
The Organizational Leadership Of The University Of Charleston

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There are many positions in life, personal, professional, spiritual, and so on that asks us to have a particular stance or belief. These positions will change over time and are often quiet fluid in nature. The mission of the University of Charleston (University Of Charleston About Us, 2015) is to educate and enrich students to conform their current and future lifestyles. The Organizational Leadership (OL) program I started in 2011 has revealed to me the various complexities associated with change. My development in the organizational leadership curriculum has opened my eyes to areas that have helped me relate to others. Introduction of the adult learner, the explanation of psychological, personality development, the study of different types of leadership and their styles for certain positions. The organization and process to be successful in every environment are studied in the field beginning with having a vision, to communication in an enterprise and cross-cultural boundaries with interventions to conform structure.
The impact from learning about interpersonal skills and leadership has engaged my citizenship at work and in my personal life as well. Leaders must have a solid understanding of how their emotions and actions affect the people around them, especially with the many challenges and opportunities that arise when working with others (Philips, 2012). The better a person relates and works with people the more successful he or she will be. The characteristics

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