
The Once And Future King Summary

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Ashton B. Carter the 21st century King Arthur It has been hundreds of years since the Saxons predicted the return of King Arthur. According to the legend we are just about due for his return. Though, it could be he has already returned, in the form of the current U.S. Secretary of Defense, Ashton Baldwin Carter. He and King Arthur have striking similarities in many areas. For starters, both Ashton and Arthur looked to change the world through the reform of military. Second, they fight the big fights that seem impossible and no one else wants to fight. Finally, they are both highly educated on the natural forces of the world. When Arthur was growing up and learning from Merlin, he learned that conflict was not always great. This is proven in chapter 7 of “The Once and Future King” by T. H. White. In this chapter Merlin shows Wart what war really looks like and how ugly and gruesome it could be. When Arthur becomes king, he does not feel that armies are needed to win all wars, and some disputes can be settled civilly. Along this same line, Ashton is currently …show more content…

In Arthur’s time he killed giants and beasts of many shapes and sizes. “Powerful warrior, who is able to personally slay 960 men in one charge,” ( This is how many Arthurian experts have described Arthur, this is also something that Arthur was believed to have done. Likewise Ashton Carter is currently trying to put more guns in the hands of military recruiters. This is a big fight because of the huge movement to ban guns and limit magazine sizes, yet Ashton is trying to tell people that we actually need more guns. This comes after 5 recruiters were killed at a recruitment center on July 16th in Chattanooga, Tennessee. So, both Arthur and Ashton know that they need to fight for what they feel is right, even if others don’t like

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