The nursing program contains of clinical and theoretical courses that complement each other. The nursing program is focused towards preparing professional and competent nurses who would apply their knowledge and skills throughout their work process. Therefore, emphasis should be placed on students’ clinical learning and training since it applies all the clinical skills; affective, psychomotor, and theoretical knowledge. In nursing education, the information and the skills attained in the clinical setting with real patients is far more helpful than organized scenarios in the laboratories or in a lecture room. Clinical practice provides nursing students with the opportunity to apply knowledge as well as developing their psychomotor skills that are vital for their professional progress (Chesser-Smyth, 2005; Oermann & Gaberson, 2013; Sendir & Acaroglu, 2008). In most nursing programs, nursing students spend approximately half of their education within the clinical area using advance technical equipment and perform nursing procedures that can cause serious harm to their patients, thus increasing their fear of creation errors; so it is alarming that they view the clinical practice as very stressful (Chan, So, & Fong, 2009). During clinical practice, nursing students are frequently exposed to various stressors which may directly or indirectly hinder their learning and performance. The nature of clinical education presents challenges that may cause students to experience stress
Burkhardt, M. & Nathaniel, A. (2008). Ethics & issues: In contemporary nursing, (3rd ed.) Clifton Park, NJ: Delmar
According to American Nurses Association nursing can be defined as “the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness”. (American Nurses Association 2016) Nursing is a career where a person, should have compassion, a caring heart, and be devoted to their client care. Sometime person goes into the nursing field for the money, job stability, and because a person 's family member wants them to go into the nursing field. I feel like the future of nursing have yet to be determined.
The purpose of this paper is to explore the personal nursing philosophy I intend to use in my career as a nurse and to explore my values and beliefs about the four metaparadigms – the patient, the nursing practice, their health and the environment, and the discipline of nursing in addition to discussing the nursing concepts relevant to my practice as a nurse practitioner. This paper also discusses the nurse of the future and the Synergy model definitions of the four metaparadigms and how they fit into my personal philosophy.
Nursing should not be looked upon or practiced as a mere physical approach to healing. Nursing should encompass the aspect of restoring each individual patient to his/her maximum physical and emotional state of being. In order to achieve such a goal, a patient must be able to bond with her caregiver on a personal level (Blais & Hayes, 2011). Jean Watson’s caritas factors sets an environment where the patient can obtain optimum health benefits (Blais & Hayes, 2011). The goal of this paper is to state my philosophy of nursing, the important dynamics and values that led me to adopting this philosophy, and the reason why I choose nursing as a profession. I will further explain how Jean Watson’s principles of philosophy is
Nursing is not just a collection of tasks. To provide safe and effective care to the clients, nurses must integrate knowledge, skills and attitudes to make sound judgement and decisions. This essay describes some of the essential knowledge, skills and attitudes of nursing and discusses why they are essential attributes of a competent nurse.
My practice in nursing has been influenced by various elements within my career. I have come to embrace that nursing is a learning process and one should expect constructive criticism. When I began as a “novice,” I found myself nervous in some clinical situations but I managed to remain focused on
This is essay is going to examine the principles of nursing and health. In order to do this it must look at the concept of health then describe the dimensions that make up health. Secondly, an adult individual will be chosen in order to discuss the determinants that affect their health. It will then go on to explain the underpinning professional, ethical and legal principles that would be taken into consideration if the individual were to require nursing care. Finally, it will identify how carrying out this assignment has informed the writers personal concept of nursing.
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Nursing students today are diverse with different learning styles. Nursing educators must shape students to become critical thinkers and there are a host of approaches for instructors to develop needed teaching skills (Kostovich et al., 2007). There are many models of education styles; one to fashion teaching after is from Kolb’s model in 1985 which suggests matching learning methods to teaching approaches. However, educators need to become proficient in identifying individual student learning styles. Nursing educators should also recognize their own teaching style and the effect it has on learner development and socialization (National League for Nursing, 2007). The National League for Nursing (NLN) has developed eight core
Issues such as staff shortage, increased workload, staff feeling threatened by the student nurses, and poor teaching skills can contribute to students not feeling supported (Burns and Paterson, 2005). Nursing students had identified that anxiety as their main concern in the research done by Masoumi and Sharif (2005). The unfamiliarity of tending for patients and worrying of making mistakes during the clinical attachment are the factors that students feel anxious. Mentor can diminish anxiety by utilizing simulation, where genuine case studies and scenarios are being simulated and roles and responsibilities of student nurse are being discussed (Burns and Paterson, 2005).Gradual encouragement in helping student nurse to gain control over their own learning may aid to construct their confidence which will reduce their
Nursing goes beyond caring for a patient during their illness and managing their disease process. Nursing includes adapting to a patient’s and their family’s physical, social, spiritual, environmental and psychological needs. I believe in treating the whole patient and being supportive of the family’s needs as well. Shelly & Miller (2006) asserts “while critical thinking, decision-making, and leadership skills are extremely important, the characteristics nurses need most are compassion, competence, faith, integrity and responsibility” (p. 291).
This author’s personal philosophy in practice is to provide holistic care to my patients and their families. This author feels that encompassing the whole family or the patients support framework in the plan of care is the best approach to returning the patient to their optimum state of health. It is important to this author to evaluate the all of the aspects of the patient’s lives that they will share. It is important to evaluate the patient’s learning style,
Nursing theories are the support of nursing practice today. They are significant to nursing practice, education and scientific research because they help to determine, what is already known, and what additional knowledge and skills are needed. Nurses are usually first exposed to nursing theories during nursing education and further exposure comes from hands on training. The gained knowledge, about nursing theories, through education and training enhances better outcomes for patients and caregivers, allows application of professional boundaries, and assists in decision making. In this paper I will attempt to analyze, in general, the importance of nursing theory to the nursing profession; discuss middle-range theory, furthermore Benner’s
The healthcare system comprises of various disciplines, one of which is the discipline of nursing. I feel that compared to other disciplines like medicine, nursing has minimal recognition of being a discipline on its own. According to (IAIN W. GRAHAM), nurses are always needed by the society, however, the society lacks in acknowledging the social status of nurses. Hence, being nurses, we have to understand and uphold the importance of our nursing. I am writing this letter to you as I would like to share with you on why it is important to study the discipline of nursing. I hope after reading this letter you would be enlightened and be motivated to spread what you have gained from reading this letter to other nurses.
One negative effect that stress inflicts on nursing students is that elevated levels of stress lead to serious health problems. Stress is proven to be a cause of many difficulties among humans and that extreme amounts can lead to complications later on in life or even an early death. Nursing students are placed under continuous extreme levels of stress throughout the duration of their education. Prolonged periods of stress have been proven to cause serious problems relating to the whole body not