We in America tend to take medications for almost any problem we have, from headaches to gastrointestinal pain, to more serious chronic disorders such as depression and attention deficit disorder. While many of the uses of such medications may be necessary and legitimate, many are not, and due to this fact, many people become dependent on medications, mentally, and or physically. This problem is not simply the fault of the individual; in fact, the blame can also be placed upon the medical community, and the pharmaceutical companies who produce the drugs. How often can one turn on the television to see advertisements for Claritin, Aspirin, Pepto-Bismol, or even Zoloft or Ritalin? The pharmaceutical industry is motivated by monetary …show more content…
Appropriate goals should be set by these parties in order to guide the management of the disorder. The guidelines also state that doctors should either prescribe stimulant medication or behavior therapy in order to reach the outcomes desired by the parents. If the original treatment plan fails, the guidelines state that doctors should "evaluate the original diagnosis, the use of all appropriate treatments, whether the treatment plan was followed properly, and the presence of coexisting conditions". The doctor should also provide follow up consultation with the child, parents, and teachers in order to track the child's progress and identify negative side effects. In February 2002, following the release of the AAP's report, a second publication was introduced by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP), to establish parameters for the use of stimulants in the treatment of ADD and ADHD. These parameters are applicable to all age groups, children, adolescents, and adults. Finally in November of 2002, the non-stimulant medication, Strattera, was released by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for public use. Children with either ADD or ADHD generally exhibit inattentiveness in school and in social situations; they may act erratically, and often
In this day and age, drugs are being prescribed without hesitation. In fact, many of these drugs are being prescribed for children with various disorders. One of these disorders is called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). An estimated five to ten percent of children are diagnosed with this syndrome (Taylor 11). One of the methods to treat this disorder is to use stimulants, specifically Ritalin. This method is controversial because it has many side effects and its long-term effects are unknown. It can also lead to addiction. Approximately two to three percent of elementary school children are taking some kind of stimulant to treat ADHD (Taylor 64). Since so many children are taking this medication, new problems have arisen.
Due to the corporate competition between large pharmaceutical companies and their purpose as a business to “make money,” modern medicine is often characterized by the overuse of chemical drugs. Under current US law, it is perfectly legal to pay doctors to promote drugs. Big Pharma, the collective group of big pharmaceutical companies, continues to pay billions of dollars to doctors promoting and prescribing their drugs. The common assumption when one goes to the doctor is that he or she is going to get the best medication to cure his or her illness or disease. Sometimes, the medicine fixes the problem in the short term, but it does not target the underlying cause. On top of this, the drugs may aim to fix one problem but can cause unwanted side effects in the process. This creates the never-ending cycle of dependency on chemical drugs as patients are often prescribed more drugs to deal with the new problems that are created.
In the modern age of technological and medical advancements such as organ transplants and robotic limbs, Americans have developed unrealistic expectations about prescription drugs. The false belief that the right pill in the right dosage can cure all has led to a national epidemic: over prescription. Since the 1970s, the average American’s expenditure on prescription drugs has doubled because not only are new treatments for almost every ailment now available, but they are also aggressively advertised on television, the internet, and social media. At the same time that the American population confronts health issues associated with rising age, obesity, and stress levels, prescription drugs promise a quick fix for everything from depression to acne to insomnia leading to a one pill fix all.
Children with ADHD may be hyperactive and unable control their impulses. Or they may have trouble paying attention. These behaviors interfere with school and home life.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common neurological disorder and is mainly diagnosed in childhood, although it can carry on into adulthood. ADHD often occurs in more in males than females. A child with ADHD might daydream, forget or lose things, fidget, talk too much, and having trouble socializing. School can be very challenging for a child with ADHD. A child with ADHD may have trouble concentrating in school, have difficulties reading and writing, and have trouble making friends and socializing.
It is estimated that between 3 and 12 percent of the population has to deal with conditions known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). This equals approximately 3 million children in the United States alone. Both of these disorders (ADD and ADHD) exhibit the same traits leading them to be lumped together. Children affected by ADD or ADHD have behavior and emotional problems. Trouble concentrating on simple tasks, a short attention span, failing to give attention to details, and disruptive behavior are a few of the problems resulting from
Not only are patients impacted by this issue, but so is the healthcare system. Consumer reports estimates that “$200 billion per year is spent in the U.S. on the unnecessary and improper use of medication, for the drugs themselves and related medical costs, according to the market research firm IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics” (Carr, T. 2017). America’s health care is very expensive and we can save
Children with Inattentive symptoms may be described as “day dreamers” or “spaced out” often, these children are more socially withdrawn and have more frequent problems with mild anxiety than children with other types of ADHD. Symptoms of inattentiveness may be difficult for others to detect, and many children especially girls with the inattentive type of ADHD are diagnosed much later or are never identified. These children are unable to pay attention or making careless mistakes in tasks, being easily distracted, forgetting to do daily activities, often losing items needed for daily life, seem unable
Prescription medication is one of the most common methods used to treat various physical and psychological ailments. As the pharmaceutical industry grows in the wake of successful pharmacological treatments, there is also growing concern regarding the overuse of medication. Evidence of overprescribing is supported by the increase of reported negative side effects associated with prolonged overuse of medication. In addition, overprescribing is also supported by the growing rate of deliberate medication misuse in the United States for purposes of abuse and profit. Similarly, the rise in funds allocated for direct-to-consumer and physician-focused advertising reinforce the perception
America is making profit out of prescription drugs, being the wealthiest country, people in America should not live in fear that they would go bankrupt or die if they cannot afford the drugs. Drug companies need to stop being greedy, selfish, and uncaring. These drugs are expensive, however, many Americans cannot afford these prices. The increasing cost of prescription drugs in the United States has become a source of concern for million of patients. They are taking advantage of innocent elders, consumers are unable to purchase prescription drugs, and the pharmaceutical industry is contributing to the high price of prescription drugs. This issue is important to me because I am planning to go into the pharmaceutical industry. I want people to
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder affects 11 percent of school children, according to CHADD. This disorder causes children as well as adults to be inattentive when working or talking because of their high-functioning brain. This usually hinders the completion of daily tasks and takes a big part in how they live their everyday lives and the certain modifications they have to make to be successful with their daily tasks. Most parents think that their child needs to be put on medication because they will not listen or cannot pay attention to anything, but in most cases, little kids not listening is normal. This disorder affects mostly boys, and it is less likely for adults to be diagnosed
The increase academic and social demands of formal schooling, as well as stricter standards for behavior control often illuminate the problems of the child with ADHD. Elementary school teachers typically report that this type of child has difficulty in working independently, completing seat work, and organizing work. Restlessness and distractibility are also very common. These problems are more likely to be observed in repetitive or taxing tasks, or tasks the child perceives to be boring, such as completing worksheets or doing homework.
The United States occupies 4.34% of the world’s population, but accounts for 42% of global prescription drug spending, mostly because it is one of only two countries that allow direct-to-consumer prescription drug advertisements. However, these ads are targeting mostly healthy U.S citizens rather than citizens who will benefit from the drug, creating potential risks for many healthy individuals and thus, should be considered to be banned. For example, as with all commercials, the purpose of prescription drug ads is to persuade their viewers to buy the product, which includes targeting healthy people feel ill in order to make them in need of the product. In addition, a FDA survey of U.S. physician, 28% reported often feeling pressured to oblige
Inattention is one of the distinguishable traits of ADHD (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). A child suffering from the symptoms of inattention in ADHD would probably lag behind schoolwork, have problems with communicating, and would struggle with cognitive activities like reading and comprehension. APA listed a total of 9 symptoms that are crucial to identifying ADHD in children (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Following is the list of these symptoms and their brief explanation:
Children being prescribed drugs at the innocent age of two, over three quarters of adults in America on a prescription drug, highly addictive drugs being abused by the elderly, the list goes on. An Injustice that nearly everybody will experience in their lives involves pharmaceutical corruption. Most everybody in the world is faced with some sort of medication. Pharmaceutical corruption has overpowered the world with it army of doctors. The pharmaceutical industry does not create cures, it creates customers. People see ads and commercials for drugs and medications all of the time and never think twice about it. This type of advertisement is creating unhealthy habits that overall lead to abuse. Over the past decade the accessibility of pharmaceuticals has become so relevant in everyone 's daily lives that most of the population is or has been on a pharmaceutical drug. Whether it be a pain medication, anti depressant, or any other pill, the pharmaceutical industry has done this in the way that there is a pill for everything. People become so dependant of just relying on a pill it can ruin their lives. Just listen to the long list of side effect that comes with every bottle of medications. For most medications it goes something like this, “Common side effects include, nausea, vomiting, severe stomach pain, etc. And in some cases death.” Why someone would take a pill that could potentially harm or kill them is unbelievable. Corruption in the