In the article, the obesity era by David Berreby the main idea is that there are many alternative theories regarding the rise in obesity. Berreby believes weight gain is not the result of lack of exercise and poor diet. I agree with the author’s argument in regards to the effects of chemicals in the environment and lack of nutrients in fast foods, and other cheaply made food products, the artificial thermoneutral zone, and economical disposition of lower class. Two years ago I started to feel not like my normal self. I put what was going on with me aside and continued to go on with my daily activities until one night I was on my way home from a concert, and I began to get extremely light headed. As the ride continued I had started to break out in a cold sweat. Soon after, all of this happened, I went to the doctor and went through numerous test. The doctor stated that I was overweight, and had become a type one diabetic. With the doctor saying I was overweight and diabetic, I had to cut down on everything i was consuming or it would lead to substantial weight gain and other potential health problems. …show more content…
Food companies are worried less about what people are consuming, and what it is doing to their bodies. Companies are worried more about convenience, cost, and efficiency. Companies making food know with the substantial amount of chemicals that are available companies can stockpile millions of chemicals into one batch of food and make it cheaper, and taste the same. It is becoming extremely convenient for people to go to a gas station grab food filled with chemicals, and leave. Chemicals in food are only going to progressively get more out of
Thousands of children around America are increasingly joining the obesity epidemic and are struggling to get out of it. In the documentary, Fed Up, by Stephanie Soechtig, she creates a documentary that targets young teenagers and parents to uncover the truth of the epidemic and reveal how the food industry is hurting the children 's diet by making them become addicted to sugar. It explains how it is beyond people 's willpower and exercise alone that solves the epidemic, rather it is the food industries ' fault for the nfood they produce. Soechtig uses pathos, ethos and logos by documenting personal stories from young obese teenagers, providing a numerous amount of credible sources from a wide range of experts, and having evidence for the epidemic.
Benjamin Caballero, in an article “The Global Epidemic of Obesity”, written on June 13, 2007, Explain how Obesity started. In this article Benjamin addressing the population on how the tension on body on increasing body weight became important. Benjamin mention that “the great powers understood that increasing the average body size of the population was an important social and political factor. The military and economic might of countries was critically dependent on the body size and strength of their young generations, from which soldiers and workers were drawn” that having people with more weight and height will benefit the country economic.
Human beings survived in the distant past without the usage of these chemicals in our foods and I believe the additives in our foods are there and still not banned mainly because of economics and power and multi million dollar corporations who profit from placing these chemicals in foods that we consume, because the cost of production is lowered so much more for these corporations for exploiting these cheap unhealthy chemicals in the foods people consume and they are the only ones benefiting from placing these harmful chemicals in peoples foods and drinks. It has been proven from the studies mentioned in this paper that food additives and preservatives cause many disorders such as ADHD and I ask myself why are the chemicals still in the foods we eat? while majority of people know that it is unethical to use chemicals in the foods that human beings consume that cause and trigger many problems and disorders in certain people with certain age
America's children are not getting enough exercise, and the health risks due to obesity are becoming epidemic in nature. Even First Lady Michelle Obama is supporting an initiative to help children become more active and to provide for exercise (at least 30-60 minutes per day) in all schools. Even limited amounts of exercise can have great health benefits. When humans exercise, the brain produces chemicals that help enhance mood, limit cravings for sugars, and contribute to healthier joints, muscles, the heart, and kidneys. In turn, this translates into more productive work time, the ability to sleep better, increase memory, and reduce dependence on medications. Children are so vulnerable to this health risk that if it continues, over 60% of graduating seniors will be clinically obese. Written by a medical journalist, the book is designed for the lay reader but has a number of documented scholarly sources.
This book comprehensively addresses the subject of obesity. Apart from highlighting the main causes of the epidemic, the book also presents suggestions on what can be done to stem the rising rates of obesity.
Obesity in America is a big problem which nearly 78 million adults and 13 million children are facing. The life style of Americans these days is a big reason of obesity. Some of the reasons of obesity in American adults and children are increased availability of packaged food, lack of exercise, hours of sitting in the jobs, use of television, computers and phones (Weintrub, 2011).
Since the 1980’s, there has been a steady increase in the percentage of people who are obese in every country around the world. Americans have the greatest percentage of obesity among adults at just over thirty percent. What has caused this epidemic to rise so uncontrollably? The growth of obesity in America is primarily caused by environmental factors rather than genetic factors because only a small amount of obese people have the genes that contribute to obesity.
In a country best known for its extensive amounts of junk food establishments, it is no wonder why an obesity problem is on our hands. With nearly 15,000 McDonald's locations in the United States alone, it provides quick access to fast food, which remains as one of the leading factors in the increasing accumulation of obese adults in the nation. This number of obese people in America has been racking up simultaneously with the development of fast food and stagnant day jobs, which require little to no exercise. Sweatpants and leggings are accepted as everyday attire, allowing people to wear stretchy pants without the consequence of being able to notice any weight gain they may be experiencing. America as a whole has been neglecting the lifestyle
I opine that the United States of America most certainly has a problem with obesity. In this generation, people care more about making money than other people (and their health). Unhealthy food, like fast food, is ludicrously cheap, while healthy food is unrealistically expensive. Children, teens, and adults either have, or are at risk for learning disabilities, depression, diabetes, heart disease, strokes and lower incomes, all because of their diet. People wonder about America's obesity 'epidemic' when burgers are ninety-nine cents and salads are four dollars, need I say more? Fast food takes place of home cooked meals, where you know what goes into the food you eat, the British Heart Foundation told BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)
Adult overweight and obesity have become a worldwide issue that has very dangerous consequences on health. World Health Organization defines obesity as the “epidemic of the 21st Century”. WHO reports show that 1.9 billion people with 18 years age and older are overweight, and 600 million of them are obese. In the United States, obesity is a serious problem today that results from overconsumption of high-fat food and sugary food with lack of exercise. The Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention reports show that the obesity rates are above 20 percent in all states. Overweight and obesity have become a major public health issue because of their high rates of mortality and morbidity. People who are considered overweight or obese are at increased
In this article I will explain the meaning of obesity , how it impair daily life , and is obesity a problem in America.
Obesity in general is becoming an epidemic in the United States. It is also being considered a disease. Obesity is an excessively high amount of body fat or adipose tissue in relation to lean body mass. The amount of individuals who are affected by this medical disease are increasingly located in the lower class. It is possible that government aid food programs are no help to this issue. Not only are adults being affected, but more children are falling into the category of obese. Obesity in children can be looked at from many possible areas, such as race and ethnicity, the education level of the parents, their gender, and where they are located in a city or town. Many researchers have begun to attempt to discover a solution to this growing epidemic. Obesity is increasing in low income areas in the United States. Government aids and other programs help aid low-income families and help battle obesity.
For the past centuries, food scarcity and hunger had been considered as a harmful situation. People who are overweight or obese were seen as wealthy and successful. As time progresses, more food were made available such cause the population of people who are of great weight to rise as well. The availability of food at first, produce a healthy population but slowly, it became a world health problem Through industrial technology, production of unhealthy processed food became faster and easier. Soon, appliances, machines, cars created a situation where in it requires less movement to accomplish chores and leads to a sedentary life style. Such were the reasons why the obesity rate continuously skyrocketed through the
I believe very strongly that our overproduction of cheap grain in general, and corn in particular, has a lot to do with the fact that three-fifths of Americans are now overweight. The obesity crisis is complicated in some ways, but it's very simple in another way. The consumer expect too much on the company that will make everything healthy but demanding to lower the price of the products. The food industry and its nonstop marketing has been tabbed by many experts as a major player in the obesity epidemic. The consumers assume that everything they eat occur to be a healthy one, however; once they know how the food are produced. People see their food as a reasonable way to eat and digest. On the other hand, consumers don’t know that the food
36.5 Americans are considered to be obese (Adult obesity facts, 2016, September 1). This does not include the many more that are considered to be overweight. This breaks down to 35% of people are obese in 4 states, 30% in another 25 states, and all states have at least 20% of people being obese (Obesity rates and trends, 2016, September). These are staggering amounts.