The Objective of this project is to find an End User Experience Tool (EUX) to monitor our client’s devices to better diagnose current issues and prevent future ones. There were many instances where our executives were out of town and their devices stopped working and there weren’t any tools to prevent something like this to happen before hand or diagnose the reasons. With a EUX tool, we will be able to monitor and diagnose any occurrences, track, and report any trend issues and prevent issues like this from happening as often. Phase 1 – Planning On the initial phase, all planning will be assed. Time, budget, and project implementation will be discussed and accordingly planned for the entire project. Major milestones will be documented …show more content…
The pilot machines will be monitored and worked for a few days until we feel comfortable and assured we are familiar with the program and it is working properly as we planned and expected. Phase 4 – Deployment Deployment will start once all testing if finalized. A deploy package will be built by the team and all deploy systems will be gathered ahead of time to be included in the package. The installation will be a silent install, client will be pushed to the select devices with no interference to the users. Once deployment is completed, a report will be generated by the program with the completion and failure status. Phase 5 – Final Presentation and Closing After all reporting comes back positive, software is up and running, reporting, and executing as is supposed to, a final meeting presentation will take place to give a final report status and close the project process. A meeting with stakeholders will be scheduled, a final presentation will give them a project status, execution, results, and completion. A 99.9% ration acceptance will be needed to finalize and complete the project. Once that is completed, all documents, steps, logs, and processes will be archived for future use and auditing purposes. Project will be closed once all these tasks are performed and the final and next phase will take place. Phase 6 – Go Live Once project is appropriately approved and closed, the system will go live and system reporting will begin Hardware
Each phase of the project will be completed within the time that was given. IF the project team cannot complete each phase on time, the project team will work overtime. Each phase of the project will be tested and a detailed report will be created after each phase is completed. The V.P. of operations will sign off the report when each phase is completed. The individuals that will test during each phase of the project will be several members of the HR department. As soon as the HR System has been tested and finalized, each member of the HR department will be trained to operate the new software that will be added to the upgraded HR System.
II. Planning Stage - PM meets with VP of Tech to go over spec. The two collaborate to create a Project Plan including a Gant Chart or equivalent to determine team member deadlines (individual initiatives) four launch.
Which is requirements needed, after all the information the team will analyze to determine software requirements and generate a report. Then we move to the selection and design, this will occur when the team creates several designs and share with everyone on the project. We will identify any weakness, if we have any successful prototypes it should show how the software will operate. Implementation phase should proceed without any issues if there is any it must be correct during this time. A planned out schedule should allow for any unexpected incidents. When the implementation stage is complete we move to operation when our software has been designed and does what it was designed to do. We will do a review and evaluation which consist of performance, cost and
A: In the software lifecycle there are 4 phases that are derived from the old System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and they are as follow; Planning, Implementation, Maintenance, and the Removal process. The planning phase is defined by all planning activities including the analysis of the software to be installed, verification of its compatibility, supported methods of installations, and the identification of any risks associated with the software and the desired deployment method. The Implementation phase is used to prepare for deployment such as; creating a shared access location for files and creating or using the appropriate package files. After all these steps have been
1. This project will be limited to the installation of servers, WAN connections and the development, testing, and implementation.
All LCC e ort should be completed in the Design Development Phase of the project.
In the last phase, the verify phase, the team validates the design, implements a pilot to confirm expected results, and verifies that the process output meets the expectations of all stakeholders (Bozarth & Handfield, 2008).
Initial projections show that the current schedule will take 50 weeks to finish with a final budget estimate of $3.152 million. Although the project estimate comes in under budget, the time frame for completion extends beyond the acceptable 45 weeks. Before deciding which activities should be crashed, Bjorn and his team first need to have a clear understanding of the project’s priorities. To do this the team has first defined the project’s scope and decided to develop a project priority matrix. Defining the project scope sets the stage for developing a plan and its primary purpose is to define as clearly as possible the deliverables and to focus project plans (Gray & Larson, 2005).
In the define phase proposals are formulated, estimated and tested for feasibility. The results will be presented to the senior management in order to receive a "go" for the project which often is in the form of a contract.
Once the application is implemented it would then be tested, debugged and tested again. Once all this is complete, documentation would be completed and any additional documentation for the application from the user perspective would be done for deployment and maintenance of the application.
The nature and scope of a project is determined at the initiation stage. This involves analyzing the business needs, developing goals, budgets, tasks, deliverables, and the stakeholder analysis. The project planning stage determines the planning team, develops the scope, and identifies work breakdown structure and activities that will be needed to complete deliverables. The planning stage also estimates time and cost activities, develop schedule and risk plan, and gain formal approval for work to begin. The executing stage involves all processes used to meet the project requirement and involves managing people and resources. The process that entails the identification of potential problems and
After the proposed system is analyzed and designed, the actual implementation of the system occurs. After implementation, working system is available and it requires timely maintenance.
It will also detail what milestones must be met to be able to successfully coordinate effort within the project timeline and meet the inauguration date as planned, without the milling of any other milestones nor the compromising of any nor all deliverables. Finally, it ensures the appropriate risk mitigation is in place to meet the final deliverables and the timeline requirements within every project phase.
By the end of this phase, an overall project plan and some schedules of costs and time will have been made to see whether to pursue the proposal further.
The output of these meetings will be minutes, which will serve as the project status reports. The reports will be transmitted to the Citizen-Schwartz AG Project Manager (via facsimile, e-mail or any other means mutually agreed to by the Citizen-Schwartz AG and Span Systems Project Managers respectively (University of Phoenix, 2008).