
The PA Profession

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I believe people everywhere should always have access to adequate medical care. Where you live should not determine whether you live. The PA profession was created to make healthcare more available in rural and underserved areas. As a PA, I would be eager to help people who in the past may have not had the availability to the care they needed. I want to serve those that need medical attention, but don’t have the means to obtain it whether in rural Mississippi, the inner city of Atlanta, or the backwoods of Arkansas. Widening the availability of great medical care is crucial to improving public health, a necessity across this country and the world. I want to be on the front lines of that undertaking as a physician assistant.
I have spent many …show more content…

The ARC-PA Accreditation Standards for Physician Assistant Education, 4th Edition, states: “The program curriculum must include instruction in concepts of public health as they relate to the role of the practicing PA.” The annotation further states that “Instruction in concepts of public health includes an appreciation of the public health system and the role of health care providers in the prevention of disease and maintenance of population health. It includes participating in disease surveillance, reporting, and …show more content…

Studying health policy provides PAs with a deeper understanding of health care systems and the various professional roles within them. This enhances the PA's ability to function in a team of health care providers, a capability essential to the PA's role. Skills in population-based health assessment, behavior counseling, policy development and advocacy, epidemiology, and environmental health can help these providers make a lasting health effect on the communities they serve. Training in the community oriented primary care model expands the PA’s knowledge and focus to include the community’s

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