Sports are a big part of my life. As a person, I am very competitive and I love watching sports almost as much as I love playing them. My two main athletic passions are softball and baton twirling. I’ve been playing softball since I was four, and nothing has been able to tear me from the field ever since. I love the fast pace of the game, every at-bat is exhilarating, and I always am hoping the ball will come to me on defense. I have met many of my best friends through softball, and I love the opportunity to be able to work and play a team sport with amazing people and friends. Along with softball, I also enjoy basketball and football. My basketball career was brief (due to my shortness), but I follow the NBA and I’m a Warriors and Celtics fan. I have always kind of wished I could play football, but I enjoy watching the Packers and Broncos, and follow college football-go Hawks! Sports are a big part of my life, and I can thank sports for an abundance of memories and years of fun. My other, more uncommon sport I compete in is baton twirling. Twirling is a very rare and complex sport that not many compete in, and for that reason, I am known to some as “that twirler girl”. Baton is like smashing different types of dance, gymnastics, and aerobics into one, then adding one or a few, silver sticks. It’s an incredibly physically-demanding activity that requires a lot of practice, perseverance, and patience. I started twirling at age three, so this is is going to be my
I have always played sports. Softball, soccer, and swimming before I started kindergarten, later, basketball and volleyball. My passion is and always has been softball. I love competing and being able to make friendships and memories with my teammates that will last a lifetime.
Sports have been a huge part of my life ever since I was about five years old. It has impacted my life so much. The biggest challenge that I faced was with my injuries during basketball and soccer season. I recently had to quit soccer and basketball, which was difficult for me.
By sports I mean like playing a sport in a team or just really enjoying sports. I started playing soccer since I was 7 now i'm 15 and still play soccer. Soccer is not just my passion it's mostly everyone's passion. I feel like soccer is my Cultural identity because It something that I have been doing for a very long time and feel that it belongs in my culture. That's one of the reasons why i feel like that is
Sports is my way of challenging my body and myself. There is great joy being on a team oriented sport and a more individual sport track. Playing a mix of sports expands my skill set and keeps things interesting.
The concept of natural justice is sustaining procedural fairness and protecting the rights of individuals. Everyone has the right to be heard and to have a fair and speedy trial. The Landlord and Tenant Board allows the parties to present their issues in front of an un-biased arbitrator, which ensures they are getting fair results. The board officers are knowledgeable in the field and are impartial to the parties, giving both sides a chance to present their case. The Landlord and Tenant Board is beneficial because it is cheaper and faster compared to the traditional court system. The Landlord and Tenant Board is beneficial because it is cheaper and faster compared to the traditional court system. The tribunals application cost varies for the landlord, and tenants, depending
My very favorite sport to play is rodeo. Rodeo is such a great sport I love it for the adrenalin rush the people and all the life skill that com with it you would be amazed by the stuff you could
Imagine a really embarrassing moment or a time that resulted in a lot of trouble. Does it bring on chills or a shudder? Most people understand everyone makes mistakes in their life, though, like saying or doing that one thing they know they should not which got them into a lot of trouble. Fortunately, it is typical that people have a parent or parent figure in their life to tell them what they are doing is wrong and why so next time they learn and make the right decision or do not do it again.
I was running down the field against Inter Lakes biggest rival Moultonborough. As the ball floats through the air heading towards the goalie I know I can reach, but I knew it would be close. As I approached the now rolling ball, I realize that the goalie would make it just before me. Desperate for a goal I go to the last resort and decide to slide for the ball. I slide as quickly as possible which resulted in me getting the slightest of touch on the ball that it slips past the goalie. I now realized that I had a chance to score the goal I had worked for since the beginning of the game. With the goalie out of position, I go to propel my body back up with my hand. As my hand hits the frozen fall ground it bent back and the sound of my bone braking ran through my body.
I have always loved sports ever since I was a little kid. Some of my earliest memories are of playing soccer with my friends on a wet, cold spring day or hitting a ball off of a tee and feeling like it went a mile, when in reality it only went about fifty feet. Even to this day I still can never get enough of sports. I get about four weeks off out of the entire year where I’m not technically in a sport, but I’m still always practicing and trying to get better because that’s the only way I know. I love everything about sports: the friendships, the competition, the passion, the atmosphere, the unity. Sports are one of my true loves and they consume my life. It is this strong desire that I have for sports that has driven me to want to pursue a
Softball has been my passion for as long as long as I can remember. I started playing in first grade and joined a club team in forth grade. The sport has established numerous friendships that I will cherish for the rest of my life. Softball has taught me anythings. From sportsmanship to leadership skill, I now have many skills that will benefit me in the future. I will always be grateful for the sport because I have witnessed so many experiences that I probably would not have if I did not play the
I have always enjoyed being involved in school activities. By the end of my high school career, I will have played volleyball and golf all four years. Although I was never the superstar or the best on the team for either sport, I always enjoyed playing and being supportive of my teammates. Getting involved with a team and making new friends has been half the fun. Not only do I play sports, but I also enjoy attending other sporting events. My favorite two sports to watch are football and basketball. While in third grade, I cheered on the 2004 Indian football team to a victory during the State game at Camp Randall. In 2012, I supported both the girls’ and boys’ basketball
Sport is incredible in how it can increase confidence, self-esteem, and overall health while teaching children a new ability of working with others as a team, taking direction, and doing things they never thought possible. I want to be able to show what sports is capable of teaching and the rewards that come along with it. The concept of team reveals what is achievable through solidarity that would be impossible in solitary.
Softball is very good sport. It's fun, crazy, and you get to make cool songs. I like softball for all those reasons and more. Lie, you get to hit things, run, slide so basically I like it because there's a lot of action.
For someone who frequently jokes about hating sports, I sure do have a lot of medals. Growing up, I was constantly involved in one, if not more, sports at a single time. I couldn 't seem to stick to one sport, however. My participation in some lasted far longer than in others, but I either eventually grew uninterested or put another extracurricular first, leaving another behind. Below is a list some of the sports in which I was involved, in reverse order based on how much I cared about them.
volleying with a wall! Even though I had never thought of myself as the sports type, I was rather good at