Using ontology, the conclusion of God’s existence is that God is unique because he is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, which leads to his moral perfection. Some qualities of being morally perfect include being loving, benevolent and just. God has been thought to be the ultimate and sole creator, creating and conceptualising the world and everything in it. There are painfully unfair amounts of suffering in the world. In Australia alone, forty- seven thousand people will die of numerous variations of cancer. Over 40 million people are in poverty. Every 21 seconds, a child dies from thirst. Suffering is everywhere, and millions of innocent people are affected every single day. And that’s just statistics from this year alone. Suffering, …show more content…
The definition supports that perfection is not only, practical (real) but a theoretical concept. Taking a realist view on ontology, we cannot know everything in the cosmos. Anti-realists believe however, our perception of the world is dependent on our own mind and experiences and therefore, it is impossible to know what is real. To Greek philosopher Aristotle, perfect meant complete, and something “incomplete” could not be labelled as such because of the levels of unknown qualities and so the “Paradox of Perfection” problems began. Living in a world where views constantly change and shift, it is impossible to know everything, leaving incompleteness. Psychiatrist Greg Miller believes this is how the concept of ontology was created. People saw God as a saint with perfect morals to be their saviour. According to Miller, our mind subconsciously creates concepts we want to be true, and our perception is not fully trustworthy. Perfection is an undefinable concept, the definition can be applied to any person, object, place, concepts eg, because it is opinionated and easily justifiable. Perfect= personal opinion, not a worldly agreeable concept. A red dress might be perfect to one girl for her event, but to colour blind people red isn’t real, it is an incomplete concept, therefore they cannot judge its levels of perfection. The ontological argument states God is perfect, but how we can really see it as that, if it is such an incomplete
As James Stephens stated, “Finality is death. Perfection is finality. Nothing is perfect…” Literal perfection can never be achieved due to the fact that life is black and gray; the good things in life always contain its flaws. Although, perfection is a matter of acceptance and perspective.
The problem of evil or problem of suffering is an argument against the existence of God. It claims that the existence of evil, such as pain and death, is incompatible with the existence of an omnibenevolent, omnipotent, and omniscient God. The first statement of this problem is presented by the greek philosopher Epicurus. He basically says that “if God is willing to prevent evil but not able then he is not omnipotent if he is able to prevent it but not willing then he is not omnibenevolent. If he is both, able and willing then where does evil come from, and if he is neither able nor willing then why call him God”.
Perfection means "having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be"(Oxford Dictionary). Man's definition of the perfect being "as good as possible to be", still involves mistakes. When man first walked the Earth the concept of perfection was unheard of. Until Adam ate of the fruit of good and the word perfection did not exist for there to be imperfection. Since man's first sin many have tried to make life on earth as pleasant or enjoyable as possible but
John Hick argues in this writing that the all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good Christian god is compatible with an abundance of suffering. He offers solutions to the problem of suffering which relies heavily upon a tripartite foundation. Hick divides evil into two: Moral Evil = the evil that human being cause - either to themselves or to each other. And Non-Moral Evil = the evil that is not caused by human activity - natural disasters, etc. He tries to explain that a world without pain and suffering, moral traits such as courage, patience and sympathy would not be developed.
The writer ends the essay with a conclusion taking a form of reflection. The writer gives a different definition to perfection other than the one he uses to consider before. So he decided Perfection doesn’t mean getting good grades or having a good personality. Yet, perfection mean strong character and good personnel
The logical argument from a theist on how to balance the existence of God, and his Omni properties (Omnipresent, omnipotent, omnibenevolent, and omniscient) is refers to the problem of evil. Omnipresent means, that God is present everywhere. Omnipotent means, that God is all powerful. Omniscient means, that God is all knowing. Omnibenevolent means, that God is all loving. His Omni properties basically means that God is the source of love, and a very powerful being, indeed. The question of if God truly has all these characteristics, why is there still suffering in the world such as, wars, murder, inequality, terror attacks, rape and many more instances that someone has become victim of someone……
Many of the choices we make, using our free will, lead to suffering. We participate in risky behavior, without thinking of the consequences. For example, people that smoke have greater chances of developing health problem (e.g., cancer), which results in pain and suffering. This type of suffering is caused by our errors and mistakes. Many of the choice we make have consequences, but is it is impossible to live in a way in which we do not take risks. Furthermore, God's existence comes from intellect and not the sense, but suffering is felt through through our senses, whether it be external or internal pain. Suffering is adventitious and not
As Christians, we claim that God is all powerful and compassionate, and that he is omnipresent, meaning he is everywhere all the time. The biggest argument against the presence of God here on earth is that, even with these characteristics, God seems to be incapable or reluctant to put an end to the infinite amount of hardships, darkness, and suffering in the world. While I understand this stance, I believe that God’s intentions are always pure and good, and come with perfect intent. Without pain and suffering in our lives, God would be nothing more than a genie in a bottle that we go to only when we need something. This idea is described perfectly in an article called, “How God Uses Suffering for His Glory” written by, “Randy Alcorn”, it states, “God uses suffering to purge sin from our lives, strengthen our commitment to him, force us to depend on his grace, foster sensitivity, discipline our minds, and impart wisdom. And once he accomplishes such great things, often we can see that our suffering has been worth it” (4). This explains that God has a purpose for everything, even suffering. His purpose is to make your spiritual life obvious to everybody you came into contact with, and make it apparent that he is in fact present, here on earth, all of the time! God wants to be sought out, so if you are waiting for God to come to
One of the heaviest arguments against God’s existence is the problem of evil. The traditional conception of God is as omnipresent, omniscient and omnibenevolent. If this is true then God either can’t do anything about it, doesn’t know about it or doesn’t care about it. This then implies that God is either not all powerful as he can’t prevent the suffering, not all-knowing as he doesn’t know about the suffering, or not all good if he doesn’t care about the suffering. This challenges the concept of God being the greatest being in the universe. However, there are many different responses to the concept of evil, they may not be all satisfactory but they cast doubt on this argument. One of the responses challenging the problem of evil is that God did not create the evil in the world. A lot of the evil in the world only occurs
owe to prove his thesis about the problems of evil and atheism, Rowe asks three fundamental questions. The first question, “is there an argument for atheism based on the problem of evil that could rationally justify atheism?” Supporting his question, Rowe by uses the idea of human and animal it reasonable for omnipotent, omniscient being(s) to permits its creation to suffer by extinguish each other for their own personal benefits. If there is such a thing as an omnibenevolent, omnipotent holy being how come the ultimate and unescapable suffering is this world has no vanish. How good is a god(s) that permits humanity to suffer greatly? In religious Christian Bible study, Jesus, many times referred to as god, vanish evil from
William Rowe defines gratuitous evil as an instance of intense suffering which an omnipotent, omniscient being could have prevented without thereby losing some greater good or permitting some evil equally bad or worse.(Rowe 335) In a world with so much evil it raises the questions If God is all powerful, all knowing and all good, how can he allow bad things to happen to good people? Can God even exist in a world with so such gratuitous evil? These are questions that has afflicted humanity for a very long time and has been the question to engross theologians for centuries. The existence of evil has been the most influential and powerful reason to disprove the existence of God. It is believed among many theist that God is the creator and caretaker
The existence of God is something that most people take for granted. In your upbringing you are taught that God is the most supreme being, the creator of all, infinite and eternal. Taking into account the type of society in which we live in and the fact that it is usually our parents who teach us about God, most people do not even question his existence. Many philosophers who believe in God have tried to prove his existence using many different types of argument. One of these arguments is the ontological argument. It was made famous by the 11th century philosopher Anselm. The ontological argument has three properties: 1. It is an a priori argument. 2. It treats existence as a property. 3. It is
What is the idea of perfection? The idea of perfection changes frequently through social media. In number one selling songs such as “Anaconda”, “Dear Future Husband”, “All About That Bass” etc. woman sing about how people should act and look like to get somewhere in life, or to get a man or a woman to like them. Most of these songs are aimed at women and tell them how they should change and act to be the “ideal” woman in today's society. Not only are songs changing the idea of perfection for everyone in the world, it’s also“idols” such as celebrities that also effect the idea of perfection, this is highly influential through their social media by showing their fans getting implants using waist trainer etc. makes you more beautiful. A waist
Perhaps the answer is that we will really never know. Prominent figures of both the bible and the church have pondered for centuries on why God allows sufferings to exist and what he gains from its existence. None of them were able to come up with a concrete and satisfactory answer, concluding that God’s reasoning and intentions is beyond our human comprehension. St. Augustine is happy with resigning to faith and believing without proof. This is in contrast to Job, who demanded that God answers his questions and explain himself. The fact that God admonished Job for wanting an explanation to how God operates only solidifies the idea that God cannot be and does not want to be scrutinized by our human
Or should the question be: which meaning does it have in our society? Is it even possible to reach perfection, or is it something out of the hands of a human being? It is true that perfection is something everybody strives for, to help them succeed in the things they propose for their lives. Many people aspire to be perfect in different ways, it could be a mother, a student, a teacher or even an artist with that desire of reaching perfection, but do we know the real meaning of this word? According to the dictionary one of its meanings is “a quality, trait, or feature of the highest degree of excellence.” (Dictionary, 2013) Excellence and perfection are far from being the same; which is why many people say it is impossible to be perfect but possible to reach Excellency, because perfection is supposed to exist as an abstraction of our minds, but not to be attainable in the physical world. (Wais, 2010)