
The Pact: Three Young Men Make A Promise And Fulfill A Dream

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Many students have different ways to maintain good grades in school. Some might find it hard to maintain but they don’t have another choice. When it comes to college they have to be successful in order to reach their goal. They have to take it seriously and there may be some people that might not know how. Especially incoming college freshman are going to find it helpful if they let them know what they need to do. In order to become successful they need to manage impulsivity/perseverance, attend class/adopt the motto “failure is not an option”, be persistent and applying past knowledge to new situations. Managing impulsivity and having perseverance are really helpful so they can be successful. According to “Habits of Mind” …show more content…

In The Pact: Three Young Men Make a Promise and Fulfill a Dream by 3 authors; Dr.Sampson Davis, George Jenkins, and Rameck Hunt, “Sam was persistent after he didn’t past his state board exam, he studied more and focused more to pass the test the second time because he believed he could and was loyal towards the pact they made.” This is a perfect example to be persistent they shouldn’t give up. To be successful they have to keep on trying until they finally do it. Everyone has potential but they choose not to care and give up easily. They have many ways to fix their grade on a test if they fail it they shouldn’t be thinking negative. Another example from The Pact, “Rameck stole the sweatshirt from the bookstore and was so close in getting caught, so he realized he shouldn’t steal anymore and wants to stay out of trouble and focus on school.” This example let’s other students see that applying past knowledge can make them change a lot for the better. They could see how helpful it is that they start to realize it’s for their own good. No one is perfect everyone could make mistakes just like this example but something so small can change your

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