
The Nontraditional Stereotypes Of Korea Boo

Decent Essays

The Nontraditional Stereotype The term “Korea Boo” may look familiar or unfamiliar to some people, but the word itself is hurtful. So, to put it simply, A Korea boo is a person who is not Korean, obsessed with Korean culture, pretend that they are Korean by using Korean words and acting as if they are Korean when in reality, they are not. The shortest definition would be “Want to Be Korean”. This might not sound like a huge deal to some people, but these so called “Korea Boos” take their obsession too far.
To start off, people throw around this term way too often and it is used on the wrong people. When you call someone a Korea boo when they are not is extremely hurtful and offensive, because these days, people think if you like Korean pop you are automatically a Korea Boo. Most Korea boos do not appreciate or learn about the Korean culture, they also do not try to learn the language, which offends most Koreans. Korea Boos are delusional and only look at the good parts about Korea, when there are just as many bad parts as there are good. Not every country in the world is perfect, South Korea may seem perfect to some people, such as having the fastest internet in the world, there are many places to shop, and you are surrounded by K-pop. There are other things that go on, like problems that involve drugs and abusing power by using money to get what they want, it is not all happy smiley faces and rainbows. South Korea struggles just as much as any other country. Another

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