Many students have different ways to maintain good grades in school. Some might find it hard to maintain but they don’t have another choice. When it comes to college they have to be successful in order to reach their goal. They have to take it seriously and there may be some people that might not know how. Especially incoming college freshman are going to find it helpful if they let them know what they need to do. In order to become successful they need to manage impulsivity/perseverance, attend class/adopt the motto “failure is not an option”, be persistent and applying past knowledge to new situations. Managing impulsivity and having perseverance are really helpful so they can be successful. According to “Habits of Mind” …show more content…
In The Pact: Three Young Men Make a Promise and Fulfill a Dream by 3 authors; Dr.Sampson Davis, George Jenkins, and Rameck Hunt, “Sam was persistent after he didn’t past his state board exam, he studied more and focused more to pass the test the second time because he believed he could and was loyal towards the pact they made.” This is a perfect example to be persistent they shouldn’t give up. To be successful they have to keep on trying until they finally do it. Everyone has potential but they choose not to care and give up easily. They have many ways to fix their grade on a test if they fail it they shouldn’t be thinking negative. Another example from The Pact, “Rameck stole the sweatshirt from the bookstore and was so close in getting caught, so he realized he shouldn’t steal anymore and wants to stay out of trouble and focus on school.” This example let’s other students see that applying past knowledge can make them change a lot for the better. They could see how helpful it is that they start to realize it’s for their own good. No one is perfect everyone could make mistakes just like this example but something so small can change your
Education is a long-term investment. We, as students, work hard to acquire knowledge and to hone our skills so that we may use them one day. The effort we put into a single assignment should be considered as both for that specific assignment and for our rounding as complete, educated individuals. And with this mindset, students should be motivated even more to put more effort and hard work into academics, with the goal of bettering themselves for the future and advancing their prospects as individuals. And with this hard work and effort will come progress, and this progress should be reflected in the grading—not necessarily on individual assignments, but on the student’s education as a
The Pact: Three Young Men Make a Promise and Fulfill a Dream is a story written by Sampson Davis that describes the personal lives and struggles of three doctors: Rameck Hunt, George Jenkins, and Sampson Davis. Jenkins, an admirable dentist, is distinguished from Hunt and Davis due to the positive role models who helped him to be able to think for himself early on in life. Some of these positive role models include Jenkins’ mother, his dentist, his third-grade teacher, Sampson Davis, and Rameck Hunt. This positive upbringing allowed Jenkins to be able to make friends who were similar to him and would not participate in illegal things around him. While Jenkins’ personal story and early struggles helped him get through college and medical school,
Once you reach college, you will find that getting good grades requires a different approach than it ever has before. You will not have as many reminders, and in many ways, you will find that much more is expected of you. Nevertheless, do not be intimidated by the warnings of high school teachers or your parent, college is not another world of impossible deadlines or monstrous piles of work.
While reading Ken Bain’s book “What the Best College Students Do” of the five different types of students he describes, I feel like I fall under the label of one having mediocre grades but achieving success. I make good grades, however I do not necessarily believe my grades always reflect my hard work, determination and effort put in, similar to his theory on false hope in standardized testing. Throughout my school career, I have consistently made A and B grades. I can remember only one C grade, which was a quarter grade, and very disappointing, but a lesson learned. At the same time though, and as Bain helped me realize through his text, grades are not everything and making a C is not something that is going to kill me; there is simply more to school than a letter grade. In fact he points out through most of the 1800s schools only used two grades, pass or fail. As seen nowadays, schools have since adopted the letter grade system.
The Pact is a book that features three guys who made a promise to each other. They promised they would all stick together through college, graduate and become doctors and get out of the projects of Newark, New Jersey, where crime, prejudice and economic hardships followed them. Although this group of friends grew up in a poverty-stricken neighborhood, Sampson and his friends, George and Rameck tried to stay away from trouble even though it was quite tricky. This book illustrates the success stories of these individuals, who ultimately were able to achieve their goals of becoming doctors, despite not being an easy thing to accomplish. These boys were lost in guidance as they had very few positive role models due to the unfortunate surroundings they were forced to be a part of, which in turn made their journey of this promise much more difficult. This especially true when considering one's family, individual experiences and prior learning. In this paper, I will be focusing on the Standard II of the New Jersey
When I read “The Pact”, I felt some connection between the characters; Sampson Davis, George Jenkins, and Hunt Rameck. Throughout their hardship and struggles, It encouraged me to read on. But as I continued reading on, the three main characters stood out the most. But out of those three characters, one stood out in particular. Throughout his experiences and trials, I could see myself in that situation. In how he felt, in the manner in how he saw things around, I could see how I would have done the same thing myself. Dr. Hunt is someone I could relate to, someone I could see becoming friends with.
Going to college not only helps you but also the individuals around you. A person works hard to make sure that their application is presentable to the college. Angel B. Perez tells us that we should learn to fail, if we want to go to college. This comes as a shock to many people however, he is correct. As a student we assume that colleges look for an “A+” on a transcript rather than a “B-”. Though they do not. In other words, you don’t have to have 4.0 gpa to get into college.
What is it? Catfishing is someone who pretends to be someone else online. They use fake identities and try to make the other individual feel that they are exactly what they say they are. Catfishing is very common on social media like Instagram, Tinder, Facebook, and Twitter.
successful in their education and in the world around them by instilling the love of learning in
Being supportive can be very loving and convincing. Learning to help out and take charge took buck far in life, my mom was being supportive so that she can help push my brother kirk to do something more. Because buck was being helpful and loving to John Thornton, and my mom was being helpful and living to Kirk and that will keep family strong. Loving and caring for family and others will keep you from living in the worst and keep you from living in Great Bend, Kansas.
Women’s rights have changed drastically throughout history. From being suppressed/not considered persons to having equal rights to men. Subsequently, with the help of rights activists such as the famous 5 and the equal rights liberation movement in the 1960’s, women have gained equality and freedom. Voting rights, the person’s case, fashion and job opportunities/advancements are just a few examples of the journey women have taken on the path to equal rights. These changes are soon to develop the controversial society we live in now. “The purpose of a woman's life is just the same as the purpose of a man’s life: that she may make the best possible contribution to the generation in which she is living” -Louise Mckinney .
Like when I did track, I wanted to jump at a minimum eleven feet so, I had to practice every day before I could actually do it, but I never gave up. Because of that, I can now soar more than eleven feet. If I would’ve given up I probably would not have enjoyed the meets and I wasn't embarrassed about how much I could jump. It wasn't the best jump, but I was content with it. I could also apply this lesson to simple problems on a daily basis. Like, when a teacher asks you to do something, try to figure it out, and after a couple mistakes don’t just say I give up just ask for help. Now, I’m learning to apply this to everyday things. I also learned that I should just keep trying. I’ve experienced the truth. I’ve done this by applying it to everyday
To achieve good grades in high school a person must be disciplined in their study habits. Once a person reaches high school these habits must be ingrained into the personality of the young person so that they are second nature or it is to late.
Finally, achieving a high grade in college is more difficult than in high school. In high school, grades are easier to achieve and there are greater opportunities for marks. Usually, a student is graded on many different areas, including; attendance, participation, effort, and organization. Also, students are graded on evaluations and assignments. These are the areas which are graded, and these account for a large portion of the final
All people can be good successful students, if they try hard and use self discipline to push them self harder. Being a successful student doesn't mean you are so smart you get to skip grades, it just means that you get good marks, work well with others, and don't get held back any grades. If you are a person who wants to keep your life on track, it takes hard work, determination, and patience.