For centuries, the circus has always been advertised as a fun-filled event for everyone to enjoy. Because of the silly, fun-filled antics displayed by every acrobat, clown, and animal, most visitors do not question the circus’s background or what happens when the Big Top closes. Only recently have the atrocities against animals come to light, and the truth is very depressing. The reality is that all animals in a circus environment are being forced to perform against their will out of fear: fear of being beaten, whipped, muzzled, or starved. Now that the truth is out, it is up to the public to do what is right and not support such a cruel institution.
When people say circus, one of the first images that come to mind are elephants. The Ringling Brothers Circus has always been famed for their elephants being especially well trained. How do they train them? They “break” them—which is to oppress
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Lions and Tigers, who are used to running, hunting, and roaming are forced into small, barren cages for hours and hours on end without any stimulation whatsoever. Their only relief is for performances where they are whipped and forced to jump through rings of fire, which all Tigers are absolutely terrified of. Cats who do not comply with the trainers’ wishes are beaten and deprived of food. Circuses can get away with atrocities such as these because no agency keeps them accountable. They also do not take into account the animals’ natural behaviors. Tigers are solitary creatures but are forced into groups which often results in fights among the animals. Lions are used to roaming all day but in a circus they are kept in small cages constantly so their only time of exercise is for performances. (“This is Why”.) Cubs are separated form their mothers at an early age to make them dependent on humans and to not rely on their natural instincts. Circuses don’t take the animals’ well being into account which is why they should be
In the article “PETA urges L.A. to ban all wild animals from circus performances”, Alexia Fernandez highlights the speed with which animal activists go in order to free wild animals from being used in circuses. According to the spokesman for the Ringling Bros, after L.A. “banned circuses from using bullhooks to manage elephants” in 2014, PETA activists demanded that circuses remove wild animals from their performances and Barnum & Bailey Circus begged to differ by arguing that animals in their facilities are taken good care of and are not mistreated (Fernandez, 2016). In conclusion, both sides of the arguments believe that neither is misinformed.
They are taken away from their families which hurts them emotionally. They are raised by humans who are trained to care for them, but they cannot substitute for the love of their mates. In addition, some of the animals that are born in a circus environment do not understand who they are or what group they belong to. For instance, if you take a tiger or elephant that has been living in the circus for most of their lifetime and bring it back to their original habitat, they will not be able to survive. They will not understand what is to hunt or to survive in the wild. Bentham explained, “You should be motivated to act, not for the sake of your own pleasure, but also for the sake of others’ pleasures, too.” A circus can entertain large crowds, but at the end of the day, circus representatives are taking animals from their natural habitats to pleasure others and they have no right to do so. Ringling Bros. And Barnum & Bailey’s circus made a great ethical decision to support the animals’ rights and support that animals should not be used for entertainment anymore.
Think about how we will look back on our cruel forms of entertainment in the future. Will we be proud of the way we treated these great animals, with abuse as neglect? Today we turn our heads away from reality and what happens behind the scenes of animal entertainment. However, we can’t turn our heads forever. Around the world, there is so much more to animal entertainment than what meets the eye. These animals have been torn away from their beautiful, natural homes and brought to a prison of concrete. In these prisons, they are beaten, starved and tortured all for our money and entertainment. These animals lives should not be taken from them for us. Our money and happiness should not be worth these animal’s lives. Circus, theme park and zoo animals all suffer from aggression towards trainers, mental disabilities and physical injuries. These animals should not have to suffer any longer.
Animal circuses should be banned and illegal throughout the world. Animals in the circus do not receive proper care and treatment. They are beaten and forced to learn tricks and stunts against their will. Also, animals held in captivity do not learn specialized skills they instinctively pick up in the wild. Once a circus animal relies on humans for food and help, they will never be able to survive in the wild due to their dependency on humans. Many animals in the circus were pulled away from their mothers at a young age. These animals deserve to be with their families in their natural habitats not in cages, forced to perform tricks for human enjoyment. The use of animals in circuses is not morally correct and should be stopped.
No thought to the experiences which they have endured, the pain and disrespect that have been subjected to. In one night, it would be impossible to ban all the worlds, circuses, zoos, dog and horse-tracks, and aquariums, but small attentions each day to eliminate the market for this brand of entertainment could end suffering across the nation, and hopefully spread across the globe. Behind each abuse, there is a use, whether entertainment, food, or "the greater good". Although animals in the entertainment industry are given little thought, they may not experience the worst scenario we've concocted for them. They might be saved from a life of needles, tubes, and mystery medicines.
The circus is one of a classic image, elephants lumbering trunk to tail. But is this docility born of positive reinforcement, or the fear of being beaten? When the yearly circus comes to town, it has but one thing in mind, entertainment. Both the stunts of animals and humans alike are mesmerizing and capture the audience's attention. Spectator’s become amazed at the miraculous accomplishments of the animals, and they are willing to pay mass amounts of money to see wild animals outside of their natural habits. But, circuses are not what they seem, the animals needs are not sustained, they are not taken into consideration. What many fail to realize is that the performing animals are not acting out of love, but instead they provide entertainment
Imagine you are stolen from your family at a young age, forced. Forced to perform routines, and you can not understand why, when you mess up or refuse to perform, you are punished with lacerations or starvation. No one responsible for you cares about your health and will do whatever they can to put as little effort and resources into you. This is the life for many animals forced to participate in circuses. Circus animals, such as elephants, big cats, camels, or bears, live in conditions no human would want to experience. Traveling in small cages, being deprived of experiencing a “natural” life, being forced to perform routines, these are all things circus animals have to go through. A circus is no place for an animal, especially when forced
Animals want to escape or rebel against authority. Circus elephants are most famous for their outbreaks and forcefulness towards crowds. It is easy to blame the handler’s for not taking proper care and not being able to control their animal. With proper handling and care treatments, there could be less outbreaks and more peacefulness amongst the humans and elephants. For those people who are hurting and abusing the circus animals, there is little being done to convict
The life of a circus animal is hard and demanding. It is not an acceptable way of life for an animal. Circuses would quickly lose their appeal if the public were more aware of their mistreatments of these animals. Many circuses do not have much money and as a result the animals suffer from inadequate care. These animals spend most of their time in small cages used for transportation. The Animal Welfare Act provides cage requirements, but many circuses fail to follow this law. Even the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey circus was cited for 65 violations over a two-year period according to Florence Lambert. When traveling, animals spend hours, even days between sites in confinement..
When adults take their children to the circus, they expect their child to be mesmerized. What is there for a child not to be captivated by? Between the dazzling display of lights, the vast amount of animals, and the entertaining clowns all over the place, the circus is a great experience for any child. While the tigers are jumping through hoops of fire, the elephants are being prepared to go out into the center ring. The audience is going wild and the children are screaming in excitement. Before the elephants begin their march into the ring, the trainers, behind the scenes, take one last hit at them with their bull hooks. One elephant trumpets in pain as the hook gashes its skin. While all this is going on, a lion is imprisoned in a cage
It is under these conditions that circus animals “go bad”. Since the inception of the travelling circus, there have been numerous accounts of animals mauling and killing trainers and audience members. Historically, elephant attacks are the most publicized and referenced. This may be because elephants seem to be gentle giants, making their attacks all the more shocking, or that the physical and financial damage done by a marauding elephant is astounding. It can also be
Animals have been a main focus in circus performances around the world for many centuries; however, in recent history, there have been far more regulations put on the use of these creatures, stemming mainly from how they are treated by both their trainers and the circus as a whole. Whether it be on the federal or local and state-level, there has been a definite increase in the questionable legality of America’s circus industry due to the neglect and abuse of the participating animals, courts’ decisions highlighting the true importance of the issue. These rulings make one ask the question: What types of regulations could be put in place in all circuses to ensure that the animals involved are not abused in the process? In the end, many
Lin , D.(2014 ) expresses that , Wild animals in circuses are abused because they are required to perform in ways that are not natural to them, such as balancing on stools, interacting with other wild animals, jumping through hoops of fire, riding bicycles, or playing with balls. Trainers usually claim that they use only positive reinforcement, such as food rewards and verbal praise. But, they often react in ways that harm humans. As Alycia ,N. & Jesse,M. (2010 ) explains, " their studies have shown more than 35 dangerous incidents since 2000 that have occurred with circus animals such as running through streets, crashing into buildings, attacking members of the public, and killing and injuring handlers resulting in the death of animals
The use for animal entertainment is cruel because they’re abused. According to The Last Chance for Animals Organization the weapons used in circus are bats, pitchforks etc. These are the things circus people use to show cruelty towards the animals. The article also states that, “these training practices generally will be hidden from public view”(Peta 1). This is saying what happens off stage are not shown on stage meaning, tortures towards animals. Physical tortures are hidden and now going into animals being sexually abused.
Living life as a circus animal is not as entertaining as it seems. If people in the public were aware of how these animals are being mistreated, circuses would lose their shows. Some people find elephants balancing on their trunks or lions jumping through fire entertaining. These animals suffer. We are curious on how these animals are being trained to perform crucial and painful tricks. Some of us think positive about circus. Others, wonder why the animal tamers are holding whips instead of treats. The reasons why circus animals should gain the public’s attention is because they spend most of their lives behind bars, their taken away from their mother’s right after birth, the method of training is physical punishment, and their being starved and dehydrated. Circus animals have caught attention to the audience for years, but the abuse behind these animals is a serious problem.