
The Origins Of Communism In The Communist Manifesto By Karl Marx

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The origins of Communism came from Karl Marx and Friedrich

Engles authors of The Communist Manifesto. The Communist

Manifesto was described as one of the most popular books of

Communism in the world. Perhaps not the most detailed book but

it established a stepping stool for Communism in the future. The

book mostly talked about the unfair treatment to the working

class by the middle class or upper class. Because of

disagreement with the government among Karl Marx and Friedrich

Engels at the time, The Communist Manifesto proposed new ideas,

theories and exploited flaws of the government.

Karl Marx was born in Trier, Prussia, in 1818 – the son of

a Jewish lawyer who converted to Lutheranism. Marx studied law

in Bonn, Germany and Berlin, …show more content…

The tenth and final plank abolishes

child labor and gives free education for all children.

The Communist Manifesto begins with a quote “A spectre is

haunting Europe – the spectre of Communism. All powers of old

Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcist this

spectre” (Marx 7). Karl Marx and Friedrich Engles got

inspiration from Robert Owens’ social communes and Françoic

Babeuf’s vision of proletariat uprising. Many critics were

concerned that a Communist government would eliminate education

and the institution of family.

“Communism is defined as a system of government in which

citizens share property and labor” (Link 7). The Communist

Manifesto is Karl Marx’s study of human history, change and

progress with his concept of class society. The Communist

Manifesto is Marx’s most widely read work, but it isn’t the best

guide to Marx’s thought.

The Communist Manifesto was subdivided into four sections.

In the first section, the authors outlined the historical

genesis of modern capitalist society on the basis of economic

process. The second section is labeled “Proletarians and

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Communists”. The section explained Marx and Engles’ initial

concept of the party. This section started from the

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