
The Origins of a Newly Formed Toxic Algae in the Ocean

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Recently, scientists have been noticing a quite thing occurring in the ocean that had never been seen before. Scientists have been recently finding a new type of algae in the ocean that does not have very great effects on the environment. Many say that this alga is probably a type of algae that is similar to the ones that grew millions of years ago; this alga is toxic though. It releases terrible pungent odors that can affect health. This algae was first discovered in Australia by fisherman and is now ruining Australian fishing industries by taking over the ocean. Scientist Judith O’Neil from the University of Queensland was the first scientist to discover the origins of this toxic algae. It has been considered a fireweed since it has …show more content…

Many scientists believe that the odors and chemicals released by this toxin can also be airborne and can affect human health by smell and odors. Primitive marine life also affects the fishing economy in many aspects. Such as the fishing industry in Darien, Georgia it used to be dependent on shrimp, but then shrimp were overfished. So then swarms of jellyfish took over and now there is so much jellyfish there that jellyfish is the main fish caught there. The jellyfish also took over the space and environment of many other fish. But there have been many negative impacts too, with algae blooms dominating the oceans now fish and other edible marine life are dying off. Therefore fishermen have much more difficult time fishing. With difficult fishing much of these fishing economies will not do well. A “Primeval tide of toxins” not only affects people’s health but it definitely impacts fishing as well. This issue has a much greater impact on people than most people think it does.
It is now known that primitive species of marine life have been controlling the oceans taking out the more complex species and affecting their ecosystems. This issue slowly but surely has been having negative impacts on the ocean and on the human race, but there must be something causing these populations to thrive in the ocean. They can’t thrive out of nowhere there must be a reason why. Scientists believe that

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