolerant accidentally consume gluten. Symptoms include abdominal bloating and gas, chronic diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain, nausea and vomiting. For non-celiac intolerances, most of the symptoms include unwanted extreme fatigue and headaches. For kids, there could be difficulty breathing and sometimes eye irritations as well as fatigue and headaches (Poceta, 2015). All these symptoms can easily be reduced and avoided after the invention of Nima Sensor. It can be a tool of re-assurement for many people and rid them of anxiety of later having

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