
The One Minute Manager, By Blanchard & Johnson

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The One Minute Manager, by Blanchard & Johnson, explains how managers can get exceptional results from their employees while spending little time actively managing them. Three key techniques are introduced and used to teach leaders how to manage effectively with less stress and in less time. The manager learns how to develop one-minute goals, how to communicate one-minute praisings, and how to issue one-minute reprimands. In using these techniques, leaders will learn how to increase organizational productivity, increase job satisfaction, and pursue personal success. Although the “One Minute Manager” does not teach you how to handle every situation, it does teach you three simple techniques that anyone can learn and apply to every other …show more content…

These managers would describe themselves as “participative, supportive, considerate, and humanistic” (Blanchard & Johnson, 1981, p. 14). Finally, effective managers are able to manage themselves and the people they work with. Instead of either the organization or the people profiting from the manager 's presence, both succeed in an effective managing organization. As the young man finally came across the one minute manager, he was intrigued to learn more about his managing techniques. In asking more questions, he was directed to three other people, each of whom would have an explanation to the three techniques of the one minute manager. The first, One Minute Goal-Setting, is when the manager always makes it clear what the employees responsibilities are and what they are being held accountable for. Each goal is recorded on a single sheet of paper and is no more than 250 words, so it can be read in under a minute. After the employees are aware what the goals are, the manager then is sure to make clear what good performance is and what the performance standards are. The next person the young man spoke to discussed the One Minute Praising Technique. One of the first quotes this section discussed was “Help people reach their full potential; Catch them doing something right” (Blanchard & Johnson, p. 39). Instead of always “catching” someone

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