There are many positions in life, personal, professional, spiritual, and so on that asks us to have a particular stance or belief. These positions will change over time and are often quiet fluid in nature. The mission of the University of Charleston (University Of Charleston About Us, 2015) is to educate and enrich students to conform their current and future lifestyles. The Organizational Leadership (OL) program I started in 2011 has revealed to me the various complexities associated with change. My development in the organizational leadership curriculum has opened my eyes to areas that have helped me relate to others. Introduction of the adult learner, the explanation of psychological, personality development, the study of different types of leadership and their styles for certain positions. The organization and process to be successful in every environment are studied in the field beginning with having a vision, to communication in an enterprise and cross-cultural boundaries with interventions to conform structure.
The impact from learning about interpersonal skills and leadership has engaged my citizenship at work and in my personal life as well. Leaders must have a solid understanding of how their emotions and actions affect the people around them, especially with the many challenges and opportunities that arise when working with others (Philips, 2012). The better a person relates and works with people the more successful he or she will be. The characteristics
Effective leaders opt to implement a specific type of leadership style as a result of their personalities and job experiences, and apply it to their organizational structure. However, that particular type of leadership style a leader utilizes may not apply to every job situation (Peak et al., 2010). In order to be an effective leader, an individual must acquire the three basic leadership skills and they are as follows: (1) human relations; (2) conceptual skills; and (3) technical skills (Haberfeld, 2013). Additionally, a skillful leader must also be proficient in motivating, communicating, and problem solving (Hess & Orthmann, 2012).
This approach emphasize that having a leader with a certain set of traits is crucial to having effective leadership. It’s the leader and the leader’s personality that are central to the leadership process.
Over the past couple of months, we discussed several traits, skills, and behaviors that have contributed to the success of both past and present leaders. Intelligence, integrity, charisma, and confidence are some of the traits that characterize many of these leaders. Interpersonal skills, oratory skills, and conceptual skills are some of the more important skills that helped to shape their leadership style. Some of these skills go hand in hand with the traits that are essential for strong leadership. Meanwhile, the behaviors that drive these leaders include inspiring and motivating others, collaboration, having a strategic perspective and trust. Combined, these traits, skills and behaviors make for effective leadership.
Developing leadership abilities early in my life is vital to becoming the person I aspire to be. Having these kinds of skills is something that can help me become a more effective communicator. Communication is necessary in many careers throughout one’s lifetime. Acquiring attributes of a leader
Leadership is the elaboration of group inspiration. One person entrusted as leader can implore the aid, and support of supporters in the accomplishment of a common mission. According to Gurdjian, Halbeisen, and Lane “Becoming a more effective leader often requires changing behavior. But although most companies recognize that this also means adjusting underlying mind-sets, too often these organizations are reluctant to address the root causes of why leaders act the way they do” (Gurdjian, Halbeisen, and Lane, 2014) However, today abundant businesses engross importance on the improvement of leaders. Some of the ultimate leaders were formerly followers, such as in instructive businesses. One aspect as leaders many have to contemplate in striving
In this world, there are many types of people and personalities. The personality trait in question is a leadership. From group leaders to CEOs to presidents, leaders are around us. However, what makes one a leader? Well, a leader needs to possess the characteristics of cooperation, problem solving, integrity, confident, and the list goes on. A leader also needs to live up to any mistakes and learn from them instead of pushing it off or blaming someone else. A leader needs to not take bias, but instead be fair and look at the big picture. I have many of these traits in leadership.
Many of these traits I later learned were the attributes of leadership referenced in “The Leadership Challenge” by Kouzes and Posner.
2- Taking self-assessments allow for recognition and understanding concerning one-self and the qualities possessed. Various approaches to leadership, decision-making, and personality traits greatly influence communication, motivation and management abilities within an organization. These skills can be learned and enhanced. Understanding how these styles impact others can empower leaders to increase organizational performance and create an improved work environment. Great leaders have impacted our societies and organizations. They have shared necessary guidelines for increasing leadership skills.
A leader who is self-aware and manages their own emotions has the ability to recognize and handle other people’s emotions and can influence others to want to follow them (Clawson, n.d). A leader who possess the skills of self-awareness and regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills knows just how important this connection is (Clawson, n.d.). These skills will help to develop, influence, and motivate others towards achieving the organizational goals (Clawson, n.d). Unfortunately, there are several people skills that are lacking according to the results of the hypothetical evaluation and feedbacks.
There are many different characteristics a person needs to possess in order to be an effective leader and to be an asset to a company. Besides having a high IQ a leader must be able to evaluate a business environment, manage tasks efficiently, promote strategic thinking and innovation, and manage change. All the traits just mentioned are extremely important, although, recent studies have showed one of the more important characteristics a leader must possess in order to be effective is emotional intelligence.
According to Sullivan and Decker (2009), leadership is influencing others into working toward accomplishing a common goal. Some people are born with an innate leadership quality within them. Others require learning leadership and management skills. It takes a certain personality trait that makes them a natural leader. Intelligence, personality, and abilities are three categories of the trait theory that is a part of the profile of successful leaders (Sullivan & Decker, 2009). I will discuss my personal views of leadership. It will
The 21 indispensable qualities of a leader: Becoming the Person Others Will Want to Follow written by John C. Maxwell and published in 1999. The book illustrated 21 personal characteristics needed to be an effective leader, the kind people want to follow. The 21 personal characteristics include: Character, charisma, commitment, communication, competence, courage, discernment, focus, generosity, initiative, listening, passion, positive attitude, problem solving, relationships, responsibility, security, self-discipline, servanthood, teachability, and vision. I chose the book for professional development because when I obtain my license in occupational therapy, I will supervise occupational therapist assistant and who knows, perhaps hold a managerial
As a growing debate, the question at hand is whether great leaders are born with specific leadership traits, or if one can be taught certain traits over time. According to ( the approach of listing leadership qualities, often termed "trait theory of leadership", assumes certain traits or characteristics will tend to lead to effective leadership. I believe that leadership traits such as honest, competent, initiative, inspiring, hardworking, intelligent, and the ability to lead the masses, are some of the leadership traits one should possess. Within this paper, I will examine the overall concept of leadership traits, while observing the traits that were, or can be associated with successful leaders.
In this report we will be discussing about two interpersonal skills which are inter related as without self confidence one cannot become a leader, as a leader is the one who leads or guides a group of people or his team to achieve a common goal.
well as emotional wellbeing. Successful leaders invite communication, listen well, and prove themselves ' trustworthy by exhibiting rational,caring,and predictable behavior in interpersonal relationships. Effective interpersonal communication can be a key to management success.