
The Ontological Argument Analysis

Decent Essays

God exists in reality just by being understood in the mind. In Anselm’s The Ontological Argument, he analyzes the definition of god in his own version of the ontological argument. He claims that god cannot exist solely in the mind without also existing in reality. God is too great a being to be only understood in the mind without existing, which would make him less than great and contradict the understanding.
God is a being too great to be contained as an understanding within the human mind without existing in reality, which would make him less great to humanity. Anselm argues this when he presents his version of the ontological argument, which addresses the existence of god. He claims, “when th[e] [atheist] hears my words ‘something than which nothing greater cn be thought’ he understands what he hears. And what he understands is in his understanding, even if he does not understand [i.e., judge] it to exist. For that a thing is in the understanding is distinct from understanding that [this] thing exists” (Anselm 554-555). In order to be a great being, Anselm argues that if a person understands god within their thoughts, then god must exist in reality if he can exist within the mind. To support this, Anselm provides one example of the argument, using a painter as the object of it. He explains that when a painter pictures what he is going to paint, he has the understanding of his painting, although it has not …show more content…

In Anselm’s The Ontological Argument, he analyzes the definition of god in his own version of the ontological argument. He claims that god cannot exist solely in the mind without also existing in reality. God is too great a being to be only understood in the mind without existing, which would make him less than great and contradict the understanding. By understanding God, we prove that he exists in reality, and cannot deny his existence, whether it be in the material world or in the

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