
The Omnivore's Dilemma Summary

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Michael Pollan explains in his book, The Omnivore’s Dilemma, that the Industrial food chain has taken over America. With most of our products made of corn and processed beyond imagination, the industrial food chain is a cheap and convenient way to make food. Because it is so cheap to make, it is also very cheap to buy. Fast food restaurants such as McDonald's and Burger King use highly processed food, too. But, the Industrial food chain is the most unhealthy food chain and has been a large benefactor to the growing amount of heart attacks in the United States. The CDC states,“In 2013, a total of 2,596,993 resident deaths(from heart attacks) were registered in the United States—53,714 more deaths than in 2012. The crude death rate for 2013 …show more content…

According to The Atlantic Magazine, organic means, “Organic means crops are grown without artificial pesticides, fertilizers, GMOs(genetically modified organisms), irradiation, or sewage sludge, and animals raised without hormones or antibiotics”(The Atlantic, Defining Organic: The Difference Between Sustainable and Local). The industrial organic food chain does not use harmful chemicals such as pesticides or herbicides. In The Omnivore’s Dilemma, Michael Pollan says, “Organic farming rules do not allow chemical weed killers, so Greenway has to use other methods to fight weeds”(Pollan 140). The fields are watered to get any weed seeds to grow before the plants are to be grown. Then, the farmers uses a tractor to plow the weeds. The farmers do this several times. Later, the farmers use propane torches to burn any remaining weeds. “The result of all this hard work is fields that look just as clean as if chemical weed killers had been used"(Pollan 140). When Michael Pollan says this, he is explaining that, because they plow the fields and do not use toxic chemicals, there are no harmful chemicals which can seep into the food and water supply and poison the consumers. Also, industrial organic farmers are changing. They are drifting away from the industrial way of only growing one or two crops per farm and are slowly starting to grow many crops per farm. “"The efforts of organic farmers to …show more content…

Many people think industrial organic uses chemicals because of the “industrial” part of the name. But, industrial organic food is more like organic than industrial. It has the plusses from industrial such as the ability to produce on a large scale but it does not use pesticides, much like organic. “Instead of toxic pesticides, crops are sprayed with natural substances like BT, a pesticide made from a common soil bacteria”(Pollan 140). Also, animals such as the chickens on these farms are treated much better than animals on most other farms. “Because there are no hormones or antibiotics in their(chicken) feed to speed growth, they get to live a few days longer”(Pollan 150).This states that the chickens do not grow as fast without hormones or antibiotics, so they are slaughtered a few days later. Another example is chickens on organic farms have more room to roam than other chickens. “They get a few more square inches of living space per bird”(Pollan

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