
The Origins Of Current U.s. Food Regulation

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The origins of current U.S. food regulation primarily date back more than 100 years to the Food and Drugs Act of 1906. Since then significant issues continue to exist and remain prevalent in the United States. In fact, Patrick Paul, member of the Natural Resources & Environment professes that in 2011, THE CDC&P (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) put a report issuing that an estimated, “more than forty-eight million Americans become sick from contaminated food every year, one hundred thousand people require hospitalization due to food contamination and three thousand die from food contamination.” (Paul, 2013) Much of today’s current food regulatory measures stem from the Food Quality Protection Act of 1996 (FQPA) as Paul notes. In …show more content…

The continued safety of America’s food supply should not ask and demand for much. Another paramount importance concerning food safety is how many U.S. rural communities within the last few decades since the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906. They have found themselves face-to-face with enormous industrial livestock factories which include farm and rural community associations and environmental organizations. Heather claims several these communities delve into fighting against the corporate livestock factories that include farms, community, associations, and environmental organizations. She studies how anti-factory farm battles primarily in the mid-west U.S. deal with underlying struggles against emerging opposing organizations who invest heavily in livestock productions. Heather mentions what livestock corporations forget to mention openly to the public, however, was dealing with cost revenue and a confinement of animal production and slaughter. “In Sullivan County, Missouri, as in hundreds of rural counties across the country, concentrated and vertically integrated swine production brought problems of unanticipated proportions. The “hog hotels,” (Williams, 370) The emerging struggle against corporate swine production remains an understudied but necessary political narrative in U.S. politics. The fight against farm factories again has expanded throughout time

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