It was clear by just the first few pages of both books that both these books dealt with drugs. Dreamland literally has ‘opiate’ in the title while one can simply read the back cover to discover this fact. Both styles were similar due to both being written in small parts. The Other Wes Moore splits both Moore’s stories in the same chapter with a creative title describing both stories. For example, the chapter ‘Foreign Ground’ describes a new environment for both boys. The one began a new school where he doesn’t fit in while the other moves to a new home. Both of these are a step up from where they were before. Dreamland possesses witty yet literal titles such as ‘Delivered Like Pizza’ which shows the system of delivering drugs. They even have
In the small troublesome city of Baltimore, there grew a set of twins. As a matter a fact, these were twins not by birth, but by heart. There paths intersected when Wes Moore had just finished his bachelors at Johns Hopkins and was headed to Oxford University, when he received a phone call. It was his mother, Joy Moore, as he answered his mother told him that in their neighborhood were many wanted posters of a man named Wes Moore. The poster read, do not approach he is dangerous, contact police. His mother’s anxiety abated when she found out that her son had no connection to the crime. He later went on to write a letter to the other Wes Moore about his past. He started to learn that both had grown up fatherless, they had altercations with the
The other Wes Moore written by Wes Moore is about two completely different life stories that have completely different outcomes. Two young men with the same name, lived in the same neighborhood, yet they chose two different paths to walk through life. The author chose going to school and getting an education. The other Wes Moore chose the path of drugs and alcohol. Each Wes had events that help shape the path they would walk on through life.
In the book, The Other Wes Moore it is difficult to believe the great similarities in the lives of the two Moores, who share a name and other aspects of life. The two were raised fatherless and were born in the late 1970’s in the neighborhood of Baltimore, Maryland. They also happen to have encountered similar experiences when growing up, but at one point one of them became a criminal and the other a scholar (the author of the book). The author of the book seems to be interested in the similarities of the two boys as opposed to their different experiences. The story is interesting and makes one imagine what would have become of the writer if he did not by any chance come across the people who guided him to become what
In The Other Wes Moore by Wes Moore is a story about Wes Moore, the author and Wes, who became a drug dealer. They both grew up in the same environment and similar neighborhoods. From the books slogan “One Name, Two Fates” is referring to how both could have same or different fates. Author Wes and Other Wes could have easily had different outcomes of their lives if they had made different choices. The factors that led author Wes Moore to success and the other Wes Moore to jail is, strong and weak support from parents, good and bad mentors, and vision, how far did they think about their future.
In life, we are given obstacles that we must overcome in order to take the right path to success. In this novel, the author tells the readers about the major obstacles and difficulties two boys with similar backgrounds had to endure in the Bronx in order to be where they are today. One of the boys is now living his life behind bars and the other, the author, has made a name for himself. This book explores how these two boys got to where they are today.
I first learned of the Other Wes Moore in the autumn of 2014, during the first few months of my sophomore year of high school. My English teacher had assigned the class an essay to write on a nonfiction book of our choice, so I read the back covers of half a dozen books in order to choose one. Even though I did not end up picking the Other Wes Moore, I was still interested in reading it one day. The question “How, then, did one grow up to be a Rhodes Scholar, decorated veteran, White House Fellow, and business leader, while the other ended up a convicted murderer serving a life sentence?” is posed on the back of the book, and I wanted to know the answer (Moore Back Cover).
According to Marian Erickson, “Most of life is choices, and the rest is pure dumb luck.” Real people’s lives depend on this quote everyday, which leads to the outcome of each problem individuals face. In the passages, characterization of the main personas helps one understand the theme. Conflict and symbolism also help lead to the overall idea that life is not always guaranteed to be full of success. The book The Other Wes Moore, the poem “If,” and the informational text “The Art of Resilience” all share a common theme of how choices and luck contribute to the success of life.
Is everything in life based off of decisions, morales, or your environment surrounding you? Who's there for you and who isn't? In the book The Other Wes Moore each Wes Moore’s mother affected both Wes’ lives by trying to be role models and not making poor life decisions by teaching them the value of education, not turning to crime and drugs, and making large sacrifices. Both mothers had a huge part to play in the book in all spectrums trying to leave them on the right path through life and turn to wrong of the world.
When I was first told that I had to read The Other Wes Moore, I told myself "Great, another boring book to read" as I am not a reader. However, I was wrong; this story about two boys around the same age, same name, raised by single mothers and around the same neighborhood, but as they grew to be adults due to the choices they made, they had different outcomes in life. I was able to actually relate to some parts of the book and knew how they felt at the moment and for me, that is what a great book is about.
“I sat back, allowing Wes's words to sink in. Then I responded, "I guess it's hard sometimes to distinguish between second chances and last chances"(Page 67). In "The Other Wes Moore" the environment of both Wes Moore's were completely different from each other. They both made some stupid decisions over time but who is perfect? It is expected of everyone to make some mistakes, in my opinion the main influence on their choices came from their environment. In their environment they had peers that would influence them to do things that they did not necessarily want to do. This caused them to get into trouble, but at the same token, their environment also gave them some opportunities to make it through some rough times. For Example: Wes #2
In the memoir, The Other Wes Moore, Wes Moore, Moore unfolds several events that happened in his own life, along with another man named Wes Moore. The two men were both born in Baltimore, and faced similar obstacles because of the circumstances they were raised in. With the use of flashbacks, imagery, description, and other literary devices, Moore explains the life of him as a person who grows up to achieve what he wants, while the other Wes Moore spends most of his life in prison as he came to be known as a murderer.
Poverty is one of the main subject matters that is present in the book of The Other Wes Moore, and its consequences are revealed through various outcomes that are being portrayed by both characters. Poverty is being characterized through the social environment that both characters live in. Both Wes Moore’s were living in an environment that had an impact not only on the way they behave, but also their psychological behaviour. “Living in the Bronx and Baltimore had given me the foolish impression that I knew what poverty looked like. At the moment, I realized I had no idea what poverty was even in rassing sense of pride tentatively bloomed in the middle of the sadness I felt at my surroundings” (Moore, 2010). Moore explains this notion of poverty when he realizes how different poverty can be depending on the country. Through this statement, the author reveals that poverty is inescapable and it exists everywhere. In comparison, Gabor Mate’s In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction book, explains the notion of poverty in a manner that demonstrates how poverty is a result of societal issues, and when problems are combined they lead to stress, anxiety as well as depression. He further establishes how every individual has a way of coping with life hardships and stressors, some choose to seek help and others try to forget about the issues in which they encounter by using drugs, and their choice frequently depends on their social hierarchy or status. “In the
A person’s success or failure can be determined by their environment, education, choices; a number of different things. The autobiography The Other Wes Moore takes a look at two boys with the same name and eerily similar circumstances who end up in very different places in life. Wes Moore spoke at convocation about his book and what he hoped that people would get from it. In the book he says “The chilling truth is that his story could have been mine. The tragedy is that my story could have been his.” (Moore xi). These two men didn’t share the same fate because they each made a choice about what they wanted their life to become. The book truly demonstrates how the choices you make, make you. One Wes
The first emperor of China, Shi Huangdi was a man of no mercy, however as unpardonable as his reign was, it is impossible to ignore how successful he was in gaining power. The sheer size of China alone is a true measure of his strategist potential, and his ability to unify what was once seven separate states proved that Shi Huangdi was also a man of smart manipulation. He started great construction projects such as the Great Canal of China to name just one. Shi Huangdi also standardized measurements, money, and language. Without Shi Huangdi, China would not have been unified, and possibly not even as successful as nation as it is today.
The article “The Distinct, Positive Impact of a Good Dad” focuses a lot on the basic impact of how much of an influence a dad is to a child’s life. It explains the difference between how the father impacts the child’s life in a more “open arms” way whereas, a mother has a more “closed arms” impact. Having a good dad around in a child’s life is more likely to make for a better future for the kid, compared to a child who doesn’t have a good dad in their life or little to no dad at all they have a less likely chance for a better future as studies have shown. Studies have shown that mental health is a huge issue with both genders when they have a strong relationship with their father as to being in a household with a