
The Origin Of Species By Charles Darwin

Decent Essays

Charles Darwin is perhaps one of the most well known men of science to this date. He’s most known for his theory of evolution and in particular, natural selection. His most famous works, and one of his most controversial works as well, was his book titled On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. Darwin wrote the Origin of Species after an almost five-year voyage aboard the H.M.S. Beagle. While aboard the beagle, Darwin was presented with many facts that appeared to “shed some light on the origin of species”. Darwin has contributed in many ways to the world of science, specifically the history of science. His works and theories can be found today in almost any historical science class. Darwin may not have been the first to talk about evolution, but he certainly is one of the most well-known historians of science to have addressed the issue. In his book, The Origin of Species, Darwin described in detail how certain species evolve over time, as well as how his theory of natural selection has affected evolution. While on his voyage aboard the H.M.S. Beagle, Darwin observed the various typed of birds of the Galapagos Islands. While doing so, he discovered that the life forms native to those islands bore a striking resemblance to similar species living on nearby continents than to those living on more distant islands. From these observations, Darwin formed his theory of natural selection. In its

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