
The Outsiders Character Analysis

Decent Essays

When a person saves someone else what’s the first word that pops into your head? For instance, the first word that pops in my head is a hero because the definition of a hero is a person, typically a man, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities: a war hero. This topic is important for people to realize how a person can show that a “superhero” that has powers isn’t the only person that can do it, but the strength of a regular human, even if it’s someone you would never guess would do such a heroic phenomenal. This intertwined with the book The Outsiders by S.E Hinton because in chapter six the main character, Ponyboy and Johnny the “greasers” mascot were framed for the murder of Bob, one of the “Socs”. …show more content…

Well, in The Outsiders there are criminals everywhere and atrocious things you can’t even imagine that happens to others that walk in the streets of Oklahoma. If someone saw a little kid running into a fire to save others they would laugh and say something like, “how can you save them?” or “your weak and just a kid”, well that is what Ponyboy and Johnny did. In chapter 6 page 91 it says,“‘I’ll get them, don’t worry!’ I started at a dead run for the church, and the man caught my arm.‘I’ll get them. You kids stay out!’ I jerked loose and ran on.” This clearly shows that Ponyboy was trying to do the right thing, however, the man doubted him and told him not to save the children from the burning church for the reason of being a “kid”. Another example is on page 92 it says,“ It was like a burning ember… and found four or five little kids, about eight years old or younger, huddled in a corner...I picked up a kid and he promptly bit me, but I leaned out the window and dropped him as gently as I could.” Even if Ponyboy and Johnny were going to die in the burning flames they would have the liability to save the children. Johnny is a murderer and Ponyboy is a witness, in stark contrast, they were still heroes even for the actions they caused before the

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