
The Overcrowding Of Prison And Massachusetts

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After exploring options of which states had the most overcrowding in prisons, the best option to go with was California because states like Alabama and Massachusetts did not have current statistics. If anything, their statistics were from 2016 or 2013, making data harder to collect. Therefore, according to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation website, the most recent report they have of the total population is as of midnight February 8, 2017. The total population is 180,885, with four of them being civil addict. Total in-custody is of 129,284 inmates, parole is 44,721, non-CDC jurisdiction is 1,022 and lastly other population #6 inmates with 5,854 (“Weekly Report of Population”, 2017). Once again looking at a weekly …show more content…

This law increased the population rate in prison because not only did it affect serious crimes, it also affected those that committed petty crimes. Later on, after the prisons were so overcrowded, California’s Proposition 36 changed the way “Three Strikes “ law was. Proposition 36 allowed those to only get life sentence if their new felony conviction was serious or violent (“California Proposition”, 2017). Not only that, Martinez states that the state was then under pressure from a three-judge federal court. In 2011, the federal court ordered the state to reduce its population to 137.5 % by December 31st or be held in contempt. The judges determined that in order to meet the medical and mental health care of inmates, the only way to resolve this was to reduce prison overcrowding (“California to Challenge”, 2013). Another addition to the changes in the prison population was California’s Public Safety Realignment Act of 2011, this allowed certain offenders to serve their sentence in jail rather than prison (“Realignment Report”, 2013). Before 1998, California’s state prisons were designed to house 66,000 inmates, that meant one inmate per prison cell. Around the time of September of 1998, there were 120,000 inmates resulting in an overcrowding level of 182 %. Construction plans after 1998 were for new prisons to hold 80,000 inmates (“Accommodating”, 1995). Referring back to the 137.5% reduction that needed to be met by three-judge panel, that would mean that it would

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