One having power and control over fate would be ones most impossible quest. The Odyssey, composed by Homer, shows how mankind is always under the mercy and leniency of fate, which was expressed through Odysseus. One can only make a choice and hope that the consequences are fated to suit one. His struggles were external and internal. One would never plan struggles in their fate if one was able to manage it, yet, fate is full of struggles. Odysseus had no power over his fate and needed a prophecy so he can withstand the struggles and suffering fated for him, therefore, the management of fate is just a myth.
Fate could be ones destructible enemy or ones beloved friend. If fate was managed by man, it would behold a beautiful story; however, it beholds the darkness of night which was proven by odusseia. Odysseus, the greatest mortal, was unable to endure the suffering fate planned for him until he got guidance from the gods and a prophecy. “But if you only knew, down deep, what pains are fated to fill your cup before you reach that shore, you’d stay right here, preside in our house with me and be immortal”(V, 228-230). In this quote, Calypso begs Odysseus once more to stay with her. She told him if he knew what was fated for him, he would stay with her. This illustrates a picture of how Odysseus has no control over his fate and blindly goes with his life. In this quote, Odysseus made a choice of going back to his native land, but this does not mean that he
Fate and free will are two topics that are often questionable because they go hand in hand. Fate is a belief that a certain event is said to happen, then that person's choice and free will lead them to what has been predicted as inevitable. Knowing whether something is fate’s fault or the fault of the person who’s going to enact the said action, is one question that has never been fully answered. In Sophocles' Oedipus Rex and Shakespeare's Macbeth, fate is determined by their own choices and free will, the character Macbeth knows of what lies ahead of him, making him alter the present to create his idealistic future, however instead he lives a life of ruins. As for Oedipus his entire actions are based on one prophecy he desperately
If life, ones actions can determine the depths of their fate. In Homer book of the Odyssey this fate appeared throughout the entire book towards Odysseus and his men. Odysseus and his men couldn’t get back home because of the enigmatic gods. Therefore, fate does control Odysseus life; in particular his journey back to Ithaca.
Odysseus is responsible for all of the actions that he takes. Also that some events are “fated” and will happen no matter what. How can there be both free will and fate in the same sequence of events. In the Greek world fate is not the same as it is in the other worlds and/or scenarios.
Is a hero only characterized by their success? If a leader’s last actions carry them to victory, are their flaws unimportant? The Odyssey by Homer narrates the ancient myth of a leader coming home from war in Troy who faces many trials, and despite returning home alone without any of his crew, he is looked upon as a hero for having survived. His ultimately sole success continues to define him, although the bitter truth being that he was the leader of his men when they all perished. As flaws of the all-mighty Odysseus and his crew are presented through their responses to the challenges they experience on their journey, people of the modern world may begin to understand that there exist several flaws that plague all men, whether they live now or lived thousands of years ago, and whether they are leaders or followers. The Odyssey is important in its characters’ responses’ to their trials ability to evoke emotional reactions that cause the reader to ponder their own tendencies by revealing the human nature of pride to be the fuel of the impulsiveness that oscillates fate.
During, Homer’s, The Odyssey many strengths were tested throughout the entire book. This book was a mythological Greek folk tale that was created between the eleventh and eighth century B.C, therefore it is filled with many exaggerated stories about the Gods and treacherous adventures Odysseus had ventured on. He encounters a cyclops and after battles a six-headed monster. His crew discovers their talent for making mistakes such as being turned into pigs by Circe and letting strong winds out of the bag sending them farther from home. Odysseus experiences battles with his emotional stamina as well. His depression about his travels are shown through his lamentation on Calypsos’ island and his will power to discover the loyalty of his house mates is tested by Odysseus disguising himself as a beggar in his own home. Throughout, Homer’s, The Odyssey perseverance holds significance emotionally, physically, and mentally when enduring the battles and setbacks he experiences.
Homer’s “The Odyssey” takes place ten years after the events in “The Iliad”, to which the Odyssey is an indirect sequel, and the fall of Troy; even though the story is believed to have been composed some time during the eight century B.C.E. it is estimated to be set sometime between 1300 and 1000 B.C.E. in Mycenaean Greece during the Bronze age. In this novel all Greek heroes have returned home after the fall of Troy, except for Odysseus who after a three year journey has been held captive by the goddess Calypso, who has fallen in love with him, on her island, Ogygia. After the ten years have passed Odysseus is presumed dead, his wife Penelope is courted, and his estate is auctioned off by the Suitors, the young men of Ithaca who attempt to win Penelope’s favor and hand in marriage.
Toby Keith is well known as an all American singer. In 2009, Keith’s song “American Ride” was released. American Ride is a song about loving your country despite the problems it has. Specific words in the chorus, such as, “Funny how the world keeps turnin,” shows that our country has a numerous amount of problems and needs a
Imagine you’re an archeologist exploring Egypt and you find an old tomb, one that has not been ransacked. Strangely, the mummy is a pharaoh in only a rich man’s tomb and it turns out this ruler died young. The mummy is King Tutankhamun and he was killed by Aye, his chief advisor. Aye killed King Tut for power over Ancient Egypt. Evidence shows that the pharaoh had many injuries before his death.
Thus far in The Odyssey, Homer has introduced several characters. The Gods discussed what they should do about Odysseus’ struggles as he attempts to get home to his wife and son. Athena then appears to Telemachus as Mentor, an old friend of Odysseus’. She convinces him that he should set sail in order to find out if his father is dead or alive and to take back control of his father’s kingdom from his mother, Penelope’s, suitors. Antinous, one of her suitors, then tells Telemachus of Penelope’s deception toward them. After hearing this, they exchanged more words, and then he set sail to find his father. He goes to see King Nester who remembers what it was like during the Trojan War and tells Telemachus to be strong and brave. The Gods met again and discussed Odysseus’ capture by Calypso. Zeus sent his son Hermes, the messenger of the Gods, to tell Calypso that she must release Odysseus. Calypso reacts vividly to this, stating that the gods are unfair in their treatment of gods and goddesses. Calypso then begins to speak to Odysseus. During this conversation in book 5, Homer reveals to us the importance of a person’s wit and the deception of others in order to help yourself, as well as the importance of one’s will power.
Fate can be thought as life being predetermined for the entirety of your days. From the early writings of Homer, specifically in the poem, The Iliad, there is a clear representation of whether it is free will or fate after all. Although we may never know whether there is a predetermined path or rather just free, it can only make one wonder. For most Greek Mythology, it is been evident that most of people’s decisions were not free will but rather fate itself. While people think they have free will, it may just be fate after all.
In our world today, fate and free will remains the biggest mystery of all; is everything we do controlled or do we have the freedom of choice? In the story "Oedipus the King" by Sophocles, the author uses the idea of fate and free will to explain the struggle of Oedipus's life. Fate and free will is explained as; fate is controlled by an outside supernatural force, and there is no way of controlling it. Free will is when each of us is responsible and controls all aspects of our own life. The author of "Oedipus the King" uses ironic devices to convey a tragic attitude toward the struggle of fate and free will.
It is also fate that Oedipus was cursed and has to avoid it. Because the prophecy applies to him, he tries to avoid the outcome by escaping it, but he can’t escape his fate. “Revealed at last, brother and father both to the children he embraces, to his mother son and husband both--he sowed the loins his father sowed, he spilled his father’s blood!” (281). The truth was revealed by Tiresias and in fact, it already had happened to Oedipus even though he tried so hard to avoid it. But after the truth was revealed, Oedipus cannot change what he had already done. Similarly,
Roald Dahl is unlike any other writer. Because of his past, Dahl was known to include gambling, dark humor, and even gruesome violence in his writings. He wrote poems, short stories, and even screenwriting; always including bad things happening to sympathetic characters, which some believed he used as a form of relief. Roald Dahl is an astounding author with a wide vision in which he shows in a form of writing, which is proven in a series of his short stories, such as the way he creates irony, by placing sympathetic characters in dangerous situations, especially in the dark humor that follows with many of his short stories
In Oedipus the King, the theme of fate vs free will appears all through the play. Oedipus throughout the play tries to avoid his inevitable fate, which ironically seems to make his fate come
Sophocles is the author of the famous play, “Oedipus the King”. In case you did not know, Sophocles is from Greece. In Greek mythology there are three goddesses who preside over the birth and life of humans. Each person 's destiny was thought of as a thread spun, measured, and cut by the three Fates, Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. In the story “Oedipus the King” fate and destiny was the main theme. On Google the definition of destiny is the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future. Fate is defined as, the development of events beyond a person 's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power. In this paper I will be analyzing the story to help you understand the significance of destiny and fate to the story.