
The Origin Of Today's Drones

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has a long history. In the aftermath of 9/11, the merits ‘war’ approaches to countering terrorist groups became highly salient within public discourse. Although some trace the ancestry of today’s drones back to the V-1 rockets (‘doodle bugs’) of the Second World War, or even to the use of hot air balloons laden with explosives in the middle of the 19th Century, the real origins of today’s drones lie in the development of the first recoverable and reusable radio-controlled aircraft in the 1930s.Since 2004, the United States government has attacked hundreds of targets in Northwest Pakistan using unmanned aerial vehicles(drones) controlled by the Central Intelligence Agency's Special Activities Division. Most of these attacks are on targets in …show more content…

Under President Bush there was a drone strike about once every forty days; under President Obama that increased to one drone strike every four days. Supporters of the program laud its effectiveness at killing al Qaeda leaders.
Drones have become a major policy tool in U.S. counterterrorism policy. In at least five countries – Yemen, Somalia, Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan – U.S. drones patrol the skies and occasionally are used to launch lethal strikes against suspected terrorists. Drones have also become the primary topic of debate within the policy community.
The public discussion about the lethal drones policy, however, has mostly focused on narrow questions of effectiveness: does it kill terrorists, or too many civilians? The debate lacks strategic context and framing.
American Security Project seeks to understand how local publics relate and react to the drones, as this issue is critical to understanding the strategic implications of a policy of lethal targeting with …show more content…

What is needed is a rigorous, evidence-based assessment of drone strikes' impact on terrorist activities. Such an assessment should sharpen the debate on drone strikes and help counterterrorism officials and critics alike to evaluate the tradeoffs associated with drone warfare.
The present study is a step in that direction.
This study investigates the relationship between drone strikes and a range of measures of terrorist violence including terrorist attack patterns, terrorist attack lethality, and attacks on tribal elders, whom some militants view as actual or potential rivals. The data helps us to investigate the impact of drone strikes on terrorism measured in terms of the terrorist activities mentioned here,
A systematic analysis of the data reveals that drone strikes have succeeded in curbing deadly terrorist attacks within the targeted territory in Pakistan. Specifically the key findings of our study show that drone strikes are associated with substantial short-term reductions in terrorist violence along four key dimensions
First, drone strikes are generally associated with a reduction in the rate of terrorist

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